Before I get into the rant here, let me resolve a audition/interview thing that came up.
See this dear gal from Farmington Utah, has been coming to the office/studio here off and on, and not being happy with me not being here.
With that in your talons let me explain this, this way. Of all the projects I do for the clubs both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez, the radio gig here and all, myself , I don’t get paid one single penny for. Nothing. Oh I suppose if I pushed the issue the club would start paying me a percentage of ad sales or something, but I never got into this gig to make money, I got into it for the causes for why it exists to begin with,.
So to put food on my mini table, and a roof over my head and not being one that relishes authority, I run my own business’. A vehicle recovery transport business some call a toewing service, and a agricultural aviation business. Both of those keep me jumping. I am constantly running , I have not slowed down ever since at age 19 through much effort Mom bought in part, me from wages, but once I got LexiBelle> I have been toewing. With LexiBelle having 12 siblings>
now its even more so , scheduling drivers, hiring, firing, maintaining equipment which one LiL Wolf, my service truck>
needs a bunch of work that I never have time for. But the toew service comes first. If there’s a need for my company to fetch a wreck or disabled ryde, its I go. Rarely does anyone schedule these things. Accidents, bad weather causes many, if I need to go toew, the radio gig, and models and all the rest gets put on the shelf for a few hours or days.
Then there’s AyreWolf Aviation. Started in 2003 under the eye of two kin folk, during the summer we are in 3 states constantly spraying fields. That keep our farmers productive. It’s called earning a living. While my weight and diabetes has grounded me for 6 months, I’m still turning a wrench on all the birds we own. Then there is the condition of age. Back when I was in my early 20’s to mid 40’s going what seemed like 30 hours or near 3 days straight was no biggy. I barely slept then, but didn’t want to. These days, I usually take Tuesdays and Thursdays off from what ever I’m doing including this radio gig, to just kick back rest and sleep. Sure there are those that say sleep is for dead people, but I’m not wanting to hurry the latter. I’d like to make at least 89 years old before I punch out and join Mom & Dad in the great hangar in the sky.
Which leads me to the rant.
A year ago this month, the club and I sat down and it was determined to save my health that , albeit reluctantly , but it was decided that I needed to take on a few employees outside the club. Sure the other club members help okay, but nearly 80% of them are deployed and not able to do much. The ones here, are busy doing their own day jobs as they call it, to feed their own families. So we search for people.
The other day I thought we had one who could be groomed for a stand in and associate producer at the end of her internship. But she failed the audition , and I guess I pushed a bit much on the kissing toe thing. For some odd reason that makes most women nervous. I don’t understand it, its not like I’m asking to do the animal thing, its just kissing a musk smelling toe. It’s a part of a gig, long ago that I use as a test. If an applicant has the vigor and not be uptight about that, then she’ll be more open to doing the rest of what we do on air, on camera etc, if she’s got too many inhibitions to even do the toe kiss, thing at a cold audition, then she’s not going to fit in with me nor any of the other club members, she’ll appear to preppy, and thus it’ll look bad on me and the radio gig.
Still to have two people walk in that could do all this prep work and fill in on air would be fantastic. The idea of HazzardAyre unlike other online offerings such as Pandora, or IHeart Music, is to have a Live, I mean LIVE person or two, preferably two , male female, in the studio on air. Taking a page out of Howard Stern’s book. His career was built on having a person that he could work off of. In my early days on radio I didn’t really want to have anyone in the studio, as I felt it took away some of the intimacy between me and my audience. But I saw Stern> gain altitude with his female co-anchor Robin Quivers>
and I thought what works for Howard, might work for HazzardAyre.
As far as needing models for video projects, the need is threefold, one we need some real hot as well as pin up style shots to build the website that’ll be the foundation for HazzardAyre. So I want visual there. So need models for that. Then there is the infamous AyreWolvez as well as the hot trucks calendars , the videos and of course the TV ads to get more folks to tune into HazzardAyre. Having someone that could step into the studio, that could be on air as well as model like Jessica yesterday would be keen. But it’ll most likely be one or the other. It’d be nice too, if I could find a model recruiter as well as an associate producer/on air person. The bottom line is I’m one person, the years are catching up , and I’m not able to do this solo as much as I used to, considering my other personal operations, Cooter’s A1 Toewing and of course AyreWolf Aviation .
I just pray we can find some people soon, because there really needs to be some relief or they’re going to be hauling me out of this studio one day in a body bag on a stretcher, burned out completely.
As I close this getting ready to go live on air, if a talent either on air or model wants to secure a spot in our crew, the tip is come here in nylons, skirt, heels.
See you on the Radio.
Quote of the Day:
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt
Psalm 121:1-2“A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |