Just what is Pornography? Is it this> Or this?>
Or this>
and yet there are those that would say all of them are Pornography. Now I’m not one really to point fingers here, but in this case I will, since the subject has been brought up. I have seen far worse of some women’ clothing or attire at a LDS church, than anything we ever photographed for truck art or bike art or for that matter ayrecraft nose and body art.
You’d find it very difficult to find one WWII Veteran who would say that images such as these >
That didn’t calm the spirit and the conditions on a very lonely and dangerous battlefield.
Of course there are thousands of really trashy stuff out there, but guy’ if their normal with normal hormones can’t help wondering what that opposite gender looks like, smells like or for that matter tastes like. Hey I’m all for waiting if it happens for guys especially young men and teen boys to wait until marriage to dip their dinks, or have sex, however I have never heard anything along the lines of what does a young or even an older man do when he gets the blues or worse a serious case of blue balls, when he can’t find a natural outlet.
I’m for one who believes in the Commandments from God, and not to commit both adultery or fornication, as it reads; Any man who lusts after a woman, has already committed adultery in his mind. Okay fine, but nobody tells you what to do when every dang GOOD woman treats you like dirt or acts as though her butt don’t stink, and is too damn stuck up to even get into a relationship. More over who says that because a gal wears a blouse so cut low you can see the mountains, or a skirt so short you can see the forest(some really need to shave) to church. How does a male turn off natural urges and curiosity. Sure I’m fully against bump and grind porn, basic reason is nothing that fine is ever going to be in Evanston Wyoming, and if it is , she ain’t in no way going to show any kind of interest in a biker/aviator/tow truck driver, or any other genuine male corpuscle that lives in such an area as I do. Why fantasize about something I can’t and many of you can’t have. Some of those exploits shown as well, even wives will never try, not without one heckuvalot of serious intake of liquid spirits.
KSL TV 5 is going to run a series, obviously being inspired by church authorities, about the New Age of Porn, how young is it for boys to look at skin books.
Education on the difference between boys and girls at least biologically speaking is not taught. I can remember as far back as third grade, I wondered after I snuck into the Crestview Elementary school's girls potty to see what it really looked like in there, and asking Mom why there were so many toilets in there, is that what girls did, poop allot? What about when they had to pee? Of course I got the standard answer, you’ll learn about that when your older. Of course it wasn’t until I was in 8th grade, that I got my hands on my first Playboy, with allot more questions and no parental answers. It was from some of the older guys in the MC that I got my education, and my first experience with a 30 year old vixen who lived out south of Hazzard Idaho. Many of the boys of the town found out those things moms and dads don’t tell you.
So what is porn?
That answer Friday here on HazzardAyre.