Monday, June 18, 2012

Believe it or not, dogs and women fart too

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Believe it or not dogs and women fart too.

Lady friend lives near me here at the Powers. She was surprised to hear a whoo-pew her dog farted. Was this a surprise? Heck dogs eat and even eat what we as human wont. Wolves have better more developed pallets. Any mile the food dogs eat can create gas and although unpleasant , will fart.

Likewise although women say its not a fart but a fluff, still women fart too. While women usually hide it better than us male wolvez still, when women give off gas it do pew. Remember gas can come out of two holes usually in the same region of the body. The butt and vagina.

The Ace said the second is called a puss fart, smelled like burnt toast. But it does get worse than burnt toast. That smell is right down caustic, could melt the chrome off the bumper of a Kenworth.

Then of course is the newly wedded.

It’s surprising that for about the first 4 years of a marriage, many women will not let you in the stall if they’re taking a dump. This is a border line that should never be crossed. If you do, its darn near like when they’re giving birth, every thing you ever did, up to that point WILL be discussed.

Then of course, there is the time that she first finds your tiddy whites, with the crap stain. For some odd reason, this is not at least noticeable problem for women, however us guys wipe quick and don’t always do a good job. Thus the stain, this said its not uncommon for that same gal not to fuss over a dirty diaper, that has poop from a baby and totally dismiss it.

Been up until 06:30 hours, I’m headed to snooze land, but remember, Women may be all sugar and spice, and dogs cuddly but both fart too.


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Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

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