Saturday, February 14, 2015



PHOOTENOTES HEADER[2]_thumb Before I get my butt into a relaxed state ready for bed, I want to relate some things to you, that is giving me some serious concerns.

First a bit of background and I’ll attempt to keep it brief.

Near the end of November, the parties that be at I4 Solutions , needing me to find residency outside the studio/office were pushing me out of that nest. So in haste I looked at Evanston Wyoming. Where for every step I make forward , I get knocked ten steps back, more on that in a few laps here.

If Brandon and John had let me have another week, I could have found better quarters to move to residency wise, and not been late with the rent and so on , regarding the office, but can’t fix that now although I wish I could since leaving the station where its at would be better than trying to move it all. Which has me perplexed to say the least.

Radio gear is very delicate, too much vibration, not unhooking it right for transport, and all can damage near none replacement pieces, which I’ll have to do.

Right now , I’m looking at finding something in Utah for the radio station, and in April move me there, instead of dragging things out here, and here’s the reason or at least one of them.

All night Saturday, I have been tuned into some of our archives of most of HazzardAyre Radio on Livestream. Its been a need to constantly reload the program. So did a speed test, 24 down, 2.90 up. Hell I’m used to at least 150 down and 60 up. While there may be ways to improve that, I’m not willing to propose to the Knytes to rewire an entire town just to accommodate us. Best course of action, get us to where the pipe is bigger. In Evanston I’m getting a stream rate like water trickling through a garden hose, In Woods Cross, I was getting a stream rate equal to water going through a fire hose. That’s what HazzardAyre Radio needs, so do I move the gear? Or put it in storage, look around and see where else, like say Montpelier Idaho might have a slightly bigger pipeline? One way or another the gear has to be moved, but I need to, renting a storage unit, and then doing some scouting might be the best plan.

These are the kinds of things I wish now I could have checked out BEFORE we moved here. If I had known the fat whore at the Yellow Creek Estates that rented me that trailer there, had held off sending in that first months rent for near three weeks, I’d have demanded the rent back and moved my butt outta there. Course the smarter move would have after seeing the place, just gotten my money back from her, had her take me back to Motel 6, and went back home to Woods Cross.

I found too, that two of our Livestream channels are missing programming. So I contacted them on it, but rest assured I’m looking into other streaming services, that don’t kill your programming, just because your off air for a couple of months. Like Live365, sure its going to cost the club, and me, but hey if that’s what it takes.

But at least Livestream had brains enough to know better than mess with HazzardAyre.

Going in to do some praying to find some answers.


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So why don’t I do it?


I just got a feed back here so I thought I’d quickly share this with you.

The question came from my last entry on exploring new tech and why I haven’t built our companies website.

Simple answer; Just like making a successful pancake or uploading a video to YouTube, I don’t know how.

For HTML might as well stand for hot tamale , I don’t know how to write computer code, nor embed links or at least to the degree of excellence I demand our site needs to have.

Which is why I seek vendors and such to do the site build for us.

Now, while many can do simple builds, ours has to be able to incorporate the streaming radio station into the site, make the radio show the heart of the site. To many, you mention streaming and they tuck tail and run.

Last and there might be some kid around here that could try, but as of yet, there just isn’t anyone that builds complex web sites in rural areas like Evanston Wyoming, or Twin Falls Idaho.  Sure there are a few site builders out there that might and I say might be able to build our site, but they are either back east in New York or somewhere, or California or even Portland Oregon. The problem there is logistics. If I employ someone’s services to build the site, I want to be as close if not over the shoulder of the who builds it. Why? Simple I guess, but if the site pukes at 2:00AM I want to know enough to be able to get in and fix it. Not rely on some tech geek 1200 miles away or more to wake up from his or her college dorm party to get our site back up. Same goes for the site for HazzardAyre Radio and the Knytes.

So that’s why I don’t do it, but the real challenge? Is there someone out there that can?

Now then, another question to be answered, why so many names and companies?

If your into toewing you know why, but for those still miffed. One company, a few trucks one location or even multiple locations, you get one spot on tow rotation lists, i/e law enforcement call out lists. If you have many companies under the umbrella of just one companies, even in multiple locations, you get more names on rotation , thus more toews, thus more money to be made.


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If your going to succeed you have to be willing to explore new technology


PHOOTENOTES HEADER[2]_thumb Before I get to the PhooteNotes here I wanted to answer a couple of questions that have been posed to this old Hooker.

First; the bit with toes. Its simple really, without getting into a deep course changing spiel, the two words TOW and TOE sound alike, yet mean something else. Our reason for using the amalgamation here is years and years ago, both the radio station KTOW was always being mis pronounced as or rhyming with COW not TOE(TOW).  Next the connection went well with our Hazzard County image, hey what’s more leggy than Hazzard County and the Dukes?  Next the word Hooker. Again one word with many meanings, the word Hooker can mean prostitute, or as we use it the trucker cb slang for tow truck.

Okay then.

I tried looking up one of our customers here’s Facebook page. Steve’s Truck Shop whose son Nate is both a Knyte and a dear friend, has no Facebook page. Nate himself does but not the shop.

One in this day and age, even if its minimal needs to have a cyber foot print. Something as simple as a Facebook page,  or a blog page is better than nothing.

A blog page can be as simple as taking a pic of the shop, include a phone number , location, and basic 411 and post it on say Blogger, or some such. At least your there.

You can’t always deploy business methods of yesterday , if you want to be in business tomorrow. Just like me and us at Highway Hooker Toewing. Back when I started , there were wheel lifts, and rollbacks(Carriers) were just coming on line. But as many did, I resisted. What happened? I could not respond to many toews since ye old sling on LexiBelle would bend the crap out of those plastic, and tin cars and trucks, so I albeit painful, had to invest in two quick picks and a carrier. Now I’m in the process of buying a heavier carrier.

When computers started becoming the rage, again here in the business, I thought what the hell do I need a computer for? A computer is only as intelligent as the idiot at the key board.  Today I can’t do much if anything in the business without a computer.

Every time I see a social site come up, I make sure the company is listed all of them(more on that in a few) as well as the club.

Sure I love my LexiBelle, and there’s recovery jobs that only she can do because she has the strength to do them, but two, there’s so much she is limited to do, that additional equipment needs to be retrofitted there to enable her to endure another 1,600,000 miles.

It’s like such things as the complex I live in. The Wentworth needs tenants, I have an idea, build a conflabbit website for this complex. At least a Facebook page, so people can find the damn place and look into moving here.  It’s like our property manager here. She puts out flyers with tear offs at local places like grocery store bulletin boards.  You might get a call back from there, put up a damn blog or website where people look to begin with and kaboom , enquiring minds are looking into the Wentworth.

So the answer to the question of why doesn’t Highway Hooker, Cooters, Toewing and the rest of my flock have websites? The answer is, simple, I have yet to find the right people with the creative extensions to create the fool proof site I demand, more over to find me the eye candy to duplicate today such shots of some of the logos of the rest of the flock>COOTERS TOEW AD_thumb or >promo shot_thumb Nobody has been able to construct this level of a site for us, but we keep working towards it, since it’s like trying to resist is futile.

Nate old buddy you need a website or at least a Facebook page.


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so let’s Spend some money with the bastards


Only a few days now until I have my master computer with all my gadgets back.

Thanks to the Uinta View Ward of Evanston , the equipment in Utah will be, being hauled up here on the 27th of February, and should be back online full throttle by April.

Then the final piece to my puzzle, bringing LexiBelle here to Evanston, and all will be right in my world.

Which brings me to several of the things that was discussed preve night, here at the Wentworth through a web conference of the Knytes High Council.

