For as much as I piss about Google’ Blogger, Blogger still the leader when it comes to simplicity.
While some features are not offered on older blogs b4 the advent of some peace treaty between Google and Facefart that allows posts to be seen on Facefart, still, from the users point of view, not some tech geeks realm , but for those that write for the need to self publish and make money, one would be hard pressed if you can find it at all, but Blogger still has Tumblr and others farting in the wind.
I might try Tumblr again after the purchase of Tumblr by Yahoo, is done, and features, including decorative skins that are free on Blogger that ain’t free or not offered on Tumblr.
Now once your pissed off at Tumblr you can try to extinguish your account with them, but they are nearly as bad as Facefart to get out.
Granted geeks like Sheldon Cooper, from the Big Bang Theory might can figure this crap out, but how about us good old UCSMC winged warriors, who need computers and internet , but don’t want to be involved with a bunch of gunk .
The reason for all the cyber security is the hackers and fraud asswipes in Nigeria and such.
My thought on all that over there? Simple>>That’s right>>
quit this farting around.
This little 3rd rock from the sun, no matter who the heck you think it was created. My thoughts on creation are the two combined. God caused the big bang and soon came Adam, that’s it. But this tiny speck of carbon in the infinite galaxy of galaxies , is still home. instead of pissing everyone off, lets get the crooked bastards out of the White House in DC, get Obama out of office, move the nations capitol to Birmingham Alabama, elect Ben Jones for President, Roscoe for Vice President and Enos as Secretary of Defense. Then lets get real ornery, and this pity little nations either get with the program or we do some serious cleansing. It’s that damn simple.
I’m tired of having to walk through x-ray machines at airports, having my private emails and all monitored because some dork in DC thinks I might have a difference of opinion, I’m tired of having to remember a ton of passwords and crap just to send mail to club members and tired of all this politics making gas and diesel so high , one can’t afford to go anywhere, cept maybe the root beer stand at A&W, then finding A&W increased their prices because it costs more to raise, slaughter and ship the beef that goes into my Papa Burger.
Our great God, and his servant and prophet, Kahless, fought dearly to rid this planet of oppression and tyranee now let’s get busy.
I have tried all of them, but I still love Blogger. Blogger may be old skool, but sometimes its old skool that it takes to get the job done.
Ya’ll might be wondering why I’m still awake? Still can’t get the gunk outta my noggin so I can breathe to sleep, so stumble as I might, just figured I needed to hammer.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
So long as you rob Peter to pay Paul, you'll have Paul's support.
1 Corinthians 1:10“[A Church Divided Over Leaders] I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |