Friday, January 1, 2016

one of a few nights I'm taking the time off and relaxing and SpeedWrench returns

This is one of the few nights that this old Wolf is taking the night off of radio and taking a few hours to myself and catching some sleep and doing some serious thinking. There are changes coming and they are welcome changes. While I may or may not be in Wyoming or not depends on weather, budget and/or attitude, and it wont be for a few months. However I can tell you that the exit light is about to get lit and I'm getting my butt out of Evanston. I'm not saying Evanston is all bad, and there are some fine people here, but the industrious momentum is just not here. Somebody after the oil wells and all blew out of here a few years ago, the economic blanket got pulled out from under this town, and between, reputation that is undeserved, to a Planning and zoning Commissioner in city government, I'm drowning in seas of debt and such that the shop and all might just be a thing I got to get out from under or I'll drown. 
As such my vision is dimming and getting really foggy when it comes to Evanston, and while an immediate retreat to Idaho might be an option, perhaps a advancement might be to move east instead of West, where past mistakes and all are not known, and reputation, not as tarnished if known at all. 
I need a place to drop anchor of at least 50k population, not these dinky go nowhere mini towns. I need to be able to go snag food in a cafe or diner at 23:00 to 02:00 hours if I want to , get Skoal at 04:00 and so on, not have to drive to 3 places if one is out of Skoal, and where if I want and have the money to go and blow money at a bikini bar, or see a stock car race. 
Now one last thing, we are moving towards refiring SpeedWrench Toewing back up as such, you will begin seeing and hearing a new channel of ours on Livestream, called SpeedWrench Radio. 
See ya'll in the morning, I'm horizontal