Wednesday, October 9, 2024

some people just talk too much

  Is it just me or has real news became tabloid information? 
Every morning when I am awake that I tune into a competing radio station and listen the host Bill Culley just goes on yapping away at or about stuff that has no real substance. 
Unlike L James Kotnick who's shows that was news worthy And came a conclusion pretty quickly Bill just keeps yapping. No real structure to the topics. As for being an interviewer he ain't. Then as was this morning 🌄 barking about Stern. I am of my opinion that Howard Stern is one helluva interviewer. 
Radio as with every media operation has become more fluff than substance. I can remember around these parts listening to farm and farming reports and future farm techniques along with livestock and crop prices.  Not whether or not Harris and or Trump is bitching or not. 
Of course I also remember when the noon meal Bell sounded there was a noon to 14:00 full newscast. That included a farm report. Fancy finding that here these days.
That is what you can expect and receive from HazzardAyre Radio.  True news, full kountry, real. LIVE radio.
L8R Hazzardites

Sunday, July 7, 2024

the wait is over time to get down and dirty.

HazzardAyre Radio and Media is proud to announce that the secondary flagship station is in full throttle. 
This week the papers will be signed and money exchanged on te 20th of July 2024 on what KEVA building into EVSAMCRO Broadcasting  KSOA AM and KDXC Fm in Evanston Wyoming.  
The put up or shut up sessions are over. After Sturgis this year serious work gets Down and Dirty. First roof then the interior which will be all new look. With a revamped studio 🎙 layout and offices . Then and only then it's move my Container house 🏠 into place and a November 10th 2024 refire of that signal from the mountain happens. 
Dignitaries for the re fire will include Wyoming Governor and others will be there.
What was quiet and silent will howl off the ayrewaves.[mis spelled on purpose] .
If you thought that peace and silence meant we would be giving up you were mistaken. What the doubters were whimpering about gets snuffed. 😳 
Hold on this is going to be what you never thought would be in Wyoming or for that matter South western Wyoming and Evanston. 
The ride is going to be Wyld.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

two sayings but perhaps many authors.

As it went: " here I sit all broken hearted tried to shyt but only farted." My fave is always " they paint these walls to hide my pen but, the shythouse poet strikes again:" those word's are for ever etched into my sub conscience.  From just about every highway I have rode that has always been on some public crapper  somewhere in our nation and it truly is nation wide. Never have I seen it in a truck stop privy but those remote public outhouses are where you find those words and carvings.
Now then; the mystique of highway hooking is that We as a company have specialized in for over 5 decades. I think my Uncle Darin; of Macon GA most likely bought the first caddyshaque hook 🪝 that Ernest Holmes created. My own Dad started with an old bomb crane on  prehistoric International.Harvestor Paystar in 1968. In that cab albeit illegal as could be, but I hauled in more broken down rigs than gold pressed Latium of Quarks. 
When mother nature calls on a long heavy haul.its rest pest areas to the relief. 
For some odd reason and this is really real after the wreck of my a Soviet built Turkish deployed projectile nails my Byrd fact is my knees and legs were bent in like a pretzel.especially my knees drain the main.vein fully I have to sit down. Plus in public pest area's Herman get's stage fright
So.its I pee-standing
Perhaps that is why during bedroom Olympics that has been over 25 years of being fully deployed with  a.human female that I relish being with the woman on top and me being totally submissive . Of course if pantyhose and or tights are involved  slightly scented toe in mouth keeps old Herman at attention. 
Enough of that silliness.  . 
So as it seems that even the old facts apartments here in Evanston Wyoming is where I will be banking down
 Talked to this under 40 youngster receptionist there that said I have a seriously good chance to gain
Look at night or what ever it really does not matter where you lay your head down take off your shoes and get partly naked and hit the rack. As long as the space is clean and secure I don't care.
Many of you my fellow wolvez know or knew of my residency at the New Hope Treatment Center.  The reason I left by mutual agreement was due in part of a Ferrell 🐈 cat
.I  named her precious. The trouble began with her plundering a house resident kitty. Precious would only respond to me..any where there that I be she had to be as well. 
This made a few house captains a bit perturbed 
Plus Precious ate anything and spent.most of the night.prowlingl
She"d stroll on by and always knew who. And who wasn't. 
So it's now only 3 days in that I get the ridiculous $1,.2,300.00 and of course that's my SsI benefit pay then there is the  $2,400.00 that combined kicks my wallet $3k that is what I live on. Granted it ain't much but it does the heavy lifting to.retain the WolfPack . The radio bit I do is strictly volunteer for the WolfPack and the Hazzard Knytes. I never have gotten a paycheck or asked for one..yet for the currently 10 over the air radio stations that the WolfPack and Knytes owns its my duty to keep on the air. No more and certainly not less.
In summation. 
Me being on the street having to sleep in my car aka General JaXson 

Is short lived and certainly temporary.  Hiring new on air anchor talent. That in my next entry. 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

today marks the official day that in 1982 in the tiny town of Hazzard Idaho

Dang it doesn't feel like that long ago . Jimmy Mac, the Ace, myself, chubby fingers Ron assembled at the then Polish Palace aka today as the Snake River Grill and planned out what today is known as the Hazzard County Knytes aka Knytes of Dixie MC. 
We had no idea then how much norbas fast the Club would have grown.  Originally the Club was only to be a marketing tool.  For what we named the Hazzard County Garage/Pat & Jim's Speed Shop. By September of 82 I had just barely gotten out of the Gooding County Jail for reckless driving excessive speeding.  Apparently doing 185 mph from a standing stop down main street there was frowned upon. 
Since the shop and the Club are all image wise is DOH Hazzard County based and that it's a leggy thing because of Daisy Duke, that things of a lower limb hind paws was required. 
The basic there to be honest was so albeit short, got to indulge my hosiery craving. Both complimented each other well. Nearly 50 years later and a lot of blood sweat and tears the Hazzard County Knytes aka Knytes of Dixie MC are still together. Still blazing trails for others to follow 
8n subsidiaries involving everything from old Nohn Deere tractors to military aircraft and avionics. 
That is the Hazzard County Knytes. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Court was sour me on my way out. but not without LexiBelle. What?

