Friday, June 29, 2012

Early Morning Hazzard County DayBreak

a hazzardayre rosey headersunrise[2]

As I head to bed again , immediately after I write this, since I been working all night I begin to ponder if all that we go through in attempting to achieve more is truly worth it? The fact is even the most original idea, is no longer original.. Example, we all know that Hazzard County Choppers is MY and the Knytes-of-Anarchy’ bike shop. It’s also known or should be that Hazzard County Choppers is the name the then Hazzard County Knytes now Knytes-of-Anarchy gave to its custom big bike sibling. Yet I see on numerous sites the images, and all being copied for somebody else’s financial gain. I think the remedy is a legal one, so it’ll be handed over to the legal Eagle’s , but it’s a simple example of how fast that somebody out there wants YOUR thing, and that original thought is truly absent in today’s population and it ain’t just the Union Yankees of the so Called USA. I can remember years ago, I was sipping tea with my better half Monkee, and I came up with an idea of hammering two pieces of wood together, putting some sort of tread material on it so that our pregnant daughter could excersize. Guess what a year or so later, some broad on TV started touting it as the Stair Stepper. This was MY idea. Should have patented it. Seems any more if you ain’t paying some near stuffed shirted attorney to register and copyrighting every damn thing some asshole is going to copy the damn thing.

The old adage of Uncle Jessie Duke, still applies, “ If ya’ll got a good idea, shut up.” I love sharing the news with ya’ll our members and supporters of the club sometimes several times a day, but I’m beginning to think, we need two things, a website of our own, and a place on it for real PAID and registered members of the Knytes. That is secure that NO-ONE can invade except us the club members.

Any mile body drained need sleep.

Stay Tuned

MY NEW WOLF SIGawlvz logo

Quote of the Day:
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
--Dr. George Washington Carver
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”

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sweet ayre1ST SIGN

Once upon a Time the Internet was groovy

a hazzardayre rosey headerpappys log pic

Once upon a time climbing on the cyber highway was groovy. One could chat, write and so on, with more people than you ever met in rural Idaho.

I can remember as a kountry bumpkin , the first time I went online. This was during the time when ISDN was the tcp protocol, and Yahoo was a toddler. There was no Google, or FaceBook , MSN or Microsoft had the majority of web-sters and I thought I was going to snag a funny, from some gal in California that I chatted with on Yahoo. Come to find out she was a 30 dollar Sherry, just teasing me. But what the hell did I know.

It was about this time I knew if HCC, and the Knytes were to ever be the grand club we are to continue the need for at least an address if not a major stopping point on that Cyber highway was a must. But what the hell do I know? Computers to me are a tool, and in most cases unless something burns gas , av fuel, or diesel and has pistons attached on rubber at least, I have no idea how to fix it, if it jumps the curb.

Let alone how to build a website. At first it was just that a website, then came the idea of a streaming webcast, Internet Radio station. Few and its not that big now , but back then NOBODY in our area knew how to build such a thing, much less tell me how to build it, or what I would need to really do it. Yes I needed and still need someone to hold my hand to build it. The best gall darn Internet Radio station that darn near mirrored what I wanted to was Wolf-FM. ( I thought this is a way to get it out there pending FCC okay on our CP and OTA License. But problem is NOBODY knows how to build it. At least here. The tragic thing is and I have thought on it allot is to take a trip to the place where the thing will pour from. The next site that is kin to the clubs website is Warbird Radio. Both do what we want to do, but alas nobody knows how to build it. If they do, its upwards of several thousands of dollars. Which trying to do that and build an OTA station is just not financially able for us to do. But stepping aside of that.

When the Web was new, I enjoyed getting online. Back then the only method was dial-up. Followed by something near to what is called high speed, DSL. Of course came cable internet and all but one service based out of Kamas Utah is even close to both the bandwidth and speed that I need to effectively make HazzardAyre and AyreWolf FM work, to the Xtreme Xcellence that both deserve. So what do you do?

There is the belief that speed is the ultimate in Internet, in reality, its not just speed , but bandwidth. Its like pouring water into a pipe. If the pipe is just so big in diameter then just so much water can flow through it. Speedy Internet is , like putting a funnel into a smaller pipe. At first more can flow but still the pipe is just so big. Unless you make the pipe bigger, your only going to get just so much through that pipe. Now if your in a condition situation like I am now and you share that Internet Connection with other people especially going wifi, its like taking a water hose and poking holes in it. Sure you’ll get a trickle to the other end, but unless you plug the rest of those holes, again only a trickle flows. And a trickle is all I get.

