Some people don’t think. Course some ain’t quite complete between their ears.
Case-n-point, went to HazzardNet tried to log in, with my ayrewolf profile.
Tried 5 times, most likely wont try again.
Course the only reason I went there was to see if anyone there knew why CMT pulled the Dukes from their schedule.
Guess in both cases the old Gen Lee, must’ve ran out of go juice. Which is why in 2008, it was made official at a mini meeting in Glenn’s Ferry, to revamp the big club from the Hazzard County Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy. We saw the paint on the barn that things Hazzard were weaning seriously, with little hopes of resurrection.
Two attempts at a Dukes movie one in 2005 that was bitter to all serious Hazzard fans, and DOH the Beginnings, even with April Scott being Daisy, was so off timeline and all that the one airing on ABC FAMILY was it.
Talk around Hollywierd is that there is a serious attempt at a more original based movie in line with the original series timeline and story line.
The Knytes-of-Anarchy not to be outdone is pursuing a project called HazzardAyre, but that’s in about two years off.
My gripe is simple, why folks can’t build a damn website to something, that will remember a long time user, profile so you can at least log on.
Both fxnetworks and HazzardNet, need to take a few Google lessons. On building the site that has a real person not just a damn computer monitoring the damn thing.
That way if someone is having trouble there is a REAL PERSON to help.
It’s been said and this from a recent Dixie Broadcasting speech, and I quote, “ There always will be crooks, poor folks and stupid people” Unquote.
In today’s IT world there is the latter geeks that truly are stupid.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
The happiest couples are those who spell "us" with a capital "you."
--Klare Provine
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