Saturday, May 3, 2014

It’s the pickles, it’s the pickles


It’s a Saturday, I had every idea of being inside your radio last night , but got to talking to the neighbors and a few barley pops, at 3.2 octane level, which does nothing for me by the way, but enough of em I’ll catch a mediocre buzz. So with that and lots of back gate howling by 05:00 I was near dead, so came home showered and bed.

Got up, invited my neighbor to go eat at Karen’s CafĂ© here but he was too busy watching the Kentucky Derby, which is not in my interest at all, to me if it doesn’t have tires and burns gas, I don’t want to be around it, or even interested. So I ventured off . Got to Wal-Mart got the money order deposit from my new roomy Jeff, and decided to give Warren’s another try. So I duplicated the same order as from my birthday. When I got to the pickles, that were again terrible, I quit eating and left. It is thus I have determined 4 things, one the pickles are rotten. Not just sour as a pickle should be , but really rotten. Two the Warren’s that I grew up with and that the club grew up with is not the Warren’s of today, what really is? and three, the fries at Warren’s are undercooked, and 4 , you get the idea that most that work at Warren’s are there for a job, not a career and really do not care. The final here 3 times, is the number of visits the club makes as to give a thumbs up, and repeat or give a finger down and not go there anymore. In this case its finger down , no more going to Warren’s at least the Riverdale location. Will try the Roy location, see if its as bad , if so no go. If better, maybe, but don’t push the maybe baby.

So I got home, looked over the Facebook gossip, saw a few entries from Sammi and all couldn’t see details but will make a determination of it all Monday after I go to TMG to see the crew they have lined up.

The stuck up , ignorant and arrogant attitude I saw in Idaho is magnified in Utah as far as screen or feature photo talent. As long as the WHATEVER it is , is LDS and otherwise approved by LDS officials your in with a shoe horn. If not it’s a uphill battle and calls to Hollywood and Nashville.

Any mile we are growing, HazzardAyre Radio has seen a slight uptick in income, I’m doing much more off screen socialization here than I did in Idaho, and can say if its done slow, we’ll make it. And make it three times better than it currently is, that is if we can find the right in front of and behind the camera talent.

Any mile we’re gassing things up here getting ready for a 23:00 hour departure to HazzardAyre Radio, so stay tuned.

See ya’ll then.

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Quote of the Day:
Every successful enterprise requires three men - a dreamer, a businessman, and a son of a bitch.
--Peter McArthur
Romans 12:12“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Finally time for me to settle down

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My have I had a day of it.

First I get up, and have to battle with the Department of Workforce Services here to get crap straightened around on my grub card. Then it began battling with some witch at Macey’s Food store over a bottle of milk. Then glancing over some dangling emails and Facebook postings from Models Utah, I get a nibble. She was fine said she’d be up, so thinking on a real maybe, settled in for the day.

Got most of my money from the Feds, and in the AM sending $100.00 up to Dan, on LexiBelle, then shortly after June 1st going to go fetch it. If this deal with a room mate and all pans out it’ll lower my output of funds all the time.

My power bill was only $40.00 a far cry from those of Idaho Power in Twin Falls, My gas bill about that so got off for $220.00 so I’m good. If the new roommate pays up his $250.00 plus $200.00 that’s $450.00 which means Monday I can pay off Comcast and some on DirecTV. We see.

June 1st too we can get this radio thing in a office studio and grow this.

Sammi showed up, she’s great but is stressing on the logistics problems. Of which I’m fine with, if we can just get some stuff put together to build the rest of the site with my webmaster in California, not only will the radio station be hot, but the site itself for the club will be top notch too.

Then having an issue with Google, tried to sign in for Google Earth, damn thing lost my password so been juggling that, but I think it’ll work out okay.

All I know is my mind and body hurts, I’m taking my meds, doing a shower and hitting the rack.

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Quote of the Day:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?
--Steven Wright
1 John 5:14-15“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”

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The Beast is awake

a good hazzardayreGood Morning

I just love the 1st of the month. It’s supposed to mark the beginning of a new month full of promise. Yet here in Utah it’s a fight to the death for the last gall darn bone.

So thinking all with the Snap card was like Idaho’s go to check balance since did not want to get to the store and find it bare, that’s embareassing. So called, only 41.35? What? So called the infamous Utah dept, of workforce services, why is this even a thing of DWS, should be with the DH&W somewhere like Idaho. So got one guy at 08:01, what a shitty attitude he had. So called back, with their automated intro system this really sucked. In fact I told them so.

Finally connected with someone that although reluctant, put my SNAP card full, and off to the store I went. The food store was less than friendly, what everyone in Utah going through their mensi’s at the same time this month? Must be in the water , must need go buy some Midol and inject it into the water maybe calm people down, if I can be of good cheer starving certainly the rest of these over fed beef cows and sows can get into a better mood. So got my food, came home, injested and my did it taste good, cept it came out again as fast as it went out will go get better later.

