Early in my years in our Church, the idea of female missionaries was unheard of. I'm sure there was some, but I never knew any different. However here in the Shangrala of ETown Wyoming, we have a set of female Missionaries that of one is a rather super fox. Member or not, there ain't many male corpuscles worth their conoles that would refuse taking lessons from these two especially the curly dark haired one. She did the usual customary hand shake, don't know what bubble gum flavored stuff she had on her hands but dang they sure did smell purrtty, and now my right paw smells flowerly as well.
Okay then was reading in one of my trade publications, of a coalition getting up some steam out of Washington State, on thwarting the intellectual theft on facebook.
Seems some photographers, film studios, models and actors acctress's are bitching about the unauthorized use of their images in and on some questionable pages and posting in some groups. From what I read this coalition is planning a big class action law suit against both facebook for allowing it as well as the individual posters. This coalition is also aiming at Pinterest as well./ Don't own the pic? Didn't create the pic or post, best not post it as the fake news and copyright police are out in droves. They plan on taking down as many sites as they can. As an example; did you notice that if your using Google Chrome, that the old logos at the bottom of your blog posts no longer have the ways to instantly post the your entries? Same with YouTube, if you can't prove you own the content, you'll get tons and tons of warnings to not use copyrighted music. After awhile if you do , you either get banned from YouTube or your content does, or it gets restricted. That's why I don't post our radio shows on YouTube anymore. Even though as a bonefide broadcaster, that pays north of $2,million a year for use fees, still who do you call to say your mistaken? You can't its a big hasstle, so why bother?
Got in touch with Alesha last night. Don't know if it was a fluke, but she sure has a sweet voice, watch and tune in for her on upcoming HazzardAyre Radio shows. Can't wait till she gets here this weekend. Just hope she smells as sweet as the Missionary.