Monday, April 20, 2015

Might a bit longer but not by much

HazzardAyre Logo2RCJ HEDDER

It was once said by someone much smarter than I, “ That not all seeds or crops can be grown everywhere” If one is a farmer you understand this.

Some crops can be grown in one location in America, but will not yield or germinate in others. Considering that if one is to grow say Watermelons you can grow them in Idaho, but not in Wyoming. In that light you can grow cotton in Texas, but not in Utah or Idaho. The environment is different, growing seasons are different.

With that in mind, such things as a media company can grow in the east southeast or even California and/or Utah, but not so much in Idaho and certainly not Wyoming. Of course some things can be germinated in all areas as there is the common growing seasons. Such as a towing service can be created and survive in just about all states, or even a Harley shop, but a radio station, modeling agency, film production firm will not take root as easy in more or small rural areas. There just is not the infrastructure, nor the human resources.

Yesterday I sort of got the last piece to the question of whether to relocate or not. As far as the radio/TV station, still thinking, but reality is pretty sure that will get relocated to while still rural, more turtle soil. Likewise the towing service. It’s just not able nor am I able or willing to waste more money in a place that can be gained in return on that investment.

Let’s face it, the decision, to relocate to Wyoming, at least Evanston was a bad one, stemming from a rather strong push and foot in the butt from executives from I4. If I had been gave at least another week I might have been able to gain a better solution, but I came here. Have lost too much money, and lost a lot of respect from the club. So I’m making arrangements to get the radio station, and the tow service moved. I’ll be outta here just after July 1st.

As far as the apartment here at the Wentworth , that’s gone as far soon as June 1st. In the intrum, get the office at the Wells Fargo building here, locate the media werx there, and get a place in Montpelier or immediate area of Idaho.

I was all for not going to go to church yesterday, as the fellowship there has became well a bit too much of a cold and getting colder shoulder. The only reason I went was to meet with the Bishop to arrange with him, not just the escalation of my Priesthood status, but to get help with rent on the Wentworth, here so I could pay for repairs on my truck. But Bishop said, I’d been too many times to the Well, so no go. Since I have to pay for everything myself again, I came to the conclusion I can’t afford to live or do business in Evanston, unless I’m able to find something for much, much less money a month. It’s not just the rent it’s the power, gas or heat bill , cable, Internet all of that. There’s just not enough money coming in, so I gotta look at where expenses don’t exceed income, and I can begin to breathe again. That dictates either Metro Utah, or back in Idaho, so that’s the plan. Maybe I just don’t need that fellowship of the Church so much, and maybe lean towards the club much more.


pappys ayre sigKNYTE GRAY WYNGS

Quote of the Day:
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
--Lyman Beecher
1 Corinthians 15:55-57““Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Final view from my cockpit

new blog coverknyte flyte

I from further research have came to the conclusion that its not just me that has noticed that women not really caring much about morality are wearing these Yoga pants. Now there’s several things involved here, but the two most important is, wearing yoga pants tells males its game time. The other and this is real important, a woman wearing yoga pants ought to at least have the body and legs to carry out the fashion choice or she’s going to look like an oversized piece of sausage. The look is not going to be good, and reputations will be forthcoming.

Yoga pants for the uninformed here are Spandex pants with albeit not much, but some extra fabric. It’s not bad to wear as leggings or nylons would be say with a dress or skirt, but I see women wearing just these yoga pants and this is supposed to be okay. Now what if the gender roles were reversed? Lets say some guy walks in the local Smiths Food And Drug store, in just yoga pants or his long Johns? You can bet the cops would be called, the guy gave a ticket for obdecent exposure, more than likely hauled to the cross bar motel. But for women they can just walk in wearing these slim legged leggings, and its okay. How can this be okay on one side and not the other? But lets explore this a bit. I saw this touched on, in an old episode of the Big Bang Theory. Penny can walk into the guys apartment any old time she wants to , catching them in all kinds of dress or undress, without knocking and that’s okay. Yet when Leonard walked into Penny’ apartment without being invited in or requesting admission, she shrieks, As Leonard said, guess this is a double standard” . Which is true. Most guys will not say a single thing about some gal just prancing in unannounced. II n a way this stems from the fantasy many men read about in Playboy’s Advisor section about the maid, coming in to clean the room and having coitus with him. We have all wished that and about as often as wishing for that bus full of cheerleaders. Although most men don’t have the long term stamina, to do one or at best two women let alone a bus full. Yet if a guy were to walk into a gals home or dwelling, unannounced it would be screams, statutory rape charges and a whole list of things that are to creepy. There is a definite double standard here.

