Before I get into my usual Rant here, I say, Forgive them Yankees Lord for they know not what they do.
So it's now Friday, last Wednesday, our associate Mo, was all hip, on the idea of sliding into a side pocket here at HazzardAyre Radio. Guess what, no return phone call, no further consultation of who to contact on the office/studio place so I could negotiate a rental, or such from either Mo nor Pam. Oh well. It's like I have always said, and I'll say it again, and I'm thinking its either a combination or one of a singular piece, but the cold, and gloom here in Evanston , must enter their minds and their brain fluid, slows as they don't stop to think, it's one thing to piss me off, but piss off a Knyte, or a member of the WolfPack of the AyreWolvez, and you just done gone and pissed off 49,999 other members who in loyalty will now no longer do business with you. 500 of those live in and near here in Evanston. Those have gorown or near grown son's daughters who, have daughters and husbands that have independent business's and families that now also will not do business with that person, who just pissed me off. The Knytes/AyreWolvez are that loyal, and close knit enough . Again, I say to Mo, Pam and anybody else, be nice to me and the Reaper Crew or see any business that might have come your way evaporate.
Okay then, the brief story about the AyreWolvez. I was asked once asked to define or describe the AyreWolvez in a short sentence with few words. The AyreWolvez are bikers with wings that fly. That may sound simplistic, but that is us in a very short burst. Back in 1999 I was residing in a complex in Jerome Idaho. After binge watching the hit TV show based loosely on the squadron from which I served in, I heard overhead two F4U Corsairs
thinking I had watched too much BlackSheep Squadron on TV thought I was just dreaming, but the two came back over on their final to Jerome County's airport. So I went out turned my aviation radio in my truck and call in to the tower there, so I put down my idea of breakfast in town, and followed those birds to their perch . Once I got there and figured out where those birds were roosting, went inside that hangar, and saw, not one, not two, but 4 F4U Corsairs sitting inside, ready to fly and do battle with two others in reconstruction. So I asked the owner of the restoration company how much one went for, he replied about a half million bucks and up. Mostly from very well off collectors. All of a sudden a bell went off inside my crainium measuring against my turning a wrench for $50k, or so against a million bucks or close to on restoring military aircraft. Just as the Knytes was organized to enhance and support the Hazzard Garage, I thought what about bringing a few of us wingnuts together, and open a facility to restore military warbird aircraft. Since many of us either flew or still fly for mostly Marine and Navy air combat squadrons,. This is something I told that meeting that following night in 2000, since the Knytes had conqured everything on land how about snagging some air? So in 2001 the Black Sheep Aviation Association was formed as a part of or kin organization to The Knytes, -of-Dixie, aka Hazzard County Knytes(Knights) . In 2003 when the new leadership of the Knytes was sworn in and on the threshold of founding of AyreWolf Aviation Repair and Restoration, in Woods Cross Utah and Twin Falls Idaho, that the name of our air unit was changed to reflect my company's name and the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association was born, nobody has looked back since. This is the reason that in most if not all things related to both organizations, that Golden pilots wings are displayed somehow. The Knytes are parented by the AyreWolvez, and that's why it takes so long to get things okayed and processed. Which can be costly delays, but those delays, can make you stand back and say are you sure you want to do this or that? Just like a new groom, might look at his new bride after the night before and ask himself, are you sure you want to live with that person for the rest of your life?
Whether its civilians or Yankees we ask the question as Jesus did on the cross when his eyes rose, and asked Heavenly Father, Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. For this and I will close, Why is it that certain people just be honest, and just say, I'm no longer interested? Or make a phone call and say the same thing. Honesty contains the word honor, and if you have none or very little of that, neither the Knytes nor the AyreWolvez have little to nothing to do with you.
L8R Aviators