Now I have used wifi b4. The first was the kindness of a gal named Miranda, who let me pirate the Internet from her house. The distance was only about 500 feet, but only her and her family used that connection except me. So nights were out until early morning and days up to afternoon were a gamble but still usable. The other was a tap I siphoned from in Bliss from the truck stop there, but streaming from YouTube was a crap shoot at best.

Of course there is the option of your own pipeline.

My experience with internet providers is not the best. For some damn ass’d reason, no matter how I try to explain to them what I need , the ignore button is all I get. Although , I’m going to try once again to work with Cable One, but that will happen, once I determine if its Burley or American Falls as to where that first seed of HazzardAyre Radio is planted. I’d rather hold off another year, than start something up that’s half ass’d. Of course there is the social networks, Google, FaceBook, Tumblr. On Tumblr, never heard of them b4 earlier Thursday night. But caught it on a segment of Charlie Sheen’ new show Anger Management. So I looked it up. tried Tumblr, guess what? Not going back.

FaceBook always makes me do those captchas to post anything. Sure I know the idea is to keep the spammers, and hackers out but trust me there’s more drive by malware flowing over FaceBook, than anything I’ll ever post, and the malware folks pay FaceBook for ad space to put it there.

Then there is the case of digital , versus old skool. Old skool, was music on a album via vinyl or cassette. Of the two, the cassette is still my choice. Why? Simple, once you get done grooving on a cassette album, you can put sticky tape over the two holes on top and put something new on to cruise on. With a CD, once its been burned, that’s it. And home burning is sort of still in its toddler stage.

As I close I must restate this. My favorite choice for music and all is still the radio. OTA radio. Why? Its free, its portable and its simple.

I like the Internet, but I’m getting cybered out.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012



Today I wrote the last article for the Magic Valley Tribune. The club voted Saturday night to drop the project. In fact if it was up to SAMCRO MC and the KOA completely, neither would be in Idaho. Their feelings are much like mine. Even though the club started here, the economic progress of Idaho has became none existent. As such the major focus is to gather what we can to save face and get the Wolf-Pack and the rest of the club outta here.

I have said since the re-entry of me to Idaho, that it was a waste of time, mine and the clubs, not to mention AyreWolf Aviation/Hazzard Choppers. As such to us the signs are


But hey we tried.

There are projects on the HUD that will be finished first, move the Idaho broadcast operations to Boise, Stage the final Hazzard Nationals / DukesFest West , next fall, and do the expose of the club and corresponding radio network amongst other things, but that’s it. Once done and all, The trucks are loaded , shop closed and its Utah/Wyoming and no more of this whore called Idaho.

So what are the best signs in Idaho?



Any questions?

Better yet

This is your brain on Meth


This is your brain sober


Again any questions?

L8R Ya’ll


koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
--Leonardo da Vinci
2 Thessalonians 3:3“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

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Its not your Pappy’s Windows

a hazzardayre rosey headerA SHEEPTRAXX HEADER

If there’s even one thing that remains constant its that just when you think you have your computer skills up to par , somebody at Micro-Crap will improve it. Improve my ass. What they do is make it harder to use.

Case-n-Point, after two hours finally figured out how to get my WMP Visulations to work in customized mode. Thing is it was easier in XP.

Of course if you have Win 7 Pro, you can operate in XP Mode, my question is why the hell did they change it to begin with?

My investigative Wolf Sense tells me, its to make the damn thing, more secure. I have a suggestion, give the hackers a job in building a better operating system. Put a real wage carrot in front of these hacker mules and they’ll move. I have been criticized of holding onto old skool ways. Likewise technology. Even tow or flight equipment. Case-n-point, my old toew truck LexiBelle, I get the thumbs down a lot on that old truck, but few if any new trucks her size does what she does. Oh yes there is this new thing coming out of MHI, called the Side Puller, oh really? My Holmes 500 did side pulls back in 1975, improvement? I don’t think so.

New avionics in ayrecraft. Everybody is going what is called glass screens, problem is if something goes bonkers in that cockpit and your forced through say a storm to fly through in IFR mode, and that glass panel will not function your screwed. Give me my old gauges any time. So I have a new idea, lets see about technology that goes back to making things simpler and more accessible.

As I close and I’ll leave it here.

I can remember a scene out of The Dukes of Hazzard Beginnings , where Huey Hogg, was saying he couldn’t live without his cell phone, and the Dukes had CB radio with a signal everywhere.

We need Simple not complicated.

Until Monday, keep your dial tuned to HazzardAyre Radio and KDXB FM

L8R Ya’ll


koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.
--Phillips Brooks
2 Thessalonians 3:3“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Last week of the month is an SOB

a hazzardayre rosey headerAYREWOLF PHOOTENOTES GOLD

So there I was dreaming of doing the entire chorus line of the Utah Ballet, when my complex manager rings my phone. Saying, “ if you want your shower fixed best be awake” Awake, on a Saturday , the deeded day of rest, the Sabbath day? So I got up reluctantly. See I had determined that me being awake might conserve my energy resources until at least early morning, when I can take a couple of refigadeezers to bite the sand for the final time.

So I’m asleep the first time. By the highway this is the same fix it guy that gave me the shit earlier.

Okay then, so I get up, no SKOAL except very few slivers, little grub, but did find the rental agreement from Mr. Taylor and SAMCRO MC. Bet some serious peter sucking goes on Monday or Tuesday morning.

But its this last bit of the month. Many say they ain’t got money, funny they got money for smokes, brew how bout a loan to me to get some chew? But I remember. And I usually only ask those that can easily replace funds. But I will remember at about 03:00 hours some winter pre dawn, them stuck in the ditch, with wailing winds, deep snow, needing a toew, and the asking can they negotiate the fee? I’ll immediately recall, and say, sure about as quick as you lent me $5.00 last June when I needed it.

It always comes around, sure ya’ll can ignore me now, but come winter, bad storm, impound what ever, you’ll call , I’ll haul it, and when it needs to be paid for, ya’ll best pay, cause those who snubbed me for snuff money, we’ll I will own your vehicle.

Cleaned out my FaceFart page. Got rid of a bunch of people that either are not active, have not helped much if at all, or are just there to be a friendly spy. As such I have decided, if you want me to be a FaceFart friend best live near me where I can verify who the hell you are, or ain’t going to happen.

Mark Zuckerberg’s invention FaceFart, might have been all the rage, but people looking for better security, are passing FaceFart by. Seems as everyone has a FaceFart part. I do because of the radio gig and the club, or I’d not have even bothered. Same went for MySpace. Had that damn thing for the benefit of the TTA (TeenAge Truckers Association) but after that got stale and never could get their sales people to call and deal I said piss on em.

Same goes for FaceFart.

Is there a competitor upcoming? HazzardAyre. Stay tuned.

HazzardAyre will be , besides the name of this publication and all, the Facebook page , with Hazzard County Confederate fight the system flavor.

Thing still in development.

Finally saw more activity today at the soon to open Real life Boars Nest of Idaho. We got the new grill installed, the sinks got put in Friday, freezer goes in Wednesday. Hope to have Alma and Ben and crew out for our grand opening, in October 2012?

Going to try and have a Miss Daisy(Hazzard County) Contest, remember Melanie Dubois during the last Miss Tri County Contest at Boss Hoggs Boars Nest. Well we are looking to do a reenactment of the entire thing. Basically if you can drive well, are female, able to turn a wrench and look hot in short shorts, then best get in touch with a Knyte of Anarchy and sign up.

Until L8R

me2 koa wings proper

hazzardayre tail


Its what makes life interesting

a hazzardayre rosey headerA SHEEPTRAXX HEADER

I just love how information through a second party gets fuggled up.

Case-n-Point, was yapping at the fix it guy here at the Powers, about the fact if it was me running the place there’d be an outside antenna for Internet. That’s all I said.

Then I mentioned I rode over with our great manager here at the Powers the other day while John did rounds. Now then the Fix it guy goes and tells John that I have a problem with management? WTF? Did anyone get that out of the situation? I think of John as far as dwelling managers as a good one. He’s kind, and sympathetic. He’s been on the bottom end of the income ladder and he understands if you need something , YOU NEED something and does his best to accommodate. Need something fixed? It’s fixed, need a cup of java? Every morning. Hell I even try to economize here by turning off lights, air etc when its not needed. Cause I know that paying that bill ain’t going to be cheap as it is, so I try to help in my own way, yet I get the noise that the fix it guy tells my pal John that I have a problem with management? Bullsbreath. From what few times I have talked to the owner , he seems cool, and again, I in a friendship way like John. So if the Fix it Guy, talking crap, lets just say, speaking bad about a Knyte of Anarchy MC member, is not a good road to go on, dig what I’m saying.

Okay then,

Figured out how to boost octane in the lil truck.

I put less that a pint of denatured alcohol in with my fuel. Seems as though the combination breaks up the corn syrup in the ethanol, and boosts octane.

All I know , mad LiL Lexi bust some moves.

Decisions have been made, and although I have said this b4 , its getting more serious.

B4 I moved into the Powers and this has no reflection on the Powers , the Powers is a good place to bunk down. Any lane, so been getting these visions or dreams etc, about other places. This is in my opinion, and there are damn few head shrinks that believe in this, but visions I think are omens or promptings from sources much more wiser than I telling me to do something.

With that in mind and much has to do with the op’s of Top Gun over the next two months, but if I qualify for Top Gun, and get not only my CDL, but can get driving again, so I can tell SSA thanks but no thanks, fine I remain around Idaho, although I’ll move to Buhl or Filer. If not then I’m hightailing it to Salt Lake City.

I think that the visions are the minds way of saying it does not want to be in these conditions.

Last but not least, being somewhere I’m not under the gun of C-One for TV, might be a good thing as well.

I truly

would love to explore that with Comcast. Not that I did not have issues with Comcast, but the difference is, that when I trucked down to the Sandy HQ Office of Comcast Utah, and met with the powers that be and explained I need a better pipeline, that I am streaming radio programming over the Internet and I need not only faster but more bandwidth. Also explaining pay check comes at THE FIRST of the month, NOT THE MIDDLE, of the month, Comcast , kept me active and worked with me, even offered to be a supporting sponsor of the radio station.

Did Cable One do that? No they sent over an truck load of stuff to Gooding of all we did not need, charged me near $900.00 on a free install, where was the FREE part? And when I asked to escalate the situation over the local manager to Pheenix, I was denied the ability to do so,. However, in September , I am going to a warbird convention, there in Pheenix and am going to make it a point to explain things to that office, so they know how bad things are fuggled up here.

And ya’ll can bet it wont be a third or send party fuggle up.

L8R Ya’ll

me2awlvz logo

Quote of the Day:
What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.
Isaiah 40:31“but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So who cares?

wolf byte hedder

As these meds for my summer flu take me to a land of euphoria , I think of a few things. Last night I had this vision or dream whatever ya’ll want to call it, in me being down in Ogden Utah, regaining one of old Steve’s trucks that was the one I found b4 LexiBelle, so I was driving around but could not find the on ramp from Ogden to come back here to Burley. Dream or prompting?

So here I was hammering away earlier and saw a posting in my email from some sales gal at the Weekly News here in Burley saying she didn’t want any further emails from me. I never intended to send her any. But once I must have put her in my automatic senders list , but took it out. But the fact is, only now she barks? Oh really? After how many months, must’ve written something that hit on a nerve.

Last weekend was Fathers day. Does these jerx here realize it was MY dad MY father that obtained and donated through the D-O-D and HAFB that fighter aircraft at the gate to their damn airport? Do they realize although only now just a golf course but it was 80% of My Dad’s money that built the Ponderosa Inn here? Then of course there is the Slime News. I can’t even count how much work, money donated, that was because of my Dad, and my prompting my Dad to contribute to so many causes and the growth that this little dirtwater area has enjoyed over the years.

And I, the Knytes and the AyreWolvez get snubbed? I say to Jay, and his staff at the Weekly News Journal, and The Voice, bite me, I threw down , many times a branch of peace, offered to buy your high priced advertising, so I say piss on you.

HazzardAyre will keep walking over ya’ll. Just remember Russ at Star Taxi/Alpine Motel, he vanished through mysterious circumstances because he pissed off the Knytes. Nuff said.

Bottom line , “Who Cares?”

L8R Ya’ll

me2awlvz logo

Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

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