Of course its not just the yoga pants. I have seen it in so many places that I have forgotten to count. I have seen and been subjected to invites to just have uncontrolled pig sex, you know the kind of sex that you just root around, in. On model auditions, movie castings, remember we produce films as well. Any flyte, thing is on auditions, its okay if she makes a move on me its okay, however if I make the slightest suggestion of any style kind, or attempt of intimacy, I’m called just a dirty old man.

I was recently reminded of these things, on both counts, several weeks ago. One was an intern I was training, who wore threads not exactly modest. This was okay for her to tease me and every other corpuscle there and at the Wolf’s Den, but if I had acted on my impulses it would be me explaining things to a judge. If I get some great if not oh well its SOP, for my life flyte. Another example is what is now deemed Cougars. Older women romancing and seducing younger men. This in societies eyes is okay. Yet if a guy, even hints he’s looking at a younger gal, even just looking, your immediately listed as a perve or worse. Come on now, should not the standards be equal? The sexual playing field is not equal. Nor is the perceived danger zones, between genders. I examined a case file not too long ago, about this situation and it nearly matched the perception, of what I hear anytime there’s a request for a model or similar talent interview here at the Wolf’s Den. It’s always, hey there might be danger, better take the guy pal with me, or at least another human. However there is no reason to believe that a man is anymore safe than she is. Hey guns and knives can be shot , thrown or stabbed by a woman to a man as easily as a man stabbing, shooting etc a woman. Weapons have no care about gender. They kill equally. The other double standard, is if a female teacher and its been in the news a lot lately, but in earlier years, if a kid got a feel or first encounter by a female teacher, not much was said, as in most fathers minds was , hey the kid got lucky, sowed some oats and moved on. Yet if a guy, gets approached by a young teen years girl and a sexual encounter occurs it’s the death penalty for that guy. In many cases it was her that started the affair in the first place. Not always , but its more often than not. It’s why I council the son of our complex manager here at the Wentworth here in Evanston. At all times he has gals, from 15 to 19 coming over. He says he don’t sleep with them or engage in sexual behavior. I believe him , since the youngster is more of leaning to being queer, yet all it would take is one time for one of those gals to get pissed at him for something, and she yells rape, and his dream of going trailer trucking is over.

Yet 9 out of 11 times, its some gal wearing something like tight yoga pants or near panty shorts to tempt a guy and he will not resist very long. Yet it’s always his fault. Bullsbreath.

Hey honey, if your not going to give it away, don’t advertise. Cover the yoga pants with a skirt.

Early morning, church and all see ya’ll at 20:00 Hours.



Quote of the Day:
Women like silent men. They think they're listening.
--Marcel Archard
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

