Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cleaning out friendship lists

knytecyde hedderHAZZARDAYRE TAG2 BIG

Mom used to call them, foul weather friends, I call them short term acquaintances.

These are the people, that during something major all want to be YOUR friend. Even some that assume names of your relatives, even your dad, of which mine has been dead for now 30 plus years. Some buttwipe on Facefart, signed up for an account on Facefart using my dad’s name, oh well some asshole signed on as Uncle Jessie , so I guess anything goes. You’d think Facefart would police and screen that a bit heavier.

So then I start going through all those pages I sign in with, and so called friends. Many of which were people, I’d just asoon forget from Hazzard, as well as the valley here.

Many are in to being my friend when its convenient, ignore me the rest of the time. So I only accept friends on Facefart now from people I damn well know and really are friends, within a few miles or areas that I go. Elsewise no more my friend.

of course there are exceptions, my publicist, and one who manages Emma, but past that , ignore me, adios you don’t need to make believe your my friend, go suck the hind teat of another idiot. I don’t dig carpetbaggers, and many on Facefart are little from that.

So I start cleaning house.

Take off 5 friends. And looking to do more.

Eastern Idaho and Utah looking better every day. In the time, I still have here its still the same plan, finish building KDXB, put her on air, find manager, fix up my rides, then its me outta here.

But I’d like ya’ll’ opinion, how many of your Facefart friends do you keep or how many do you ignore until they cross YOU off their friends list and you do likewise?

Will follow up on this later today, is Zuckerburg’ monster outgrown its usefulness and is there something coming that’s better? Only Google knows for sure.

For those who have continued to ignore me on Facefart>>AYREFINGER SALUTE

L8R Ya’ll

my lulliby

Quote of the Day:
What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

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knyte tail.