Sunday, May 26, 2013

News from Confederate Springs


I was headed to church, but my innerds were such that I reconsidered. Seems as everything that went in my mouth was coming out my rear, so I turned off the truck, turned on HeeHaw and stayed home.

Must have been all the good grub and all at the Memorial Day run to Confederate Springs.

Now for you both in and out of Idaho, who might not know where Confederate springs is, Confederate Springs is located 25 miles from Featherville Idaho, near what was the Rocky Bar Mining Complex, that includes Confederate Star Silver Mine. Thus the name Confederate Springs. If you go on a scoot its not so bad, while the road will handle a slightly wider rig, like Wolf-PuP I wouldn’t take anything much bigger up there.

The Forest service maintains 5 camp grounds there, that has an outside potty, bar-b-que pits and a few free standing bar-b-que units. There is spring water, there but there isn’t any running from the spickets just yet.

There are 4 cabins there, first come first served, as for the rest its sleeping bag and ground. Thankfully dry enough to snooze on.

I got up there yesterday at about 20:00 hours, just in time for night grub and some sing along campfire old shop talk, then curled up on back of Wolf-Pup, and was awake at 06:00 this morning. At 09:00 the officers met over breakfast, talked club business including bringing HazzardAyre Radio into more than a marginally syndicated show into both its expanded OTA(Over The Air) and Internet streaming radio operation. There are big grand things going on with HazzardAyre and one of which is two fold. One will be the Emma Leigh, College Fund, being established by the Knytes-of-Anarchy and The United American Independent Truckers Association , so that not only can Emma herself go to a selected school of the arts , but qualifying teens and college aged youth can go to a Christian based arts college. No we’re not building a University, but there are selected schools that are leaning in to be the schools we will pay for, to let someone go to them.

Second, the big movie of and about the roots of HazzardAyre, infact the roots of the Knytes is once again on the go button.

It’s a 3 hour movie that will star both A List stars as well as a few unknowns , this is the same basic foundation that American Pie was built on. Without the gal saying, “This one time at band camp” .

The ride home was great , although coming through Glenn’s Ferry and how much folk love me there was ready to see their version of Barney Fife coming off the second exit to give me a hassle. Fortunately none which was surprising, since on Memorial Day, or any holiday its Bear city here.

Got to Bliss, and wouldn’t ya’ll know it, got a flat. So fixed it with a can of sealer, so will need to go out to Charlie’ to see if he has a tire that I can get.

When it comes to HazzardAyre, Radio in fact the entire HazzardAyre experience, I feel both blessed and cursed at the same time. HazzardAyre is the blending of two radio programs we used to run on the Confederate Steele Network, Hazzard County Radio, and AyreWolf Radio. With the need to expand our importing of DXB from two hours a day to 4 hours a day, I was looking at mashing together both Hazzard County Radio and AyreWolf Radio. That started in Buhl, in 2010 when I was residing there, before I went to Burley and still questioning why I moved back, wish John at the Powers would have agreed to be my SSI Payee, instead of Charlie. Hey I’d still have my shop. Oh well, it ain’t bad here, just needing to catch up. But I got this inspiration in the middle of the night in Buhl, put HazzardAyre into construction mode and I haven’t looked  back. From HazzardAyre Radio, HazzardAyre News, (the newspaper ) and this blog.

Took that with me to Burley.

Now b4 any of ya’ll start to thinking that I have a bee under my hat about Big C, forget it. I still love as a brother and friend. I’m tankful to God above for what he does every month for me, only regret is I just wished he could have done this and be doing this with me living in Burley rather than Twin Falls. His better half in interfering in club business all through December and January, and all is why I’m sorta behind right now but the club and I are catching up.

If you remember Southern Steele had trouble gaining altitude at first, but by the time I moved it stupidly I know, but moved it from SLC Utah to CokeVille Wyoming, Southern Steele continued to grow to near being an entity itself. What Southern Steele was , HazzardAyre will be and more, and I’m excited as Dracula at a Red Cross Blood drive. And if your wondering, yes Confederate Steele is a merging together of Confederate Star Communications and Southern Steele Media. The Economy being what it is we as a club could not maintain two media firms, so we mashed em together.

Now then, the wife of one asked what is HazzardAyre is? The answer is the same as that I tell everyone, if you want to know all about HazzardAyre, look it up on Google, we even have a Wikipedia page for it. Added to that how many tons of blogs and such devoted to it, and more importantly, turn on your dang radio to 105.7 FM Salt Lake City, 93.7 American Falls Idaho, KSPO 104.3 Salt Lake City, KEMR Kemmerer Wyoming . Just some of the stations that carry us via syndication and one of which we now own pending the FCC Approval coming in October.

Any mile, body drained, headed for bed, will chat with you on the air overnight Monday into Tuesday.

L8R Ya’ll

AWAVIAASSNLOGO   my good bye

Quote of the Day:
At the working man's house hunger looks in but dares not enter.
--Benjamin Franklin
John 3:17“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

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