No room at the Inn anywhere in Evanston Wyoming

Colonels Journal HedderFLYTE breefs

Ever get the idea your trying to hard to just crash? As you know the AyreWolvez have been looking for a 3 corners HQ, the 3 corners of Idaho,Utah,Wyoming. But sadly it would seem no entrance to any or at least available hangar space in any airport in the area. Cokeville Wyoming’s airport full. Montpelier Idaho Airport full at least as far as I know, and the worst Evanston Wyoming Airport, full. Seems as hard as we try, our hangar spaces in Caldwell Idaho, Woods Cross Utah, and Twin Falls Idaho are the only ones we can be in since nothing else is open. The question is not if its worth searching out, the question is can something be found at a reasonable cost? The idea of reasonable cost eludes this subsidiary of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, called the AyreWolvez. While our current locations are good, still again all are in either Utah or Idaho. Did Wyoming just roll up the sidewalk and give up? I deal with this every damn day, and consider as I try to catch slumber, what is the reason I keep pouring my sweat and club money into an area, that even if we pour a billion dollars into Evanston, that is if we had that much, but even if we did, one could pour that much money into the town, would it hurl? Or is it better to concede that its best to just repair rydes, and me and the club to get the flock and Wolf Pack outta here? We gave up the idea for the bar/restaurant called Lotty’s or as we called it the Reaper Club, due to being to much money for a reasonable return on investment. $4k a month, and at least $300k just to bring the facility into operation was just too much, so we located a place in American Falls Idaho, and will build the Reaper there. Again Idaho wins, there went at least 50 potential jobs for Evanston, due to downright greed. Radio station, great idea, but infrastructure including Internet amongst other things is too weak, so what happens? Station gets relocated to Pocatello, and signal microwaved to the tower we already own just outside of Atomic City Idaho. Again , Idaho wins. The list goes on, but if anyone were to name a place to give the world an enema, it’d be Evanston Wyoming, how many potential business’ have to close and relocate due to poor services and ability, before Evanston’ city council, and Uinta County Commissioners say enough, lets fix this thing? That said, maybe this is just why Heavenly Father put me, and the Knytes along with the Wolf-Pack here in Evanston, to fix things, however I’m thinking, maybe its too much for even us to fix.



Quote of the Day:
I detest the man who hides on thing in the depths of his heart and speaks forth another.
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

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So what about the biker pilot thing?

new blog coverREAPER CREW REPORT

I want to say something that I might have touched on a few times , but needs to be repeated.

Of all the groups of people that I have attached myself to, the two that have embraced and accepted me as just me, without the need of being of celebrity or certain standards, has been the biker and aviation communities. With the biker community its I can be just me, ride in sit down have a brew and be of a feeling that I belong. Pretty much the same thing with the aviation community. While the Knytes started out as a 4-H truckers program/project, and all that makes that up, very few of that respects me and honors me for just being me, like the biker/aviation communities. You fly in or ryde in and feel  like family, without having to be examined like a bug under a microscope or having to pretend to be something your not just to satisfy some long ago forgotten stereotype. On Saturday’s like today I reflect on the days just 3 years ago, and its not all that long ago, when I’d ryde down to the Hazzard Rest Area, just off US-30 pull in throw out the kickstand, sit on the rocks and park bench, get out just your Bible, hear a good sermon, amongst the ducks, swans, coots and otters. The gentle swoosh of the ponds waters as the gurgle from the Snake River, you become one with nature and Heavenly Father. There’s no piano, no organ, we sing , sometimes off key, and off tone, but sing praise music . I got into that after the disappointment of the River Fellowship of Twin Falls, and few if any of the LDS Wards were throwing out the Welcome Mat. With the Biker community there’s no pretense, you just need to be you.

When it comes to the aviation community, it’s the same.

So that’s why I embrace the biker/aviation community, as much as I do and continue to serve those communities, as much as I do.


my blog sig_thumbAYREWOLVEZ BLOG LOGO

Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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AVI CLUB LOGOall over thee end

Attempted but could not do it


Well I tried to arise at 09:00 hours, but overnight from 03:00 hours until 09:00 hours when I were to rise anyway, I ran a temperature of 101 was up hurling like a manure spreader and going from the other end even faster. Guess I got some sort of flu but at 11:00 hours my temperature broke and sweated like being in an old Indian lodge. I mean profusely. Guess it was from two days of being up near Rawlins pulling trucks out of the snow in the freezing snow and cold. Hey it gets to ya.

So have been watching of all things an exchange between the Disney Channel and METV the Westerns. Not that I have anything against those , but you’d think that Allwest and others would give us a choice of channels to choose from and pay for what we want to watch and pay for. Consider the latest offering from Verizon. They just carved out this thing called mini bundles, where its nearly alacarte programming, Comcast says they are soon to offer the same option, maybe that way we can get Viacom networks like Spike and CMT, both would be great for me since Spike has the Power Nation what used to be the PowerBlock and of course CMT for the Dukes. VH1 and of course MTV amongst others. Of course Allwest has relinquished such channels as BBC that on weekends Star Trek Next Generation, and as heard will soon run the rest of the Star Trek franchise, like Deep Space 9 and Voyager. Of course I’d love to see Fresh Meat from British channel 4 that makes most similar shows here in the States look like chopped liver. You’ve seen my reviews of that show so I’ll dispense from that, but dig this; I’d love to see at least some of the TV at least on cable, offer something to the adult male rather than tweens teens and women all the time. How about a channel or channels that offer something to us male adult gearheads? And Cable wonders why so many are cutting the cord. The only thing any more from cable providers is a strong Internet connection, pay $12.00 to Hulu, and forget the rest of it.

So yes I once again missed going to the meeting house to do my cleaning chores, but while the mind was into that the body wasn’t. Just a sign this body of mine is getting old. The fire is still in the furnace but there’s a bunch of snow on the roof.

So I’m taking a shower to get rid of this sweat, then some meds then bed, so I can at least go to church, and oh yes where is the Elders of my Ward to give me a blessing to get rid of my illness?


my sig[2]_thumb[2]LOGO WYO[2]

Quote of the Day:
Progress depends on people knowing they'll be able to profit from their ideas.
--Deborah Neville
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.



hazzardayre poster boardRCJ HEDDER

lAST NYTES KOA meeting in Randolph was a eye opener and state of the club gathering all in one. There wasn’t much discussed that hasn’t been discussed before, and outside of that new back bar on Steve’s scoot, that wont work well in a wreck my friend, and the fact that Larry wore more than he ate, the meeting was the same. Want to thank the Gator in Randolph for their hospitality.

My neighbors hate it when I have to Skype call our club command leaders around the backside of the world. Only someone with a son, daughter or kin there in those parts of the oil nations know what I’m talking about. Our nytes are their days and vice versa. Our club’s New President Keith Hennison of Tuttle Idaho, and I discussed some things that were brought up at the meeting. While this is just on a intel look see basis, I think the two of us have come up with a plan to keep all the club happy, while advancing the causes. Like I said, need to snoop much of it out first so don’t anyone think this is that. That saying, I can see both a hindrance and a benefit at the same time of keeping the radio gig, in Evanston, simply that the gal at CenturyLink told me yesterday in an email, that we can get 1 gig at the offices downtown Evanston, but not here at the Wolf’s Den, so it makes sense to place the radio werx there. Now on my personal business level, I can try to knock a dent here in Evanston for the next 20 years of going towing here, but will always come up short, as there are roughly 15 tow services here vying for 15,000 potential customers. However over in areas of Montpelier with roughly the same population the number of tow services there is about 3. Which means more green in my jeans. The driving distance between Montpelier Idaho and Evanston is roughly 70 miles, about 45 minutes one way. Meaning I can go to Montpelier during the week do the wrenching on rydes and bykes and tow then truck over here 4 times a week and take care of radio and club business. Add to that no more than one tow service in Woodruff and none for Randolph and Garden City Utah that lays between makes that a tremendous market target area, for my company, so that solves many problems. Add to that the only kin that I have left is in Grace, Soda Springs and Bancroft Idaho, means at least at holidays somewhere I can go to share some spirit and cheer. Unlike now, where I sat here at the Wolf’s Den all alone, on Easter with no Easter dinner, and few if anyone to talk to is part of it, add to that as it looks right now, my birthday a week from Monday, means I’m going to sit all alone, if I don’t go and get drunk somewhere, here. Look at it this way my birthday in 2013 was spent in Twin Falls, but at least there was two or three club members and most of A1’s crew to buy me dinner and a cup of JD. Better than nothing. Last year the club and I at least some of you from the Utah Charter came and tanked down with me, not feeling self pitty or anything, but face it, the clubs strength is in Idaho and Utah, we barely have poked a hole in Wyoming, and even that is a very small hole. The radio station idea here was great in hopes of widening that hole a bit, but at the rate we’re going its going to take five years or better just to break even. As for me I’ve yet to make any money and there I have needs, and while the local ward of the church has helped a bunch, and I’m thankful for that, still my Bishop is getting tired of hearing my problems. I have to once again go and plead my case to get the truck, or car fixed. More than likely the WolfPup>GREETINGSwill get fixed since it’s the least expense to repair. Its $700.00 against $6,000.00 for the car unless I can find a good salvage motor for it.

