Saturday, August 11, 2012

Do you truly have the dedication to be a tow truck operator?

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Many think that the adrenalin rush and all is all there is to toewing. Fact is , that emergency rush is only a minute part of our spectrum.

When the call goes out you have to be ready, and available. If you’re a small to medium company, forget days off, holidays, always dry warm nights and days.

Had a new hire, called him to go on a tow. Thing is both he and his pal were at the ones mothers. Fine, but we had a tow. I grabbed my duds went out did the job. As any good toew owner should and needs to do. Over the last 25 years I can count on one hand the times I have had a true day off. That I did not have toew duty or kept myself in driving response range to answer a toew call. I can also count on one hand the times I have been able to just sit and enjoy a movie in a theater, or a dinner out, without being in a rush or being responded to a toew.

For many of us, its our passion. Mine came at age 15, when I sat in my first tow truck, the cab got bright as any noon day sun, there was absolute silence, except for angel harps, I felt a peace that I had never felt b4, a hand on my shoulder told me where I was at, was just what I should do. Since then towing is all I have and do live for. From the very foundation of the Knytes, to my own life, the basic is simple, it all revolves around one truck, my truck, LexiBelle my tow truck and all that she represents. I have half joked that I’d divorce a woman b4 I’d get rid of LexiBelle. The reality is more accurate than just joking. LexiBelle has been with me for all the times of my life, she was in the parking lot when I had heart surgery, she’s been at all my weddings, she’s been with me in every place I have lived from Hazzard to Provo, to Wyoming , to Boise, back here to Burley. LexiBelle is why Nurse Goodbody, is so dear to me since she helped rescue LexiBelle when an un scrupulous shop owner held her hostage.

The list is long, but for every step, its been LexiBelle there.

So the question is asked again, Do you have the dedication to be a tow truck operator/owner? If not, step aside for those of us who do.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Encouragement is like a premium gasoline - it helps to take knocks out of living.
Psalm 119:14“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”

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