Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Let's play the Hazzard County Trivia Game?
Do I have a big sign on my butt or on a defraud me list somewhere?
Ever wonder how these fraudsters get your name and online 411? I have had 3 attempts to bleed me of green from my jeans over this past week. One came from some dillweed in Australia somewhere, when I questioned her, or him more I got just enough information that I hung its ass. Then got this gal named Petit(naw she tweren't Petite) went along for just about a week, but with a bit of taunting, guess what? Busted. Heck the gal couldn't even produce the same Mini Skirt that she lured me in with. Heck if you're going to commit fraud or embezzlement, at least remember your script and your bait. Be consistent. I did a reverse photo lookup, on Google, its a porn queen named Danielle. Couldn't they do a better job finding a pic for bait? Makes you wonder how many guys have fallen for this trap? I bet many. With much of the planet undergoing a near financial meltdown, many of these 3rd and 4th sized nations, are getting these gals to hustle, if they even are a woman for them. Remember two years ago? That Charlene, Ingram that nearly rolled me over? She hit me with compliments, sweet talk, the works. But then she hit me with a phone card request. She wanted $150.00 I gave her one for $50.00. Now as the crack smoker on TV says, That's not all, and if you, act now, she wanted me to fork out for a cell phone, yup, I did that too. It was always something. The reality was that I wanted confirmation of receipt. So she gave me an email address on Yahoo. Found out it wasn't even a her. Guess where he is spending still his Christmas? Leavenworth. Now too, this new Philly from Philly, did several things wrong. Sent me a sort of copy of her drivers license. Turns out it ain't even a real DL, nor the real number. Checked her OLN, came back stolen or none existent. I don't think that many of these short cakes, think of the close relationship, we in towing have with cops. Law enforcement are our bread and butter. And it's nice to have them on your side when you need a favor or two. This was one of those. And finally, an outfit called NCG says they are a Government Agency. In the UK? Really are they that stupid? I gave em a bunch of BS. Let you know what's happening, but hold onto your wallets and watch facebook, which can't be trusted anyhow, as the times are lean, few have any green, and they want to launder money through you. Don't bite, oops, byte.
Friday, November 12, 2021
tHIS IS FROM fILE a-56-w
This is from A-56-W. Used to love that intro. Still do, when I can get it. Been off-air and offline a bit too much lately, started exactly last Wednesday. Went home, to catch a few Z's when I started hurling. And hurling, which required a trip to the local ER. Now I have to say that first night wasn't so bad. A great little and sweet LPN, named Mallory, with my kind of spiral permed hair, made me feel like a stud. Come, that Friday I was ready to get out of there as fast as my legs or a ride could take me. First I got IVs in places I didn't think I had veins, by a bunch of amateurs, who most likely haven't gave an IV before, much less find a vein in the dark, or near dark. Then got a Till-of-the Hun, whose bedside manner was more DS, than a medical LPN. By last Saturday I again was glad to be outta there. But that's not everything. For the last week, strength as far as being awake let a lone being able to air a show was not an option. Just had no energy.
As long as I've been a member of the predominant religion of this area, which is from birth, I have yet to see a passage of scripture that says, thall shalt not be a model, or Thalt Shalt not be a pinup girl, actress, etc. Nor have I read anywhere that says admiring, certain parts of a female human's anatomy. Why not marvel at the wonders of God's work? Yet as much as I express the desire of my nose against toes in nylon hose, I'm persecuted beyond belief. BABS, said it best once, that just because I desire the aroma of the pheete, don't make me a freak, it just makes me unique. However, the limited scope of view of local feminazi's I'm worse than worst. But I'm pushing away from that table more. After all, if you can't have it, don't crave it.
More on tonight's show.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
But have they or why didn't they ask the op-ed from or to, someone in the industry?
Now watch and see if the bigs and bigots don't prune this blog post.