If I had my own shop I could do either one myself, but since I don’t need to take it elsewhere, this does not get me productive in earning my own money.

So in closing, it’s a as the plan is being, a split between Montpelier Idaho for my to live and go tow, and Evanston Wyoming for the radio station. But 09:00 comes early although I’m not sure that’s exact since no one from our Ward called to tell me the new hours , but need to do my part that I agreed on for the church helping the club, rescue the radio gear from Utah.


pappys ayre sigdoor sticker

Quote of the Day:
So long as you rob Peter to pay Paul, you'll have Paul's support.
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Once upon a time in the good old days

HAG HEDDER MAXIhazzardayre overknyte

Once upon a time, telecoms of then only about one did what they could to support and even aid such firms as radio and TV stations, to give broadcasters the tools to communicate with their licensed townships. Seems that was a time forgotten. Today its if you need it, its going to cost you big. Of course even with the advent of the Internet, Telecoms, would trade off some costs in exchange for advertising, although competition was not such a big deal. You got what the phone or cable TV service gave you, or did without. Of course this isn’t limited to broadcasters and telecoms. When I first got LexiBelle>BLACK LEXI I had no real experience in running a tow truck except hook and go. But there were many old timers around that showed me how to use my equipment. I had many teachers, many of them became members of the Toew Bro’s Club a subsidiary of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Many didn’t. Many are out for number one and few would defer a tow bill from a fellow toewer like Intermountain Towing of North Salt Lake Utah did for me. Seems as though I got further faster in Utah than I have in either some places Idaho, and even here in Wyoming.

Population of course makes the difference, certain firms will not bother with assisting a fellow company doing the same or a distant but similar business. In Many cases its monkey see , monkey do.

After a very long day on the eastern side of the state of Wyoming recovering trucks, and a few cars from a seasonal super snow storm I’m very tyred, but I still went to tonight’s Knytes meeting held in neighboring Randolph Utah about 25 miles from Evanston. The Knytes High Council, has tentively voted on the idea of scrubbing the radio werks in Evanston, as well as the bar the Reaper Club, and move them to Metro Utah, and American Falls Idaho respectively.

The Internet pipe is a bit larger than what is available at a reasonable cost in or near Evanston Wyoming. Liquor laws are a bit more relaxed in Idaho. So I’m looking at keeping LexiBelle>BLACK LEXI in Twin Falls Idaho where she rests at Magic Valley Transmissions. and repairing both my car and service truck, then relocating to Utah/Idaho. Evanston was a great idea, but there are too many restrictions that are and will prevent the kind of investment return to make it possible.

Used to be, Once upon a Time, companies used to help other companies, even Chambers of Commerce, which has yet to give me a return phone call. I remember when our flagship radio station first fired its first bolt of radio lightening there in Buhl Idaho. I didn’t have to go to the Chamber of Commerce, they came to me. As it was once said on an old TV show, “ Those were the days” Too bad those days can’t be repeated. Yes Once Upon A Time.


new ayre sigKNYTE GRAY WYNGS

Quote of the Day:
Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
--Terry Pratchett
1 Corinthians 1:18“[Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

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