Before ya'll think I've went all geeky and Treky remove the thought from your thoughts. But there is a foundation to the terms used herein and that date back to mid 1999 earth solar year. Long before that in 1994 a quilt was constructed for me called the Eagle-Star Quilt. Its name comes from an ancient tribal native American quilt by the same name. Now as this relates at the time there was a need to merge StarWest Oil, and Iron Eagle Xpress together under a new company as Iron Eagle Xpress had been sold. Under the direction of the Montgomery Foundation board Trustee Bud Sant had directed that a new company be created. The quilt had the name so EagleStar Xpress, along with EagleStar air service . In 1999 earth solar year AyreWolf Aviation had replaced EagleStar Air Service, so at the time the company was renamed EagleWolf Inc. Retaining EagleStar Xpress. A 25 truck 18 trailer LTL trucking company and flying company. SpeedWrench and Highway Hooker Toewing was created in the beginning as fleet support priority units of EagleWolf Inc. With the death of Trustee Bud Sant in 2013 a new company was born called SouthernEagle Xpress, and blended with AyreWolf Aviation and so it is EagleWolf Inc. is today. In this section of HazzardAyre Gazzette, I will report the news of the company EagleWolf Inc.
How Starfleet is mixed in, in my next entry.