So you are about to meet the beauty of your dreams, Her torso is so curvy, her breasts not big, not small , just right, her nipples just perky, her legs are ultra grand then you get to her feet, are they free of blemishes, corns, hammertoes ? Do they smell like roses or lilacs or are they so dry , patchy and smell like someone just opened a bag of corn chips?
One of the most important parts of a lady that I look at, and admire and is key in my screening for TV talent for HazzardAyre and especially Cooter’s Toewing is the gals feet. In nylons or not, I think, are they the delicate little gems with toes so sweet you could just lap em up in hot chocolate, if so the gal has a plus in our auditions, and in my personal searches. If not, I usually pass.
The feet are a view into a gals self esteem. If a woman cares enough to moisten and take care of their feet and toes they care enough to make themselves unforgettable, and that’s important. If a gal remembers to wear good looking leggings, nylons etc, they are the kind of woman that cares about going the distant and giving attention to detail. The gal or model that doesn’t care about her peds and all , is the gal or model talent that doesn’t care about themselves much or has something to hide. This means She’ll not be good details in a production or remembering . And this can create havoc on a days shoot.
Let me outline this in three examples.
1st and of course there is Robin, Miss Dixie-Diesel 1993. Her name was Robin, she applied at our Rupert Idaho shop/studio in 1992. She read a two maybe three lined ad, she called I told her what was needed, she came in, of course in a skirt, heels, nylons. Her feet were manicured, sweet smelling and it was very easy to work with her. Then there was the ad to welcome The Dukes, in their first reunion movie on CBS. We booked air time , thought we had one talent from one agency , the agency opted out, so we in desperation I found a gal at Barbizon Models in Salt Lake City. The gal was the owners daughter. The day of the shoot, she shows, but it was snowing. So she came in, in tennis shoes, cotton socks covering her nyloned feet and toes. Needless to say her feet were pew. After take 35 and me throwing up, we had the scene in can and aired, but no way would I work with her again.
Then there is our Miss Nurse GoodBody, Erin. She answered an ad from us in Gooding Idaho. She called to set an interview/audition, when I mentioned toes in hose, her only two questions were stockings or Pantyhose? But when she got there, her feet and all were clean, sweet and a treat. She was not offended by her feet or toes. She became our main foot person>
I worked with her and still do from time to time although these days she’s busy with school, and children and medical career. But She did what was required, she showed she cared about the project, and I knew she would because she took care of her feet, toes and wasn’t stuck up about allowing someone to touch them, or interact with her feet/toes. That meant to me most anything else was easy for her to get into and I knew she was not introverted.
So next time your looking at that special lady ask the question to yourself, does she have pretty feet and toes, and/or do they smell ? If good you have a good lady, if not stay away from her.
Until we see each other on air tonight overnight, the afternoon show has been cancelled due to some tech glitches, but we’ll be in the cab of your truck and your computer and Iphone, starting at 11:00PM.
Quote of the Day:
ARH!! I found it!
Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |