Before I get to the PhooteNotes here I wanted to answer a couple of questions that have been posed to this old Hooker.
First; the bit with toes. Its simple really, without getting into a deep course changing spiel, the two words TOW and TOE sound alike, yet mean something else. Our reason for using the amalgamation here is years and years ago, both the radio station KTOW was always being mis pronounced as or rhyming with COW not TOE(TOW). Next the connection went well with our Hazzard County image, hey what’s more leggy than Hazzard County and the Dukes? Next the word Hooker. Again one word with many meanings, the word Hooker can mean prostitute, or as we use it the trucker cb slang for tow truck.
Okay then.
I tried looking up one of our customers here’s Facebook page. Steve’s Truck Shop whose son Nate is both a Knyte and a dear friend, has no Facebook page. Nate himself does but not the shop.
One in this day and age, even if its minimal needs to have a cyber foot print. Something as simple as a Facebook page, or a blog page is better than nothing.
A blog page can be as simple as taking a pic of the shop, include a phone number , location, and basic 411 and post it on say Blogger, or some such. At least your there.
You can’t always deploy business methods of yesterday , if you want to be in business tomorrow. Just like me and us at Highway Hooker Toewing. Back when I started , there were wheel lifts, and rollbacks(Carriers) were just coming on line. But as many did, I resisted. What happened? I could not respond to many toews since ye old sling on LexiBelle would bend the crap out of those plastic, and tin cars and trucks, so I albeit painful, had to invest in two quick picks and a carrier. Now I’m in the process of buying a heavier carrier.
When computers started becoming the rage, again here in the business, I thought what the hell do I need a computer for? A computer is only as intelligent as the idiot at the key board. Today I can’t do much if anything in the business without a computer.
Every time I see a social site come up, I make sure the company is listed all of them(more on that in a few) as well as the club.
Sure I love my LexiBelle, and there’s recovery jobs that only she can do because she has the strength to do them, but two, there’s so much she is limited to do, that additional equipment needs to be retrofitted there to enable her to endure another 1,600,000 miles.
It’s like such things as the complex I live in. The Wentworth needs tenants, I have an idea, build a conflabbit website for this complex. At least a Facebook page, so people can find the damn place and look into moving here. It’s like our property manager here. She puts out flyers with tear offs at local places like grocery store bulletin boards. You might get a call back from there, put up a damn blog or website where people look to begin with and kaboom , enquiring minds are looking into the Wentworth.
So the answer to the question of why doesn’t Highway Hooker, Cooters, Toewing and the rest of my flock have websites? The answer is, simple, I have yet to find the right people with the creative extensions to create the fool proof site I demand, more over to find me the eye candy to duplicate today such shots of some of the logos of the rest of the flock> or >
Nobody has been able to construct this level of a site for us, but we keep working towards it, since it’s like trying to resist is futile.
Nate old buddy you need a website or at least a Facebook page.