Do I have a big sign on my butt or on a defraud me list somewhere?

Ever wonder how these fraudsters get your name and online 411? I have had 3 attempts to bleed me of green from my jeans over this past week. One came from some dillweed in Australia somewhere, when I questioned her, or him more I got just enough information that I hung its ass. Then got this gal named Petit(naw she tweren't Petite) went along for just about a week, but with a bit of taunting, guess what? Busted. Heck the gal couldn't even produce the same Mini Skirt that she lured me in with. Heck if you're going to commit fraud or embezzlement, at least remember your script and your bait. Be consistent. I did a reverse photo lookup, on Google, its a porn queen named Danielle. Couldn't they do a better job finding a pic for bait? Makes you wonder how many guys have fallen for this trap? I bet many. With much of the planet undergoing a near financial meltdown, many of these 3rd and 4th sized nations, are getting these gals to hustle, if they even are a woman for them. Remember two years ago? That Charlene, Ingram that nearly rolled me over? She hit me with compliments, sweet talk, the works. But then she hit me with a phone card request. She wanted $150.00 I gave her one for $50.00. Now as the crack smoker on TV says, That's not all, and if you, act now, she wanted me to fork out for a cell phone, yup, I did that too. It was always something. The reality was that I wanted confirmation of receipt. So she gave me an email address on Yahoo. Found out it wasn't even a her. Guess where he is spending still his Christmas? Leavenworth. Now too, this new Philly from Philly, did several things wrong. Sent me a sort of copy of her drivers license. Turns out it ain't even a real DL, nor the real number. Checked her OLN, came back stolen or none existent. I don't think that many of these short cakes, think of the close relationship, we in towing have with cops. Law enforcement are our bread and butter. And it's nice to have them on your side when you need a favor or two. This was one of those. And finally, an outfit called NCG says they are a Government Agency. In the UK? Really are they that stupid? I gave em a bunch of BS. Let you know what's happening, but hold onto your wallets and watch facebook, which can't be trusted anyhow, as the times are lean, few have any green, and they want to launder money through you. Don't bite, oops, byte.