So then saw some responses on Utah Model on Facebook, seems as though a few are more ambitious, thing is being curious is one thing. Going through, putting on their skirt, heels and stockings and driving up here to the studio is another. There is even one black chick that’s interested. Which I have no problem with infact that would be great as heck showing that a group of Confederates are not racist. I’d go for that, especially after that basketball owner got nailed over something to do with racism, showing that a rebel southern Confederate group isn’t that, that’d be big news. But I suspect that ain’t going to happen.

The our webmaster got a no go on the web cam, looks like that like many other things will be our doing, first. After all , have to hold ones hands, dang toddlers.

What I think all too many fail to realize the beast is well awake. The radio network formerly known as Dixie-Diesel. Has risen, to where we are howling like never before. The need to right the wrongs of all too many yankee’s gone astray in the administration of law and government is ruffling the leaves and trees. Those that can do should, those who society has pulled the rug from under them is saying enough and like always the Hazzard Knytes is coming to the rescue. But more over to make sure it what ever IT is, don’t reoccur, the Hazzard Knytes, will howl through the internet radio waves on HazzardAyre Radio about it. To make sure more tune to that we are unloading our ammo to getting just that done. So we are rousting out as much female eye candy, bikes, trucks, warbyrds and all with some of the best flesh on earth at least here to put in front of a video camera so that when you plunk your butt in front of a vintage TV show on METV or a NASCAR race, that every once in awhile, you’ll find out why you should log onto .  But this is not easy.

Any mile, been under the weather last few days, so will still be off for yet another day from being on air, but I should be on there overnight starting at 01:00 AM .



Quote of the Day:
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
--G.K. Chesterton
Hebrews 11:6“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Queen of Hazzard


On TV in the series it was all Jessie Duke the patriarch of Hazzard, in the real Hazzard, My mom was the Queen Mother of Hazzard.

There was NO charity or person in true need that My mom didn’t help, somehow. Beit money, food or deed , my mom was the one that those who were in bat situations with no other choice from traditional resources, Mom stepped in.

Next week its Mothers Day, and pardon me if I get a bit teary eyed here, but MY , MoM was the true Queen more like Guardian Angel of our community, both Hazzard, as well as much of Idaho and northern Utah.

Many of my kin folk are upset as MoM made it to where I got the Wolf’s share of the Montgomery Foundation at her passing,  but long before, none were too proud but to ask, makes me kinda mad now that I need their help I get a cold shoulder, while MoM was alive, she gave not in loans, but just gifts of heart some rather large sums of funds, sometimes with many zeros behind the numbers.

MoM was born in Confederate kountry, Gilmer Texas, on May 28th. She became one of a few lady Vice Admiral’s in the United States Navy, SIU. But Mom was the true kountry gal. She could make water run uphill. Which she did shovel and plastic dam irrigation of a 1000 acre ranch just outside of Hazzard Idaho, even being able to barn break a set of dairy cows. Unless there was a stranger in the barn at milking, those cows never pooped in that barn.

MoM taught a prize Herford bull weighing several tons, to be able to baby sit me in my buggy, as a mere toddler, in a big field, at times rocking my buggy with that heavy hoof.

With a swipe of a pen on the pages of a checkbook, a phone call, or a visit , my MoM could perform miracles for others as well as for me. Many that I feel have been forgotten by many ungrateful people in both Hazzard County Idaho, my kin folk, and many even here in northern Utah.

The song by CW McCall Roses for Mama says it best, I now honor my MoM every year twice in the same month, of May my MoM, by delivering flowers to her grave in the cemetery just south of Grace Idaho. That’s where my MoM sleeps, although I’m working to get her relocated from there to Utah.

In all true angelic definitions, my MoM was and is the Queen of Hazzard.



Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
Ephesians 4:15“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”

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I hate when this happens, but it does


So there I was asleep dreaming of the quiet sounds of Hazzard Creek, when at first the little girls of the folks living above me here at the Wolf’s Lair, started their whimpering. WahWah booga booga wah. So they started , finally after a bit their folks came and quieted them down a taste.

Then AirMed flew over, that’s not noise but music, but it seemed to linger. So I had a call and then it was pill and then bed time. All together, I was too pooped to be on air. But will be on about noon today to make up for it.

I don’t know about kids these days nor parents. My Mom & Dad although strict were not mean in any way, but lights out , was that, lights out. You went to sleep or you got a sock in your mouth, (maybe that’s why I got a taste for toes) any mile it was that or, if you kept up that big black razor strap. Most of the times it was just the slapping that together sound that made you just cower down and go silent. It was nearly that in church. you started fussing in church, the glare would bring you to your senses, but the sock in mouth, was even worse. Can’t do that today, today its abuse, we called it discipline.

Any way again I’m dead to the world some maybe a possible source of relief, more on air at noon.



Quote of the Day:
Sharing money is what gives it its value.
--Elvis Presley, singer
Ephesians 4:15“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What one has to remember is, this ain’t Hollywood, nor Nashville

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Even with the advancements there are in Utah, one still has to remember that , metro Salt Lake City and immediate surrounding area, is still not as open minded as say Hollywood nor Nashville. If it’s not the LDS Church’s beliefs eating you up, it’s the fear that if you do something against that grain you’ll be eaten up. Example, thought McCarty's talent was going to help us gather some beauties for the website and visuals for the streaming TV/Radio site. Guess what? I mentioned in a previous blog entry just a few descriptions of gals body parts, and got a fast, go away letter. Upon a phone call now Suzi is considering us again, but I’m not going to beg. However we are talking to other agencies, both in and way out of Utah. But I’m not the only one here, anything you say in print, without the inflexion of voice, as I do on the air can be taken out of context. Same as that basketball owner getting blackballed by the NBA for saying something off key about the African American community.

Casting for projects especially the female gender is really tough in any location. Some producers go two years finding just the right person, some have to settle and hope the rest of the cast or project upholds the story line enough to where the talent they had to settle for doesn’t fuggleitup too bad.

While it’s a true statement, that Howard Stern, and even BoB & Tom could go live from Salt Lake City, or even Ogden here, while aggressive, and rebellious I never have taken myself to being at minimum rated PG17 or even R , but it would seem so.

The audience that tunes me in on syndicated Radio, as well live over the air, is you the Confederate American long haul over the road trucker,toewer, aviator, biker. A Dukes-of-Hazzard, unpoliticly uncorrect independent thinking redneck, that like cold beer, Dale Earnhardt , Tanya Tucker, Waylon Jennings, his pick up truck, and good grub. That’s who you are and I cater your every wish except one and I don’t do that. Ain’t one of those, its not natural. But you can’t say anything, because that agency says its too risky. Heard that elsewhere , haven’t you? I have also always said, its too bad there isn’t an agency that recruits and trains hotties to be involved in a bad or at least none introverted all ethnic agency. A sort of Bad Girls agency if you will.

Certain films and series could not be filmed or produced here. B.J. & The Bear couldn’t be even today, HeeHaw, even today , forget it. And especially something along the lines of SOA(Son’s of Anarchy) just could not be produced here. The church censors would shut you down.

Any mile see ya’ll tonight on HazzardAyre, on starting at 01:00AM.



Quote of the Day:
You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
--Liz Smith
Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

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But does she have pretty feet and toes and do they smell


So you are about to meet the beauty of your dreams, Her torso is so curvy, her breasts not big, not small , just right, her nipples just perky, her legs are ultra grand then you get to her feet, are they free of blemishes, corns, hammertoes ? Do they smell like roses or lilacs or are they so dry , patchy and smell like someone just opened a bag of corn chips?

One of the most important parts of a lady that I look at, and admire and is key in my screening for TV talent for HazzardAyre and especially Cooter’s Toewing is the gals feet. In nylons or not, I think, are they the delicate little gems with toes so sweet you could just lap em up in hot chocolate, if so the gal has a plus in our auditions, and in my personal searches. If not, I usually pass.

The feet are a view into a gals self esteem. If a woman cares enough to moisten and take care of their feet and toes they care enough to make themselves unforgettable, and that’s important. If a gal remembers to wear good looking leggings, nylons etc, they are the kind of woman that cares about going the distant and giving attention to detail. The gal or model that doesn’t care about her peds and all , is the gal or model talent that doesn’t care about themselves much or has something to hide. This means She’ll not be good details in a production or remembering . And this can create havoc on a days shoot.

Let me outline this in three examples.

1st and of course there is Robin, Miss Dixie-Diesel 1993. Her name was Robin, she applied at our Rupert Idaho shop/studio in 1992. She read a two maybe three lined ad, she called I told her what was needed, she came in, of course in a skirt, heels, nylons. Her feet were manicured, sweet smelling and it was very easy to work with her. Then there was the ad to welcome The Dukes, in their first reunion movie on CBS. We booked air time , thought we had one talent from one agency , the agency opted out, so we in desperation I found a gal at Barbizon Models in Salt Lake City. The gal was the owners daughter. The day of the shoot, she shows, but it was snowing. So she came in, in tennis shoes, cotton socks covering her nyloned feet and toes. Needless to say her feet were pew. After take 35 and me throwing up, we had the scene in can and aired, but no way would I work with her again.

Then there is our Miss Nurse GoodBody, Erin. She answered an ad from us in Gooding Idaho. She called to set an interview/audition, when I mentioned toes in hose, her only two questions were stockings or Pantyhose? But when she got there, her feet and all were clean, sweet and a treat. She was not offended by her feet or toes. She became our main foot person>IJUSTLOVETOEWS  happytoesoopsme and Ellie Mayrestin toesI worked with her and still do from time to time although these days she’s busy with school, and children and medical career. But She did what was required, she showed she cared about the project, and I knew she would because she took care of her feet, toes and wasn’t stuck up about allowing someone to touch them, or interact with her feet/toes. That meant to me most anything else was easy for her to get into and I knew she was not introverted.

So next time your looking at that special lady ask the question to yourself, does she have pretty feet and toes, and/or do they smell ? If good you have a good lady, if not stay away from her.

Until we see each other on air tonight overnight, the afternoon show has been cancelled due to some tech glitches, but we’ll be in the cab of your truck and your computer and Iphone, starting at 11:00PM.


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Quote of the Day:
ARH!! I found it!
Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

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