If you don't tell lies about me , I wont tell the truth about you
Good morning friends it is Monday morning and I am in good spirits, just letting my pants dry so I can get dressed and get this day going. Seems though some days you can't get it into second even if you double clutch it.
Saw a bunch of garbage on a former FaceBook group i subscribed to. The group was supposed to be for those who haul cattle and livestock, which I do part time, yes one of many things I do to keep food on my table. What I rapidly found was a bunch of posts that are, not were , but are porn or porn related. With very little to do with bull hauling. Or trucking. So I did what one should do when faced with such things, I unsubscribed. Now I need to interject this , because it has changed my way of thinking. Years ago, seeing something sexually related was a hey great they're breaking the great barrier, today, after going to Church, the love of one family to me who belong to the church and serve our Ward, our Bishop, who I think could nearly walk on water, I see things so much differently. Sure I love tastefully done pics and photos of women with trucks, bikes, aircraft and so on, but when it has to do with outright exhibitions of body parts, except for legs, and such, I must turn away. I also don't like sexually related discussions of things crude. There is a vast gap, between the discussion, of relationships and such topics, and just being trashy. The trashy side, I'm no longer into, and the attitude of both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez is equal. For example, this is permissable
This is not
If that is what your into, your not into things Hazzard County and should just pass us on bye. This is what we call sexy
This is not
Okay then let's move on here. Turned on RFDTV, this morning after going through all too many news or what I call tabloid news networks. All talking about Trump, and Clinton and so on. Bullsbreath. This election season has been roughly volatile to say the least. Quite frankly, I wouldn't vote for any of these clowns. It's a Presidential run based on stardom rather than correcting the ills that challenge this nation. So as I watched RFDTV , and seeing the plugs for writing the FCC to preserve that channel, I look at the related emails, I wrote even going all the way back to 2009 when the Knytes and I wanted to air membership recruiting and company ads on RFDTV. We were shut down, flat with comments relating to our exploiting of women, yet they air, HeeHaw. Not saying anything bad against HeeHaw, I still say that a new version of HeeHaw could be done today. New scripts, new story lines, yet RFDTV said no. Well how many times over the last 6 years, have you heard that RFDTV has been dropped from cable systems, and stations, like KBAX out of Twin Falls Idaho, to now being given the boot completely? Maybe the CEO of RFDTV might want to give us a call and join not fight the Knytes. Now this on that; RFDTV says they are on air 24/7/365 for rural America, they ain't. RFDTV shuts off at 01:00 (1:00AM) and runs infomercials all night. Who is on 24/7/365? HazzardAyre Radio and Dixie-Nation TV. Finally I want to close with this. I get all too many people that tell me that there is no place called Hazzard Idaho, well my friends, here's Hazzard Idaho's main street
Welcome to Hazzard Idaho the way America was and longs to be, today. HazzardAyre on air this afternoon.