Monday, May 9, 2011

Not wearing my religion on my sleeve


Depending on where you live in this nation, religion is a freedom that many of us treasure. However , should religion be forced down someone’s throat? More over should everything be restricted to one religious mindset?

Not everybody in a community believes as you do or as I do, one of the basic foundations of America’s constitution is religious freedom. Yet if you or I think, outside of the perimeters of say a TV station manager, or a Newspaper editors boundaries then guess what? Your told to go away.

However should just one opinion be expressed in say a newspaper? What about the others in a certain town, or area that looks at sexual, or political or even basic concerns that say a biker, OTR trucker or even a military aviation enthusiast might think, about. What about the views of the Confederate American? We believe in something else, other than the holier than thou attitudes that some emulate. Of course the same newspaper editor, say from the WeeklyMailer of Burley, most likely is not the place for HazzardAyre to appear. More like a publication such as EasyRiders, might be more appropriate. Yet should a newspaper be that shallow? Should not the views of all, rather than just the views of a limited few be reported? Or for that matter be ignored?

As for the Knytes’ pitch the the WeeklyMailer, or advertising for AyreWolf Aviation, The AyreWolvez or any part there of, you can bet your next tank of Av gas that we will not be doing business with them.

That said, maybe a newsprint publication that does not wear its religion on its sleeve or afraid that some other head in the sand advertiser might be turned off, just because the paper prints articles that are not the popular, but still needs to be reported. Such a publication as say the Hazzard County Gazzette, that contains HazzardAyre in its pages, be something that would give the WeeklyMailer or even the Cassia County edition of the Times News, a run for their money?

I think so.

After all , like churches, there are more than just one in a geographic area, more over a newspaper that gives news in a way, that is not so constrictive, but tells the whole story might be welcomed.

While I still hold my LDS Priesthood, and attend church on a regular basis, does not mean I will hold back on ideals of other cultures. Such as the rebellious ideals , but progressive mindsets that are the Knytes-of-Anarchy. As well as myself.

I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve, and am open to others opinions, not just the ones that are published in the Book of Mormon.

You can bet though that those restrictive and restricted publications such as both the Times News as well as the WeeklyMailer, will be calling once we ascend to the altitudes that are in sight.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
Romans 8:1-2“[Life Through the Spirit] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Little Hot Rod Club that could and did.


By the fall of 1982 the Hazzard County Knytes grew from a mere 20 members between Idaho and Utah, to over 50,000 members world wide. Seemed as though from some national press ink, and some influence from Dukes-of-Hazzard cast members word spread of the Knytes to just about every place that the Dukes were seen, we gained a chapter of the club.

In 1983 , my Mom passed away from COPD, and I was alone, but comforted by those local members of the club, as well as the entire cast of the TV show from which part of the club was formed on. While still grieving from Mom’s passing , still life needed to go on. The club put up , albeit pirate or outlaw, but put up a small radio station that was anything but tame or conformist. In fact one of the principles of the club, is to be anti-establishment , anti conformist. Just because the Government said you could not do something, did not mean ya’ll shouldn’t. By mid 1984, my waiver from the USMC , came and my orders to report for training (boot-camp) Arrived in the mail. So in June 1984, I loaded up my stuff, and to the Boise Airport after a stop at the Boise AFEES or Armed Forces Entrance Examination Station. Next morning I woke up at Paris Island, and so it went, until 1993 when by whatever reason I returned to Idaho. I got married and tried to cut out a living, but Idaho at the time was limited in opportunities. So in 1994 moved to Utah, and remained there until 1996.

After a serious divorce and much sorrow, found that my old home-stead could be reclaimed, so did so. However what I found was as I did in 1993, the Idaho I had left , was not the Idaho I returned to, except for one thing, the tenacity and brotherhood of the Hazzard County Knytes remained. With chapters growing, two new siblings grew out of the Hazzard County Knytes one for those into old John Deere farm equipment, co founded by Jerry Sloan former coach of the famed Utah Jazz, and one other sibling for those into custom Harley’s , called the Hazzard County Choppers Klub. At that point we as a group , thought our siblings or extensions were done. Not so.

In 1998 after the Trustee of the Montgomery Trust(my inheritance) decided that the old homestead in Hagerman was too far gone to be rehabilitated. So I moved to Jerome.

It was one of those times of divine inspiration. I had been watching BlackSheep Squadron on TV, one morning, and as if there was the intense urge to go outside, as I left the house, two F-4-U-1 Corsairs flew over the house. Of course my own service was in the VMA214 which is the revised official title of the VMF214 BlackSheep 3rd MEU or mew. I soon learned where those old Corsairs went, and shortly after and from talking to the owner of Airpower Unlimited there at the Jerome Airport, figured out that wrenching on cars was pale in comparison, to restoring old war birds, in the area of just dollars and sense, its the difference in a few hundred thousand bucks for a hot rod, to several million bucks for a restored warbird.

Found through research that Greg(Pappy ) Boyington, not exactly a poster model of the Marines was born in Idaho. Not only that, but my Dad had served with Pappy in the original squadron. So a call to the Hazzard County Knytes was made, and the formation of what would be called at first the BlackSheep Flying Club was formed. However the USMC was not entirely thrilled with that idea. In 2002 moved to Utah to work with a NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series team, and being there with all those military aviators , the club grew.

By mid 2003 I spent the last of the liquid assets of the Montgomery Trust, bought a hangar at the Bountiful SkyPark, and in the fall of 2004 AyreWolf Aviation was born. Where we restored military warbirds. The club provided the client base and AyreWolf Aviation supplied the ability. It was and is a grand marriage. That has lasted until today.

With that in mind , the club in 2008 , decided to rename itself from the Hazzard County Knytes , into the Knytes-of-Anarchy, inspired by the hit TV show on the FX Cable network, Sons of Anarchy. However the constant over the years since 2004 to today has been AyreWolf Aviation and the club, that became the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. Which is establishing a charter here in the mini Cassia area.

What the AyreWolvez are all about, next time here in HazzardAyre, where Hazzard County, meets AyreWolf.

L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes. - James Feibleman
Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

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Hazzard County Knytes , the beginnings.


What is now labled as the Knytes-of-Anarchy/AyreWolvez , started rather simple.

Back in late 1978 I went to the Early Iron, Rod & Custom Show in Twin Falls Idaho. While there, I got to talking to a fellow gearhead named Jimmy MacDonald and he , like I, was living in Hagerman Idaho. We found we had many things including aspirations of the ultimate low buck home-style hot rod shop. So a small shop was located in Hagerman, and the fun began. Opened as Pat & Jim’s Speed & Custom Shop, we began and finished several customer as well as personal projects. However life was going to change unlike the valley had never imagined and even us.

The fall of 1979 would soon start a revolution of performance automotive excellence that had never before been known. We as a shop were doing well , but not as well as we thought we should. Thus a trip to the major hot rod shows of the era, was in order. So I loaded up in my 69 Chevy Caprice and headed to Salt Lake City. Just outside of Burley it decided to snow. It was 8:00PM and the snow was so heavy that I couldn’t go home to Hagerman , and Sweetzer Summit was closed. So I sought refuge at the Burley Best Western at the time , known as the Burley Ramada Inn. At 10:00PM was getting a bit hungry so went to the cafe of the motel. On my way out of my room, saw parked next to my heap, was a 1970 Dodge Charger, that had been made into a raw duplicate of the General Lee, from the TV show the Dukes-of-Hazzard. Talked to the kid who built and owned it and told him should he wish to sell the car to give me a call. Went home the day after and that was that for a time.

Two years later , was out hunting down some props for the diorama or display for a ride we had planned to take to that years SLC AutoRama. So after chatting with the director of the Burley High School Cheerleaders, see we were looking for white go-go boots. For that display. Any mile , the director of the BHS cheerleaders, told me that the cheerleader director of  East Minico Jr. High still used those boots on their drill team.

Out of my eye through a corner window, saw ye ole General, with a FOR SALE sign in the windshield. So called the number on the sign , a deal was struck, and ye ole General was on its way to Hagerman. That same year, 1981, the car was rebuilt, went to the SLC AutoRama, took best of show, and the rumble began. The car created the fan base and membership interest and the club was a good marketing tool for the shop. Jimmy and I , along with a few gearhead friends, got together along with 10 more interested in creating a home grown, grass roots hot rod club combined with a Dukes-of-Hazzard fan club. But what to call it? There was a club called the Squires Car Club in Pocatello that was sort of what we were doing, but the name was not sounding right. At the time was a hit major movie called the HollyWood Knights, that starred Robert Wuhl, Tony Danza . The name was a fit, so a redoux on the name and a slight mis spell , and the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association was born, granted a state charter, and in June 1982 the Hazzard County Knytes, became official.

How the Hazzard County Knytes met warbird military aircraft, next time, here in HazzardAyre.


my other aw sig MW KOA LOGO

Quote of the day:
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers

Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


A young Daisy 426087325v4_400x400_Front_Color-White

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Did you watch PowerBlock this past weekend?


So did you watch PowerBlock TV on Spike this weekend? What a joke. The new show, Search and Restore, was a bit not worthy of the concept. Granted the intent was good, taking a ride , putting it back to its once new or better condition, for a deserving owner.

Search and Restore , is Overhaulin, and Trick my Truck rolled into one, without the drama that Overhaulin has, but its the same show, with a different title on a different network.

Maybe Search & Restore will get better after the frost melts off that pumpkin or matures.

Courtney should feel at home with a retro version of her start in automotive performance TV. I still think that , that EBC Brake gal is being polished for replacing Courtney.

RTM has done a great job over the years. Much of what PowerBlock TV is, is what helped build the foundation for everything that has came after. When TNN, now Spike, first started airing PowerBlock TV , I have watched. I have been there from Steve Evans doing NHRA TODAY, to ShadeTree Mechanic, to Crank & Chrome, to Truckin USA which was the premise to Trucks TV. I have videos that goes back to those first shows all the way to today. Over the years I have seen good knowledgeable hosts get canned for new hosts that were not as talented , either with a wrench or TV personality, and some performance automotive companies can boast and be thankful to the PowerBlock for making them a success. Yet I wonder , could PowerBlock be made better? Yes. First , Spike needs to give PowerBlock the entire day. Where each show of the PowerBlock, could be expanded to full one hour shows. So you could see more detailed information,rather than just a mere overview.

Replacing Courtney Hansen with a more robust, believable host, would be a better choice. Someone that can really, turn a wrench. When they had Danica Patrick on there you could relate, since at least Danica could drive, and was on the Indy series of racing, you knew, she knew the bizz. I’d say today, get Jessie Combs, who used to co host Xtreme 4X4 , on as program host. Jessie not only looks hot, but can weld, and spin a wrench as good as any of the guys can.

Is there a bright light here? Yes, its called the Confederate Star TV Network, coming on board in the fall of 2012.

More on that in months to come.

But as far as this weeks PowerBlock and the hyped Search & Restore, in my opinion , no big deal.

Any mile, stay tuned,

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Quote of the day:
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. - Isaac Asimov
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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But my does she have a big long beak !!


Okay so there you are , sitting at the bar and getting a stiffy over some hot bod, when she comes closer, you notice she has a big honker and you head for the nearest hiding place.

For many guys , most ignore such insignificant things such as the size or length of the coveted honeys beak. Me I don’t, I require the perfect package, or I ain’t bothering. There are those that say outward appearances don’t matter, that its the insides that count. However no matter how angelic her insides may be, if the package is not there, the ability in years to be, when wishing to show affection is required, I get mired in some serious, retreat.

As someone who hires, fires, photographs women on a regular basis, I look at the package as , would this look good on camera, or video. If anything is slightly out of sorts, it will show up on camera.

A wart, mole, zit, anything that is slightly off, or out of norm will show up on the finished product. Big pointed beaks will show up the worst. Yet I see many on CNN, FNC, and even HLN, with really pointed narrow beaks. The flowing blonde curls, un-nyloned legs, and all will not hide a pointed honker, that makes them look like Bozo the clown.

What many of us look for in visual media is pug, button noses. The smaller the better. Oh sure there are ways to not draw attention to the beak. No profile side shots, is one method, but if pulling away to a commercial break, that turkey beak is going to show.

Just like breasts, every female has em or a nose. But its the size, shape and construction that makes the difference. Likewize the construction of the nose will also dictate the sound and resonance of the voice. A big turkey beak, will give off a rather base noted voice. While the button nose types will have that swooning female tonality that many who are in my industry are looking for in a female talent.

Keep it tween the ditches,

my other aw sig  awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes. - James Feibleman
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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God snaps you back to humbleness and which day is truly the Sabbath?


So there I was Friday afternoon, headed to the Wayside for some needed grub, and was going there after shaking the tree of a fellow broadcaster who I’m courting for the beginnings of syndicating HazzardAyre Radio with.

Feeling like I was so that. Stopped in the parking lot of the Wayside and put my foot on the e-brake. Did so hard, pulled the cable right away from its mount. After trying to find a NEW replacement, could not find one anywhere. A emergency brake cable assembly for a 93 S-dime must be a OEM dealer only part. Even LMC Truck does not have one.

So went in, ate and realized the mishap was God’s way of pulling me back and making me understand that I am not all that. There are times I think that way too many of us, get to thinking that we are Long Dong John, super , and forget , only God(Kahless) is the ultimate being.

So then was researching topics for my sermon at today’s meeting of the Dixie Amalgamated Church , that meets on Saturday’s and concluded that Saturday is truly the Sabbath day. Not Sunday. Yet many meet on Sunday’s. I also am having troubles in my mind thinking that the Holy Bible is the completed work of God’s teachings through his Son Jesus Christ. There is too much left out. From the concept of a woman for Adam , long before Eve, to the time frame of from Jesus’ birth to the time of his walking the desert teaching. What was Jesus’ childhood like? From pre adolescence to his mid 30’s when he began his ministry, what happened in between? Then one needs to ask, what all really happened between Jesus and Mary Magdalene? Is there more to this event than what we are taught? If she was truly a prostitute, as the Bible claims, does that mean that all women who are of that profession given a free pass to Stovacore(Heaven).

Any mile need sleep, but that’s some things for ya’ll to consider.


my other aw sig awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes. - Mickey Mouse
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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Aooh la-la

Have ever really looked at it?


At this hour of 03:46 hours , my head should still be on the pillow, but had to get up to take my lithium , Nexiuum and Goody’s. Previous evening during a powerful session of horizontal Olympics that I have seriously been needing, I took some time to look at her vagina. Yes that mysterious point of affectionate desire that most red blooded Confederate males hunger and strive for. As I laid there with mini mag flashlight looking at it, making sure there was nothing there that would cause me to itch and scratch later, like smagma , or any other near microscopic critters, I really looked it over, and thought , do other guys really look at where they are about to enter? Or do most guys just plunge right on in? If you really look, you might be surprised as to what it really looks like.

To me it looks like a slightly dark pink , nearing purple, dried up , really dried up prune. It’s not that great looking.

Of course perhaps younger ones might look better, but in these days and age, checking age is crucial. If you don’t check her age the next voice you hear from her might be; “ Hi I’m Chris Hansen from NBC Dateline”. Not for this ten wheeled cowboy. I of course wanted to have the latest book from Sue Macgarvie, you know from or radio show the gal who wrote , “ Quivering Jello” and who does the Sex With Sue , Sexy Minute.

I wanted to name all the individual parts, of that gem that so many men have serious conflict  yet seek the pleasure of the ultimate release from.

In many ways , I’d rather look at a healthy V-8 big block Chevy, fully chromed Harley or the insides of a Pratt & Whitney 2800 radial engine. One gal I knew long time ago, said , “ If it has tits, or heels on it, men are going to have trouble with it”. That perhaps is true, she added wheels, to the list, and there are those younger males out there , that even though they might be computer savy, could not even add oil to the engine, much less tear it apart and put it together again.

Just like Thursday evening, pulled into the Buhl Riddley’s to snag grub for the night. There was this gal there having battery troubles. Hood up, yet would not crank. So got out my jumper box , and the car still would not crank. So I told her what she ought to do is give A-1 , my alter back up, a call. Yet she called a competitor who proceeded to flat toew it back to his shop. Excuse me never in any case would I toew a newer model car flat with just a chain. Front wheels on the ground, means the tranny might be dry, but there is some fluid flowing to that gear box, tearing up cv joints and pulling on that bumper means bent radiator core support, and troubles with the inflation device later. Even at 25 mph just 12 blocks , never ever flat toew. She’ll remember that when she pays for more repairs on top of a seized starter.

Youngn ’s don’t think as well, and this brings me to an all important thought. There are computer repair places, then there are those that know their stuff. Tiny notebook puter I have a month ago swallered a virus, too it to Microchips in Twinky Flatts, they got out the virus, but failed to reload most of if not all , the drivers that my puter needs to function properly, which brings me to the question, here in the Tragic Valley, is Snake River Computers of Burley the only ones that can truly fix a computer?

Of course looking to file a small claims suit with Twinky Flatts County, to get them to pay for the new repairs. When something costs me money, I want my moneys worth. The response from Microchips is, bring it back and we’ll check it over and fix the problems. My response is, why would I take it back for someone to screw it up even worse.

Picked up my buckets from Filer, took it to Burley , where for $250.00 less than them fellers in Filer priced it out, going to have the seats redone. The place in Burley can do the job, plus have their own embroidery machine to put the wings in the inner fabric.

What I’m getting to here is this, is the mini Cassia area far and away better than say Twinkly Flatts as far as progress? Would seem so.

So finally, met with Jay at the local newspaper there in Burley, about doing a piece every week of and for the Knytes. His main hold back was the gals in bikini’s at the end of all my pieces. Fact is, there have never been bikini’s in blogs or other written pieces. They are all in , granted slightly uncladded but in nylons wearing Teddy bear attire. Never bikini’s. His thoughts were that showing of female body, is inappropriate. I say,  “ Bullsbreath”. There are others out here, that want to see something a bit racy and spicy. Hey some like their eye candy bland while the rest of us want something with some Tabasco sauce.

So in closing want to ask the question , in your horizontal Olympics , do you really look at it?

More L8R, meds kicking in.

my other aw sig  awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
If you don't find it in the index, look very carefully through the entire catalogue.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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