Monday, May 27, 2013

Can we have Facebook without the ads?

a-8 daily breefs header-1[2]wolf dawn

Can we please get Facebook without the ads? I for one am tired of seeing those lame brained ads on the border of my Facebook page and news feeds. How about alacarte Internet any way.

Like charge a modest fee for use, make up for much of any lost revenue of no ads. Or how about the trollers from Facebook or for that matter Google, really giving us what we say we’re interested in? Then I’d not bitch. Give ads on bikes, trucks, even southern culture, but repeating ads that I say I don’t want is stupid, go sell that ify bullshit to someone that even wants to read it. Just once I’d like to see ad’s that say no credit card, no debit card, fine we’ll bill you. Fine then I might take em up on some of those offers. But as it is, I ain’t ponying up my credit card even if I had one which I don’t , but even if I did, I ain’t showing my credit card to no one I don’t know.

Okay then, had a question last night on the show that needs answering so I’m going to try, even though I’ve explained it a zillion times so here goes zillion and one.

The question came from a gal in Kimberly, on if I’m doing all this expensive stuff on radio etc especially HazzardAyre and all why I live where I do, why I drive what I do and why, some months I’m broke as a church mouse until the end of the month.

First its not an I proposition here. It’s a we as in club, not just me. HazzardAyre, both print and radio and all is done by the collective, of funds from the Knytes-of-Anarchy, AyreWolvez, and the United American Independent Truckers Association. Pay checks if there are any, and all are processed through the groups accounting firm in Salt Lake City then mailed, or electronically deposited each month, I never see one cent. In fact I myself never get paid for what I do for the club including being XO over the media werx, which includes HazzardAyre. Everything I do , I do in duty of the brotherhood of the club and groups, not for any money.

As far as what I drive and all, I was in gear to do some improvement on that , but some gal who in an emergency I appointed as payee, in Blackfoot could never get to the who the right amount of money at the right time, so small personal bills I always had to make up myself. It was fortunate to a point that Charlie took over that duty, but I had a shop and all just outside of Burley. In August last year , some vandals trashed LexiBelle, my dear toew truck plus stole batteries that I had on contract to sell, in essence I lost in the area of $2,000.00 . Which I’m slowly making up for, but when your only getting $1100.00 a month and $700.00 goes out for child support, $500.00 for rent and utilities,  don’t leave a bunch of extra money in the till to do vehicle fix up or replacement, and while in some respects part with Wolf-PuP never will I give up LexiBelle.

So in answer to the question of why I drive, what I drive, once I again find a shop, or that, that I can afford, in this area, the rigs will be looking like you can’t imagine, sweet.

However on the economic side Next year the club and I have agreed that for every $100.00 the radio gig makes, I keep $25.00 , which will put about $25,000.00 in my pocket each month, which is another reason I’m busting ass here to build this baby.

But understand from hiring on air talent, models for photo spreads, the Hazzard Nationals all of that is paid for from and by the club, NOT ME!!! I am only the dutiful soldier carrying out orders of the higher command and that includes God, for which all things happen. If God don’t want it, it ain’t going to be. Then the question was asked about the women thing and how can it be that a group or groups so in Love with God, has so much female skin in our visuals. The entire organization looks at beautiful women as works of art made by God to be pleasing to the eye, not as meat to be consumed in lust.

AWONTHEHUDOn the H-U-D this morning,

Charter Officers Meeting: Wolf’s Lair, 14:00

District membership conference call webinar at 19:00

In closing, can we please have a Facebook without ads, or at least Facebook, take into consideration of that generated inquiry that asks, Tell Us What you do like, and then put only that up on my newsfeed.

L8R Ya’ll

my lullibyknytes end

Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw
Acts 20:24“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

News from Confederate Springs


I was headed to church, but my innerds were such that I reconsidered. Seems as everything that went in my mouth was coming out my rear, so I turned off the truck, turned on HeeHaw and stayed home.

Must have been all the good grub and all at the Memorial Day run to Confederate Springs.

Now for you both in and out of Idaho, who might not know where Confederate springs is, Confederate Springs is located 25 miles from Featherville Idaho, near what was the Rocky Bar Mining Complex, that includes Confederate Star Silver Mine. Thus the name Confederate Springs. If you go on a scoot its not so bad, while the road will handle a slightly wider rig, like Wolf-PuP I wouldn’t take anything much bigger up there.

The Forest service maintains 5 camp grounds there, that has an outside potty, bar-b-que pits and a few free standing bar-b-que units. There is spring water, there but there isn’t any running from the spickets just yet.

There are 4 cabins there, first come first served, as for the rest its sleeping bag and ground. Thankfully dry enough to snooze on.

I got up there yesterday at about 20:00 hours, just in time for night grub and some sing along campfire old shop talk, then curled up on back of Wolf-Pup, and was awake at 06:00 this morning. At 09:00 the officers met over breakfast, talked club business including bringing HazzardAyre Radio into more than a marginally syndicated show into both its expanded OTA(Over The Air) and Internet streaming radio operation. There are big grand things going on with HazzardAyre and one of which is two fold. One will be the Emma Leigh, College Fund, being established by the Knytes-of-Anarchy and The United American Independent Truckers Association , so that not only can Emma herself go to a selected school of the arts , but qualifying teens and college aged youth can go to a Christian based arts college. No we’re not building a University, but there are selected schools that are leaning in to be the schools we will pay for, to let someone go to them.

Second, the big movie of and about the roots of HazzardAyre, infact the roots of the Knytes is once again on the go button.

It’s a 3 hour movie that will star both A List stars as well as a few unknowns , this is the same basic foundation that American Pie was built on. Without the gal saying, “This one time at band camp” .

The ride home was great , although coming through Glenn’s Ferry and how much folk love me there was ready to see their version of Barney Fife coming off the second exit to give me a hassle. Fortunately none which was surprising, since on Memorial Day, or any holiday its Bear city here.

Got to Bliss, and wouldn’t ya’ll know it, got a flat. So fixed it with a can of sealer, so will need to go out to Charlie’ to see if he has a tire that I can get.

When it comes to HazzardAyre, Radio in fact the entire HazzardAyre experience, I feel both blessed and cursed at the same time. HazzardAyre is the blending of two radio programs we used to run on the Confederate Steele Network, Hazzard County Radio, and AyreWolf Radio. With the need to expand our importing of DXB from two hours a day to 4 hours a day, I was looking at mashing together both Hazzard County Radio and AyreWolf Radio. That started in Buhl, in 2010 when I was residing there, before I went to Burley and still questioning why I moved back, wish John at the Powers would have agreed to be my SSI Payee, instead of Charlie. Hey I’d still have my shop. Oh well, it ain’t bad here, just needing to catch up. But I got this inspiration in the middle of the night in Buhl, put HazzardAyre into construction mode and I haven’t looked  back. From HazzardAyre Radio, HazzardAyre News, (the newspaper ) and this blog.

Took that with me to Burley.

Now b4 any of ya’ll start to thinking that I have a bee under my hat about Big C, forget it. I still love as a brother and friend. I’m tankful to God above for what he does every month for me, only regret is I just wished he could have done this and be doing this with me living in Burley rather than Twin Falls. His better half in interfering in club business all through December and January, and all is why I’m sorta behind right now but the club and I are catching up.

If you remember Southern Steele had trouble gaining altitude at first, but by the time I moved it stupidly I know, but moved it from SLC Utah to CokeVille Wyoming, Southern Steele continued to grow to near being an entity itself. What Southern Steele was , HazzardAyre will be and more, and I’m excited as Dracula at a Red Cross Blood drive. And if your wondering, yes Confederate Steele is a merging together of Confederate Star Communications and Southern Steele Media. The Economy being what it is we as a club could not maintain two media firms, so we mashed em together.

Now then, the wife of one asked what is HazzardAyre is? The answer is the same as that I tell everyone, if you want to know all about HazzardAyre, look it up on Google, we even have a Wikipedia page for it. Added to that how many tons of blogs and such devoted to it, and more importantly, turn on your dang radio to 105.7 FM Salt Lake City, 93.7 American Falls Idaho, KSPO 104.3 Salt Lake City, KEMR Kemmerer Wyoming . Just some of the stations that carry us via syndication and one of which we now own pending the FCC Approval coming in October.

Any mile, body drained, headed for bed, will chat with you on the air overnight Monday into Tuesday.

L8R Ya’ll

AWAVIAASSNLOGO   my good bye

Quote of the Day:
At the working man's house hunger looks in but dares not enter.
--Benjamin Franklin
John 3:17“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Lord Gently weeps


Heard tell our Memorial Day run might get rained on, come Monday. No matter going anyway, plan on heading up around 16:00 tonight stay over and wheel on back Sunday before Church.

The thought that its going to rain on Memorial Day is nothing new, ever known a Memorial Day here in Idaho that it wasn’t raining?

George Harrison of the Beatles said it best while his guitar gently weeps, I say on Memorial Day , God gently weeps, after dying to settle scores on behalf of him, The lord our God. As it is written, blessed are those who keep the peace, the mighty warriors of valor who defend nation, family, fireside and faith. For he who gives his life in defense of the Lord God allmighty shall surly gain a seat at his throne in Heaven(Stovacore for our brethren on Qunos) .

As a kid when we’d pack up in sunny warm Utah to head to Grace each year for Memorial Day, we’d get there, and the weather was always crappy. not once was it nice and sunny and really warm. The fact that this year has been equally as cold as many on record here, and that I still have to tweak on the heater at night, or running in the truck on a toew call, suggests that indeed our climate is changing.

Now that said, consider this, instead of the taught fire and brimstone , that hell, is really the opposite, in that hell, or that dimension is more like the super deep freeze. Maybe that’s why there'll be the gnashing of teeth, as we’re freezing stiff as ice berg. Instead of roasting hot dogs in hell, we’re making flavored snow cones.

Nothing for God to throw us a curve ball right. The old slight of hand, make you think one way, but slam you with the other another way.

Watched a thing on the History Channel last night, that was barking about the existence of the third book of Timothy. A 3rd Timothy ? This would not surprise me much. Perhaps there’s a few parts of our beloved Bible left out. Not on purpose, but that now through new smarts that new translations of ancient texts are showing, there to be more written. Like the fact that Adam had a wife before Eve, the fact that there were two more books after Revelations, and the age gap question between the birth of Jesus and when he began to truly teach by age 40. Jesus’ years on earth in his teens and 20’s. What it’d been like to be a teenager with the powers and abilities of all mighty God, at your fingertips and yet not be aware of their existence. Could you imagine Jesus himself sitting in a high school history class hearing a teacher, and knowing better and having control of not jumping up and saying, “nope teach didn’t happen that way” The teacher responding, “ How do you know?” Then Jesus’ saying , “Cause I was there.”

But I think truly that on Memorial Day, that God does gently weep, and thus in many areas it rains.

Ah the life of this old Wolf, up all night on air doing HazzardAyre radio, feeling sick as a dog not hot and powerful as a wolf, but I still Git-R-Done.

Until this afternoon b4 I head out for Confederate Springs,


Quote of the Day:
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
--“Mahatma” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
James 1:19“[Listening and Doing] My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

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Still going except by 4 wheels not up on two

wolf dawn

At 04:19 I awoke from a deep sleep, to gunk in throat. But instead of it being the normal if it is normal mucus, awoke with bile in throat.

So after going into the latrine and emptying my stomach of all contents, taking so Nexium , I thought of not engaging our Memorial Day ride, but instead will be late getting out of the Wolf’s Lair and be rolling up in Wolf-PuP but I’ll be there.

Heard from Emma’s guy this afternoon, that I hit a home run with the mention of God directing this assembling of people. Doesn’t God do that any way.

We as humans think too dang much of ourselves. We think that everything is to our own desires and thoughts, plans, and personal needs. When in fact God is not only the builder, main commander and director, but awesome creator.

Nothing happens without God being in it. Or making it happen.

In Emma’ case, how many artists do I get involved with just because I spin their music on HazzardAyre? I can think of maybe two prior being. Only two. Emma coming in when she did. Was a God created operation. Think of this, there’s a reason, that of all the shows that there is, I caught Virginia Dreams on RFDTV that night. After a month of no Internet thanks to a screw up by Cable One, but will be fixed in a month or so any way , but while I got this SpeedConnect it works so beit, but getting back on focus, I saw Emma. Was so taken, went through this a few other times, both of which shaped my life and the clubs. The Dukes was the first one, when that happened it was a sot in the dark at best, got together with the right people at the right time, and look how that blossomed. Then the bit with the Sons in 2008, and look how that has became a force of Gods power. Now Emma, God never ever blends or mixes up people unless there’s something beneficial for the people involved and ultimately God himself. Gods plan is eternal, he knows what he’s doing. I’m not one that questions at least all the time. Sure I do at times, sometimes not in agreement, but God is God and I fully trust him. If God wants me and/or the club to be involved in elevating Emma’ career to a higher level, then so beit.

For whatever its worth, the bottom line is, I’m not more than a good shade tree aviation mechanic that served the the Marines with a GED, that got into media as a radio jock at age 12. Just about all I do is outlaw or at least fight the system. Face it and this nation is seeing it, the system is broke. Too many Federal, State and other agencies telling us that we should do this, can’t do that. Just like yesterday a court held out that now the Boy Scouts have to accept boys who are openly gay. Not leaders, but the boys themselves. really, camp outs are going to really be different now. This is just not right, but again the system said this is okay, so to be against establishment, or the system itself is not a bad thing.

Being against the system in many ways can and does filter to being Christian. If you believe fully in god, and want to walk in his sandals, sandals we can never fully fill but walk beside still is against the system or popular culture. But we must love our fellow humans, forgive them, teach them. We must be willing to stand up for God always. That’s what the Knytes-of-Anarchy does every day, and why there is HazzardAyre Radio.

But going past that, there is a form of music coming out of the deep south called Southern Kountry-Rock. Some call it a revival of Rockabilly. There are some just breaking artists that are doing Southern Kountry-Rock Gospel music.

This is a piece that I’d like to see Emma in, but not limited to.

The only two other voices I have heard prior to Emma’  that has the dynamic vocal range that Emma has, is Mariah Carey and Selena Gomez. Any key, any genre , any octave , all three can get in line with and make it sound good.

The other two have years on Emma, but think of it like this; when deceased Annette Funicello was first discovered by Walt Disney himself, he heard Annette’ voice , is was so melodic, that he booked her right on the spot. And look where her career went.

Chance meeting? No, divine yes. God Made that HAPPEN.

While it would be a goofy looking thing for Emma to move in with me so I could expand her career is not a thing God would want and besides, I’m at least 35 years her senior. But having her out west here, while not all gold is found out west, there are resources if one looks.

Now then Sons or no Sons, putting visual to Emma so she can be see as well as heard is important. Sadly our culture has to see the artists now days. In my days of music there were some that now that I see them, I wonder how did I love that voice, dang she fugdugly. But in this case Emma looks angelic to the point not to bring that in with her voice would be against the objective. Putting Emma in SOA or HazzardAyre the Movie etc along with her doing tracks for and of the soundtrack as well as in the films themselves would be a way of breaking the ice a bit more.

Any way, its getting to be 05:00 and if I’m to be getting on the road , by noon to join ya’ll at Confederate Springs I need to get some sleep.

In closing from noon today to 18:00 Sunday I’ll be off line and only by phone, I’m unplugging for two reasons one can’t take computer to Confederate Springs and two in honor of our Confederate soldiers who lost their lives in the civil war as well as all other conflicts invented by the Yankees of which our southern brethren fought and died.

Until Sunday 


Quote of the Day:
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
--Wilson Mizner
James 1:19“[Listening and Doing] My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life just keeps getting better


First off it was great chatting with Emma, her mom and all this evening on the phone. I see big things happening, now just got git-r-done with where to have em sleep and eat. I’d invite em over to the house here, but all I got is 6 plates and two are chipped. The other side, country though they may be sleeping in the barn might not be to a celebrity like Emma’ normal sleep over place, plus wanna roll out the carpet for who I think very well could not only be the Princess of Country music but in time the Queen, riding next to Loretta Lynn, so watch out folks.

Announcing although many at the meeting already know this, but announcing what we will call Hot August Knytes, Get it, after dark but done by us thus Knytes? Cute huh? Any mile three nights of none stop country, southern rock, southern kountry, southern cookin, and a bunch of two wheeled and 18 wheeled fun in one place.

Location is 1000 Springs Resort just outside of Hazzard(Hagerman) Idaho August 29th 30th and 31st.

Get out your fishin pole, water skis , and swim suit. The mineral baths and warm and hot water ponds, in a place that once you come you don’t want to leave.

Plans are to have Emma there for music and autograph gig, so, mark you calendar down.

Hey it may not be Sturgis, but for those that can’t make that trek this year the Knytes-of-Anarchy Hot August Knytes will make up for it, just don’t know what bikini to wear as there’ll be a men's bikini contest, that’s right us guys in g strings.

Told we dared to do anything.

Outside of that, DXB is on auto pilot, I’ve taken enough narcotics to start a store today for this bronchial infection as they call it.

Hope its done by church time on Sunday morning.

For those doubters of HazzardAyre, look at what your missing.

More in the AM Friday.

L8R Ya’ll

Love Ya Emma,

my good byeAYRE CLUB CARD 2_thumb_thumb

Quote of the Day:
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
--Kahlil Gibran
Romans 15:2“Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.”

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Standing ground

AWNITERYDEHEADER_thumbknytecyde hedder

Letting ya’ll know, I’m okay. The accident didn’t hurt anything, Wolf-PuP is okay nothing broken.

I didn’t even get a citation, which is a miracle in itself.

Might get one helluva check from the other guy. If the judge goes for full restitution , I’ll drop in $20k, as my sum, and go from there.

If I could talk more it’d be nice , but this damn allergy or what ever it is, is about to burry this old Wolf. Just as I think I got it beat, it comes back. Todd sedd the other day, if this crap wasn’t better by 13:00 then it’d be off to the hospital. Wanna bet where I ‘m at l8r this afternoon?

Nancy was supposed to drop her Durango off so I could tool it down to Shaun to fix her brakes. Considering the shop isn’t going to charge her for labor just parts and all if any are really needed, makes one wonder the delay. Must’ve been just her kids and all that made Nancy do a detour today.

Got a bit of sleep from 11:00 to 16:00 , thought about tooling out to Church, but these meds have got me so squirrely that, I ain’t leaving home on my own for a few days. And if yer wondering on the batttatterie, don’t , got some insurance for that, a B&D Charger so , life goes on.

Here’s a heads up that stumbled upon me earlier yesterday. Some gal named Adrianna emailed me wanting to know if I’d vouch for her? Something to do with her finding a job from some outfit she worked for in Towing in Florida.

Me no know her, so me not hanging out neck. God says to help and turn the other cheek and forgive, he don’t say ya’ll need to put yer head in the head chopping block.

So if you get a notice like this, don’t open the file, as its malware, took most the day Monday into early Tuesday to fix everything. It looks legit and everything but it ain’t.

Maybe get some more heavy duty meds today, get this gunk outta my throat,(ha,ha, not that) so I can quit coughing and eat. Although maybe God has this on me so I don’t eat and loose some pounds.

So I was looking on my Facebook page, all the way down , there were at least a half dozen Facebook LIKE me ads, on there about finding Jesus.

Hey I love God my heavenly Father his sons Jesus and Kahless I trust in them to heal, love me and deliver me in the right way at the right time. I am considering going back to the River, but not sure, but I’m getting off point. Thing is while I dig all this church teachings and people not in no way smart enough to be preachers and pastors, quoting Bible verses, some way off point and outta context. But then I get down to the bottom of all their pages and find, that bottom line, Please contribute, be our partner etc. Please send a donation, if you’d like to have todays message.

There’s this new chick doing church music named Mysty, that I saw on a revival show yesterday, while not Emma for sure, because Emma is to as near perfect as a gal gets, but the Mysty was good. Made you grab your bible, get down on your knees and look up, sure did me. Problem is, since NTB ran this show 4 years from when it aired first, the CD is no longer available and I can’t remember her last name.

Any mile, getting sleepy so going to go try sleep.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
--Henry David Thoreau, 19th-century American essayist and nature writer
Romans 15:2“Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.”

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knytes tail script

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What a day yesterday was, whew/.

AWNITERYDEHEADER_thumbpappys log

Yesterday was one I’d like to forget, and this new one dawning is just about as good so far.

I haven’t seen my bed for more than 15 minute naps, and I am starting to loose some cognitive abilities. It’s frightening, to say the least.

While I have faith in God that he’ll pull me through it, its I think God saying hey boy you need a time out.

You need to take some time off from all this go 17 hour days. Your not in your mid 20’s anymore, you need to realize your 54 .

I got a bunch of things from Smith’ , nasal spray, allergy tabs, and the like, but I haven’t ate much except a bowl of cereal at 16:00  yesterday.

My PSR says, if it ain’t better by Thursday when he comes, we’re going to go see a doctor, of some sort.

I know what’d cure or at least help, but it’s a controlled narcotic, and no can get without a prescription, it’s a medicine called Phenergren, but no doc, no prescript.

Didn’t do the show last night as I can barely talk, my throat is so dry and all that just breathing is a real chore.

The old Wolf here is in real need of a miracle. Wish I knew of a way to get rid of this mucus and plem.

Allrighty then all still go for the big go, on KDXB, FM and HazzardAyre Radio coming through to fruition.

Saw some feminazi’s were a bit put off by the recently released Star Trek movie. Seems there’s a scene where the secondary supporting actress came out wearing only her bra and shorts.

Come on, Hey I’m for not showing too much skin, but this is over the top.

The grumpy feminazies that’s women who want to neuter all our population where all are equal. Even God knows Man is Man, Woman is woman. A little eye candy in the film for us male corpuscles. Must a been these Feminazies who, started crabbing about the scriptures that says women will be quiet in church and submit to their husbands.

Any mile it’s 04:17 I’m going to try for sleep.

L8R Ya’ll

my good byein the air

Quote of the Day:
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust
--Samuel Johnson
Galatians 5:13“[Life by the Spirit] You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

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