We all know that we have a freight moving problem. Every day I see posts, and TV news blurps, on how the ports are jammed. Whatever issues our American back-bone the American Trucker, is facing, we're facing. No matter what you have materialistically, was once in the back of a 50-foot trailer. Trouble is these news outlets, including but not limited to Newsmax and others, when have they went, to not just I here in the Iron Knytes Association, But too, how about bringing on such notable authorities as Todd Spencer of OOIDA, How about someone from Overdrive, Or ATA? None of them have I seen. And wasn't I who barked, about the lack of Trucking/Transportation policy in the last election, both Dems and Repubs? The same warning came from me about the lack of attention being given to Farm policy. Does anyone know who in the hell is our AGricultural Secretary? I have no idea. And I'm usually front page on this issue. Sure we all go to the polls, we also vote, or at least we try, hell the polls where I vote was closed by the time I got there. Yes, closed. Funny Utah doesn't close polls until 20:00. Here it's 17:00 Hours. Most peeps don't get home from work, until 18:00. Sure a look at when and where the deets on polls closing is needed. The fact that no matter task, people don't want to work, even mundane work. Like sitting in a chair by a voter table, checking registrations. Nor those who shuffle absentee ballots, to get them in the mail, at a time and in time, for a vote to be counted? Hell, I didn't get my mail-in ballot until two days after the frigging election. Before ya'll go off on either political party and those elected, ask simply, What the F-k, did you do? Do you get involved, do you attend city council meetings, do you howl for rural states rights? I speak up for both small-town rural America, as well as I do for my Confederate rural brethren. I'm flat tired, and tired of hearing from so many crying in their soup, when they do nothing. In front of me I have a control console, I write blogs, and I howl Every day and knyte(oops night) about the slam sham on every person, that breaks a sweat for a living, that gets grease and oil on their skins and who, breathe in every fume, from diesel fuel, or old lady perfume in the stores. The Farmers, Truckers, and yes us who spread nutrients over farm fields the ag aviators, (which AyreWolf Aviation does), the thing is, what have You
done? Have or has anyone dropped a coin in a phone and rang my bell, saying how can I help? When have any of you outside of the Knytes, and/or, the WolfPack came over to the studios and said can we volunteer? Can we work on equity stock? No. When has any one of you dropped a check in the mail, saying we support you? No. So quit snibbling as to the boo-whooing, of those who make noise, but never have anything substance to the cause. To those who wimper, including the mainstream, press including Newsmax, who says they are news for real people, rural America, must not be in that group, since no one from either trucking, towing, or agriculture, has been asked to be guests on the news blots, on Newsmax, FoX News, any of them.
This next election run I'm voting 102% CSP, aka Confederate States Party, to get elected to President, Bo Duke to the Presidency of these U.S. of A States.
I'm on the air at 23:00 on
Friday, October 22, 2021
You might have Noticed, something different here; Well this is Hazzard County
You might have noticed something different here, Well this is Hazzard County. We are a rebel crew of Marine Combat Aviators that belong together as a Confederate MC(Motorcycle Club).
That's my intro, now for the Stinkee News. Yesterday and today, I have been hovering over thoughts of, lyrics from a AC/DC, tune. You want blood? You got it.
It first started with an employee from a local stop & rob, called Oasis. Really? Now if the throw-off was strictly from the young lady that would be one thing, the bridge was blown up, by a supervisor there. Guess what She is going to find out that SHE can be replaced, and what happens when you bite the paw of a Wolf. You just don't do that, but nope, that ain't all. Nope. Apparently, being kind and doing as Jesus would do, is no longer allowed in our nation, and even our own community of Twin Falls Idaho. Was making friends with a bunch of hobbyist nail, lash, what - ever, salon. I have another just down the hall. Now up to this point, I have gotten along with all in the building. It was not I that strolled in here overnight, with her guy-pal, in shorter than short shorts. It was not I felt un easy about her sticking her nose in our studio's, and three, when asked if I could read her magazines on her outside her door at first she said okay. Now yesterday she got to barking, all the way to the property manager here. We all know what happens to Rats. Quoting President Trump, in a paraphrase, The fake world just don't get it, do they? But it doesn't stop there nope. Thought I had made friends and peace, so I'm going to lay this down front-faced. There's a Mom, Daughter, and grandaughter, that I sit by in Church, that will change soon. Thought they too were kind, and all. Really? Then come to it, her daughter, thought that I wanted to get cozy with her. First, her daughter is not physically compatible with or for me. For me, My ideal lady would have to have the body of April Scott>
The personality of Daisy Duke, along with mechanical and southern peaches a dreams, of Gretchen Wilson;
for me to even get interested, and the scents of sense of my phoote fetishes. beyond the setup, of the clannish setup of some idiotic matrimony, BS. I'm just not in a frame of mind to entertain, any kind of he & she relationships beyond being just casual friendship. I feel that like the rest of this nation, has became so corrupt, clickish, that I have no interest in either one. In fact, my pledge is to the Knytes(you), the WolfPack(again you), and the Nation of Dixie. Past that America can collapse under the weight of its own arrogance, and ignorance. Sex without feeling, or lust without trust, is about at least to me, is simply a bodily function, like going in and pinching off a log (going pooping) If I need that kind of release is needed, a hot warm hand and/or a trip with a visit, to the Sugar Shack, in Wells Nevada. After Janice, I have no interest in going through that again, moreover the amount of pain and destruction of Shelly Nesbit aka PoohBear, that I'm just starting to finally climbing out of that pit, after being ran two clicks from bankruptcy. It was only through an LDS Bishop in Jerome, one in Burley, and an incredible shrink from the VA. Albeit I have to drive to Utah to go see. My Shrink is a Lt. Colonel, USMC, aviator that understands that while a Marine may be kind. Still, there is but only one response that can be given, to those that wish to push they're agenda onto a Marine of the WolfPack
In the Ayre at 09:00 on the air at 04:00 See ya'll then. and in closing, Mr. Nice guy, left the building.

Thursday, October 21, 2021
This is what we do and why we are. The uniform may have came off but our serving never stopped.
This hazz been a day from hell. It started, from the posale at Albertson's. The level of complete stupid was there by the gallons. Aren't you glad about the self-checkouts? Why? Because at least the AI in those automated machines, since many times there are more idiots still ringing up sales on a register. Once I got that done, came to the studio. Where in, after commenting on a few news sound-bites, the little tattle tale down the hall, got disturbed. Hey, what I bark and howl, about in my studio, with a much; longer lease, than she does wants to comment about something on our station, I'm going to. But and I have ran into this before. I recall a lady that worked at a wireless IP, in Evanston Wyoming. Whereby, by commenting that she did a fantastic job, and being congenial, was accused of being threatening. Really saying someone does a good job, is threatening? To date, I couldn't sign up for service although who in their right minds would, butt in today's society you can't be kind, congenial, or even offer to help, without some person, getting their tampon out of joint. So after that fiasco, and brethren, the feminists are coming after you too. Outside of my sphere, I've seen it many times and through many other realms. Take, for instance, both Facebook, and Twitter are the worst. If your a hottie that posts everything to everything else in a photo, on their platforms nothing or very little, will occur. In fact, Strutt their stuff to entice YOU to subscribe to their offshore platforms, in hopes that you hope you're going to get tight with these sluts. Look I love my Emmy, BABS, and such, they are entertainment pros, one could easily be a commentator Could do her own show. The only thing there, is, is; if anyone in B.A.B.S. talent
get's a lot of popularity, Beck, of B.A.B.S. KICKS her off. Why? Perhaps jealousy or the fact that BA.B.S. is getting upstaged. But is very light material, that seldom passes a very thin line. But I'm getting off course. If you(and I've tempted fate there) a hunky male corpuscle does the same things, you get thrown into FB jail and Twitter Prison. Did Newsmax's engineers go on strike or not get paid? Must be, as I noticed that which is impossible to ignore, their video, and audio isn't syncing. Looks like one of those old Jap films with a monster, that have just partly been translated. That frustrating pause between a spoken word and when you hear it, talk about audio lag. Hey I'm in the business, I understand the
Gremlin's that exist, that pop out from the dark in broadcasting, I viewed that first hand from standing with the GM, of KPIF-TV/ Pocatello, a few years ago. They too had that problem, until Bryan gave attention to what I was telling him to do. Once he did not malfunction anymore. Wasn't that special? I said this a few nights ago, and I'll say it again. Of all the online radio things, I have heard even one of our namesakes are all gone. Us? HazzardAyre Radio is still on both the terrestrial radio as well as online. We must be doing something right, for over near 50 years now, the nights are much more not lonely, as HazzardAyre is bringing a chuckle, an important news story, or a toe-tapping session of tunes that NO BODY else plays. See ya'll at 04:00 on the air and online.
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