First reviving the SpeedTV channel, who better than the Knytes to do it and bringing to light Highway Hooker TV the only news and lifestyle TV show for us who tow. See for details.

Our young (and I do mean young) all around fix it person here at the Wentworth, decided to have several of his friends here overnight, which kept me awake.

Next the Knytes are getting froggy and eager to nearly take over this tiny town on the edge of the Wyoming/Utah border.  Not so much as Evanston is a great place albeit okay to exist in, but because we can do business in Utah, without having to live there with the high taxes and all. This includes licensing of Knytes Industries and so on.

One of the other things we discussed was the Wentworth, here.  While the domestic campus management is doing an excellent job thanks totally to Janet the current management , the company that oversees her and owns this facility is going in the toilet.

As it is most contractors for things such as plumbing, electrical, etc will not come out here to the Wentworth fearing not getting paid.  Just this last week I saw CenturyLink, damn near cut em off due to not paying the bill.

Much renovation needs to be done here to bring the facility to code, despite grandfather clauses, many of which will expire this year, according to sources that HazzardAyre news talked to.

So the Knytes are going to do what it always does, buy out the Wentworth, update, upgrade, and renovate. Lower rent to low cost housing requirements, and lower rent rates to area needs not the high rent rates that those in Lewiston Idaho or Eagle Idaho compare to. Dig this; looked into the company website that currently owns the Wentworth here. Its not very transparent.

I look at this from two points, the main one being Janet. First if there were to be a full on disaster here, say plumbing break or such, the fix it person here is too young, and not a licensed contractor. Should a flood or fire occur here, the law suit would divulge that the maintenance work was performed by someone that had no business doing the work, which the owners of this property would ultimately go back after Janet, who is in a somewhat difficult spot to begin with money wise.

Two; this is where I live and where HazzardAyre will be housed until other facilities are found. Which means, fire , flood or a window falling out due to not being sealed, means $40k of radio gear, would be lost, and second to that I could be harmed or die.

Solution? The Knytes, buys the Wentworth, fix it up, add some things and make the place, biker friendly.

Getting us in front of the unknowing eyes of the public, on Yahoo, and Facebook trending pages. That will be in an upcoming report here in HazzardAyre, but I want to say, I’m tired of the phony selections on Yahoo’ front page. Before you click on that link that says its taking you to a site for news you really want to read about, look at the bottom. If it says a SPONSORED PAGE, DO NOT CLICK ON IT !!!  because if you do, it’ll take you to a malware site and your going to get hacked.

Stay tuned, I gotta go and take some Goody’s agx-130_1z since the fix it person here had a all night party I’m holding my head rather gingerly.

Dang it if your going to party hardy , invite me.


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Friday, February 13, 2015

Its Friday the 13th


Darksides logo_thumb Or at least it was Friday the 13th.  The insatiable black magic world considers this to be a somewhat holiday, and while I’m not one for a huge amount of superstition .

I’m still very cautious in my day on Friday the 13’.

First I will not go very far from the office or home which right now is one and the same, subject to change in months to come. Second there is the weather. Thankfully today was mild, but the days its rainy or snowy out I’m in my little corner of the world huddled up with a good book or taking some serious siestas. There’s just no need to push the elements or limits. Even today our maintence guy here at the Wentworth. Found some problems with valves doing a faucet replacement in MY APARTMENT.   With no shut off valves this could be a problem should a major break occur. Especially at night. I ain’t worried , but the gal below me might get one rude awakening if that happened.

So yesterday was Friday the 13th, I’m safe, warm, and okay.

It’s now time for bed and oh yes, this is where I now live>wentworth


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The Last frontier of Independent trucking is towing


Darksides logo_thumb As the last two hours of a rather restful day comes to an end I wanted to share a few things with some of ya’ll.

First, and its part of a subject for a different entry, but since most if not all TV has gone digital, I find myself even with cable , having to go out and buy a new TV or if possible find one in a pawn shop. Seems as though since no coax in, no coax out, thus only RCA plugs and need to find a way to seize the signal. So with that I was forced to watch Hulu and a show called Big Rig, talking about the demise of the independent trucker.

The days of owner/operator long haul cowboy hauling is over or just about there. There just is no more room for one or two truck small fleets or single truck haulers. It’s be part of or lease a truck to a big conglomerate company or park the truck, pull the keys and go do another job.

However there is and my focus here this evening, there is one bastion of independent hauling and trucking left. Towing.

That’s right 24 7 365 snag, drag and hook em up towing.

Where one with enough stamina , guts, and dedication can still , albeit small, but ink out a living.

Oh sure there are the bigger mega fleets, with multiple trucks and major dollars invested and subsequent headaches, still in small rural and rural/urban environments , a guy(or gal) can still get out and boogey with a truck and feed a family.

Which brings me to two final thoughts , one, why did SpeedTV relinquish and sell out to FoX Sports? And two could a new SpeedTV or a variant be created to be what if not better than what SpeedTV was? Why do I bring that up you ask?

Simple; SpeedTV began running one of those part reality shows that was the foundation to many going towing TV shows. Only Wrecked really showed what its like out there in the toew world. Idea? Let’s do that again, and the title? Highway Hooker TV.

Oh sure there’s those shows on TruTV like South Beach Tow, but those are more dramatic and partly scripted with little in the real true reality of towing. If most of us tried those tactics we’d either be in jail, broke from one smellofahess law suit, or worse.

But running a camera in trucks particularly in a rural setting showing what us independents do, go through and risk we endure to safely and damage free as possible , do to rescue stranded motorists and disabled vehicles around the clock every day and all night.

So while long haul independent trucking may be on its way out, there is still the final frontier of independence in trucking, it is towing.

My thoughts I could be wrong.


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Its getting back together , but there is one last battle


Before I get into my nightly report rant here, I’d like to say , I had a great dinner over at one of my neighbors here at the Wentworth. While the taters were a bit bland and the gravy not very thick, the meatloaf was great and the conversation even better.

Next , I’m very concerned and saying many prayers for the hot mama that manages this complex. Not only is her and hubbys financial condition not very healthy, her domestic environment is a bit shakey. No I’m not looking to hit on her, or anything but after the last 8 months of being dumped on, by everything from swindlers, scallywags, carpetbaggers, promises made but not kept, verbal agreements crapped on, and not up held. I get feeling very sympathetic to someone else getting dumped on. Janet is too nice a gal to be having this happen to her. I have watched this gal hammer away in a cramped office dealing with micromanagement , that would choke a horse. Tenants that don’t respect her albeit minimized authority. Then, doing the fix up here on getting new apartments ready, scrubbing places, painting, everything to where her blood sugar goes south, her fingers bleed, and yet she does this for only $12.00 an hour? Really. She ought to be paid more. Look for this complex to be under new ownership in 5 years or less.

Can you imagine it? The Wentworth, owned by the Knytes-of-Anarchy? I can and it ain’t that much of a stretch of that imagination.

Okay then.

With General JaxSon>ced61ee8b38b44b2aeaacc7edc950516 here now, the radio gear to be here by the end of the month, there is only one last battle. Bringing LexiBelle>adxelexi here to Wyoming, which will fully complete the first volley of this project. From March to August its radio station, from August to November its Cooter’s Toewing, and in 2016 about January its HCC. As far as the Reaper, as reported that project has been shelved until a liquor license can be had.

I can see a light at the end of a very long tunnel, just hope its not another train on our track coming at us from the opposite direction.

Last, here; pitched the idea of the nice gal who fed the old Wolf here preve eve the concept of being an associate producer, for HazzardAyre Radio. Not much pay more volunteer, don’t know if she’ll take us up on the gig, but she’s not stupid. A bit slow perhaps, but slow as molasses intelligence is the normal for both Evanston and Yankees in general.

Talk to you L8R Aviators.

