Friday, January 10, 2025

no better place to sling manure than the web.

So after I went through hell yesterday with the current landlord which caught an updraft of the stench of the web of which the donut brained guy could copulate the idea of looking at the subtitle of HazzardAyre Readio and the network that powers it. I got a blip from him about my residing in the office/studio here. Something that was not stipulated in the lease. If it's notthe lease  stipulated in the lease it shouldn't matter. 
Sure running something not of regulation specifics could be grounds to say get out, but me snoozing in my office during 72 hours or better of intenes of Trump, the fires in serious news there of coverage there of: the concept of hunkering down in the corner of this mini box of an office / studio 🎙  should not be a attorneys thing.
Then the I don't know how many of attorneys I called got some intense grilling from our attorneys said unless it states in the lease that you can't, then saying you can't after fact is not material  to an eviction.  I will refrain from saying who our attorney here is, but I can tell you that not only is she going to sink her teeth into item 1, but she is diving in deep on the matter of WolfPup. T Bottom line there are some people's around here that's in the process of getting their butts paddled might hard. As for me? I don't give a rat's ass.  Earch of HazzardAyre Radio. And I saw at least 3 Google sheets oftive results. All positive. 
So I did a Google s search scan the reach of HazzardAyre Radio is immense.  What started as a divine moment of inspiration that I experienced in 2010 just short of the collapse of the Mothership in Gooding Idaho to the re-creation of all thongs AyreWolf Fm is amazing.
HazzardAyre even got albeit breef on Big Biz TV to minor blurbs the current value of all that is in excess of $ 33 million dollars and climbing. The nature of the name is quite simple.  HAZZARDAyre is an amalgamation of the two words Hazzard of course of the Hazzard Knytes Kustm Club and Ayrewolf as in the WolfPack aka AyreWolveZ Vintage Military Aviation Association. Hence, HazzardAyre . Finalized in the wee hours in Heyburn Idaho in a very tiny house on 21st street there HazzardAyre became a hurricane force in 2012. Since then in all too many extentions HazzardAyre the key 🔑 of what we do here at EagleOne Broadcasting.  Carrying the news and views of today's Confederacy. Likewise being the foundational voice of the AyreWolveZ Vintage Military Aviation Association and all Military Aviation Veterans.  No matter the branch of service or flying aircraft. Even the fox hunts a term we give to the talent searches we do to recreate the fine looking historical nose art and pinup girls of the roaring 1920' and WWII. Despite all that we are always working 💪 to improve and perfect what we do.
While it would be so mildly easy for me to just simply shake my hands, move to metro Utah or more urban Wyoming I won't. The reason everyone of those I served with flying in and out of battles and conflicts we there for me and me for them. Just like my historic predecessor Col. Greg Boyington I was shot down during a freedom of airspace survey flight and was captured on radar between Turkey and The Kurdish borders. I spent 8 months of hell in a Kurdish prison camp in a 10 x10 cell with little more than a can to poop and piss in, crushed knees from the crash, and water and bread to eat. It was by the will of my squadron flying the area that saw a simple pair of pantyhose hanging from a prison cell window that told my squadron I was there. Shortly after I was rescued and the rest is classified.  However it's for and because of them that I wear Eagles on my collar and why the three letters COL appear in front of my name. So what slight challenges I am under now are nothing compared to me in that prison and why I serve in this capacity as XO of AyreWolf / Hazzard/Ayre Radio. That's why. 
So imature drinking alcohol addicted neurons want to make the course of my progression of what I do tough, fine. But I will not quit. Nor will our Squadron .
Nuff said.