As it was went to court. Ashaen lied all over the place. Couldn't believe one word he said.
Shawn looked like a deer in headlights. The Court, Judge, and lady attorney you know had a pre-court conference and I was the pigeon. 
If it were not for the fact that I too had a program B this might be tragic. As it is its things as usual in Western Wyoming .
Slow to find the bone even less intelligent to remember where it buried it in the first place.
Things are on the mend. Got the ten ton Tessie Gorilla off my chest.  So KSOA AM will move studio project to South 150. Not a bad idea since we already had that in the works.  Too bad though that you Can't trust any or a very few people here.
It's a case of having its head up its butt so far that many are tasting the back of their teeth. 
Eye balling reversing the Way back machine.

Monday, May 13, 2024

so what do you do? it's called Hazzard County improv.

Found a new way to make an Alarm to be able to wake up on time. Set the clock on your microwave oven for when you want to wake up. When it switches on its time to rise up and howl. 
Got court this morning for the station eviction.  So I will either be here for a few days or sleeping once again in the General Jax tonight.
At least I paid my rent to Corbin heck at this rate I almost think of getting Corbin to let me sleep in my new digs where it sits. In Utah.  I  might even be doing that until I can gather the money to get LexiBelle repaired. I am yet to be convinced the west Wyoming is the best place to plant this seed.  Sure it was in 2015 but a lot of manure has washed under the bridge here in Evanston since I pulled the plug and moved from here to Idaho in 2020.
Something happens in the minds of most folks when they hear radio station. They envision a water well of money 💰 generation in just a short while.  It's like our current property 0wner.  When I was strapped for cash and attempting to put down roots here he was right on the spot ti stay in touch. I thought the guy was an upstanding guy who had a ❤️ heart.  Nope, the idiot saw $ signs and kept wanting more. Right near what old Cook saw in Jero e Idaho. Lotta 💰 
 🙅‍♀️ 9degrees off plumb. Any radio gig takes time to build or rebuild a listener base. Long before you even start to break even. Let alone make a profit. Pro radio equipment is not cheap.  Even if you do find used it's still expensive. Even a simple control console is at minimum $3k before you even start. Plus if the property 0wner holds up the key to your mailbox that is assigned to your rented office and FedEx and Ups Can't find you the equipment gets set back to the seller and you get egg on your face and a very bad rep on Ebay.  As I did here. Then even with that and I being honest I went to our slumlord here offered to do a autopay for the rent each month. Nope Shawn said no. He wanted it all in cash each month. All these things are what I'm going to bring up in court here in a few hours now. It is just a bad situation all the way around but while it's been said honesty is the best policy I think if I'd just fibbed a little I could have moved out. Of this bear trap in January and saved $100.00 each month. Had a spot at the Wells Fargo building here all pegged down. But paid Shawn my rent. And still he wanted me out. My thoughts here, I could be wrong. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Scouting America? Are they nuts?

So was reading this thing on Fakebook about BSA changing its name to Scouting America.  Was there no other Names to ponder? Was the creative juices frozen? I can think of many other Names but I ask why? And by this do we doo away with the Girl Scouts? There goes the cookies. I wait all year for those especially the thin chocolate thins. Love those. Sorry got off vector.  
This is part of this WOKE culture movement that should have been canned when it started. Look if you are one of the off center anti christ queers that is your option.  Just don't drop it on my doorstep. 
If you were one who is old enough to remember, us Farm  kountry folks in school calling you a redneck was an insult.  What we did was take that and make it comediac or at least us who grew up on a farm and know how to work.  Real work.  We made work fun. Like racing each other in moving 1/4 mile long sprinkler pipe across a farm field.  Or feeding fats or other such tasks.  It did not matter. Learning how to saddle a horse, and so on. We made life enjoyable. Most of the time we had very little in the ways of store bought or money things. About the best we could do was wait for the Shwawn guy to drive up and sell things like pizza and yummy stuff.  We had something as valuable even more so it was family. Stability and yes even radio 📻.  We'd tune in on the weekend to the Grand Ole Oprey on WSM . TV came albeit only one maybe two channels.  HEEhaw came on and you knew exactly where you were each Saturday before jumping in the truck and hitting the local dance halls. Life was a simpler place for sure but relating that to today, do you even think that a show like HeeHaw could be produced?  With the WOKE culture it'd be a difficult sale. Family values have dissolved into the dust. Kids raised up in city slums have no or little family connection.  Many youth are raised up without both mom and dad in the same home. A house is just 4 walls until it becomes a home with both parents at home and a family. Was I privileged?  No. Blessed yes. Both my Mom and Dad stuck together. As a family we all together built a mini empire.  I did well in school. I  wasn't an all star athlete but I was riding the fence of hooligan and Nerd . I enjoyed learning and still do. Picking up a book and Reading everything I could get ahold of.  I wasn't a great mathematical brain especially  calculus. But I dis okay passed all my exams and was there when quantum science started at Hazzard High School. 
If the Scouts change so the nation will drain. 
My opinion. 
Now about Pantyhose.