Thank goodness there’s an evening service.
At 04:00 hours call came into Dixie central, overturned rig, I-84 between Tremonton Utah and Snowville Utah. Since we have toew rights in Utah and few others here do we responded with two trucks, skip loader and another open boxed trailer and tractor.
With most things cleaned up by 09:00 I decided to honor My mom, by going home via Grace Idaho and at least kneeling beside my Mom’s grave, as that’s all I can do now.
My mom was truly a master of all things, and a comforter to the degree I have not seen in any other woman anywhere.
I suppose I’m not unlike any other guy on earth, there is no other woman like Mom. But my Mom was truly special, and whose accomplishments are to be honored by many.
Many , all too many to put down on a blog, and a Mom who made possible dreams not just for me but all too many others. Many who fail and all too many forget. Guess its better for them that way.
The Christmas’ , work ethic, and oh yes that special spaghetti sauce, the hotcakes, cookies, and cinnamon buns mom made I can remember.
Of course there’s the ability to make water run uphill, the irrigating mom did on a 300 acre ranch only with a shovel, plastic dam, and siphon tubes. We didn’t have anything like a pivot or sprinkler pipe on our place.
Mom would milk 100 head of dairy cows, feed chickens, collect eggs, nurse little pigs from a bottle, and still made my life possible.
Mom taught Sunday school, contributed heavily to many causes financially, and still and maybe this is the most tragic, none of those people remember those financial and time consuming efforts. At least not to me .
Of course there’s the $15k she put into the coffers of the start up of the REAL , Hazzard-County-Garage, that is now Hazzard-County-Choppers/Dixie-Toewing. The real gift to me was the $1,500.00 out of her own savings, that bought LexiBelle,>> and yes even my General Lee.
I got home at noon, and with all the driving and thinking, I think, I’m taking a nap so I can go to church tonight.
For all of you, who have moms at home, or are still in contact with your moms, honor and love them, they all are not here forever.
When they’re gone, they’re gone, and unless we do what we are supposed to under the eyes of God, we’ll never see them again.
I’m reminded of a song by CW McCall, “Roses for Mama” If ya’ll get a chance look it up on YouTube.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
Proverbs 31:10, 27-28“[Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character] A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |