Sunday, May 12, 2013

Simple acts go much further than money

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

Simple acts of affection or just brotherly or church love goes a long way.

Sometimes though the need is not seen so it goes by and nothing happens but tasks performed can mean nearly as much.

Example, today was Mothers Day, all day I have been in grief over the fact Mom is not here. Aside from the small things mom did like laundry, fixing meals and such, the simple act of a hug at just the right time, goes a long way to comforting someone in the same boat.

I was sitting, in church this evening, hearing about all the gifts we have that we can offer the congregation. Its not just the church, since the church is a building with chairs. The congregation, is the earthly body, and needs feeding and nurturing rather than neutering, just as much as anything. For the few that truly have surrendered their lives to Christ and all, it’s the learning of how to enhance our knowledge that’s important. However faith without works is meaningless.

This gift I have of gab, that I use everyday on air on radio, the organizational skills I have learned as well as been given, by God, for the Knytes and AyreWolvez, but more importantly the gift of opening up my heart more than once and constantly and at times it gets stepped on. It hurts, more from pride, than anything, God mends hearts. But at least I held out and gave a hand up to someone that needed it.

Some take helping out as a sign of something sinister. Example, when I went to Glenn’s Ferry , in 2008, little gal next door, needed money for school supplies. I offer the simple task of posing with an aircraft, in a pic we were going to tag, as, “ Been flying long” kinda like that one of the two little boys dressed as young farmers who says, “ Been farming long?” Of course some dillweed of a city council member there thought I had devious plans. So the one task the AyreWolvez was trying to do went down in flames. But at least I can say I was being kind. Some people can be lead to knowledge, but at times you can’t make them think.

But then there’s this dear gal from church and although a task to be compensated for, still took my was, some that hadn’t seen the inside of a washer since August, and I have fresh threads. Yes I’d have been tickled for a hug, but hey the spirit hadn’t moved her, but still she’s as kind as could be. Why is it more can’t be that way.

Then there’s two that live with her. One seems to be going through some heavy duty, stuff. While I don’t like to pry, I am there for a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.

Any way, decided to let the on air bit go to DXB tonight, I’m pooped. The spirit of God will place the on air people we need to us when he sees fit. Since he hasn’t I take it as , in his power in ain’t time for that for our own good, its in Gods tender loving hands, so I do the best with what we have right now.

See ya’ll Monday afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher
Proverbs 31:30“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

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