If there’s even one thing that remains constant its that just when you think you have your computer skills up to par , somebody at Micro-Crap will improve it. Improve my ass. What they do is make it harder to use.
Case-n-Point, after two hours finally figured out how to get my WMP Visulations to work in customized mode. Thing is it was easier in XP.
Of course if you have Win 7 Pro, you can operate in XP Mode, my question is why the hell did they change it to begin with?
My investigative Wolf Sense tells me, its to make the damn thing, more secure. I have a suggestion, give the hackers a job in building a better operating system. Put a real wage carrot in front of these hacker mules and they’ll move. I have been criticized of holding onto old skool ways. Likewise technology. Even tow or flight equipment. Case-n-point, my old toew truck LexiBelle, I get the thumbs down a lot on that old truck, but few if any new trucks her size does what she does. Oh yes there is this new thing coming out of MHI, called the Side Puller, oh really? My Holmes 500 did side pulls back in 1975, improvement? I don’t think so.
New avionics in ayrecraft. Everybody is going what is called glass screens, problem is if something goes bonkers in that cockpit and your forced through say a storm to fly through in IFR mode, and that glass panel will not function your screwed. Give me my old gauges any time. So I have a new idea, lets see about technology that goes back to making things simpler and more accessible.
As I close and I’ll leave it here.
I can remember a scene out of The Dukes of Hazzard Beginnings , where Huey Hogg, was saying he couldn’t live without his cell phone, and the Dukes had CB radio with a signal everywhere.
We need Simple not complicated.
Until Monday, keep your dial tuned to HazzardAyre Radio and KDXB FM
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.
--Phillips Brooks
2 Thessalonians 3:3“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |