It’s again that time for the review of the past year, and the goals for this year and the path to get there.
For the Knytes it’s a job for Kevin Pollock our newly elected President. He will be on elsewhere on the blog. For the AyreWolvez that also supervises the Knytes its my job.
Okay then, A year ago we had just about gotten out of one of many scrapes with eye candy. You’d think and it does play a hand in the relocation that hiring eye candy for breathtaking artful pics with aircraft and bikes wouldn’t be that difficult. But this is the 21st Century. Years ago the posting of an ad for such, was no big deal, today, its best not to do that. Here in Twin falls unless your well oiled money wise or of the established system, don’t even try. Of course there is the smooch on the toe that got a bunch of em pissed , but hey it’s a bit meant to be comedy, its called grown the hell up.
By March after a go round with CenturyLink again promising us what they could not deliver, we signed up with SpeedConnect. Which overall as far as service complaints, help with billing and all is better than most here. But technology wise, they just can’t deliver to us what we need to make this function. We muddled through 2013, first thinking the Reaper Club was a go, started to interview bar help. But when it came to putting ink on the paper to get something going the old heifer in Burley who owned the structure said no. Guess renting it to the doomfuss that ran the place in the ground was better. But too it left us with more than egg on our face.
Then came the shop, rent price goes from $350.00 a month to $750.00 a month, but we still paid the power bill. Still looking for a refund there. Again egg on face. July saw hundreds of thousands of acres burning up near Sun Valley and that immediate area, where BLM and Forest service choppers were not fighting the blaze , AyreWolf Aviation was. Taking crop dusting choppers refitting to spray retardant and deploying. We thought we had money so we signed up with great old Cable-One, but then Obama and Bohner started feuding and all government money froze. So by the time our money started flowing, Cable-One had turned us off, Internet wise and a day after SOA’s run clipped the TV. Thing is I never heard one person, at Cable-One in their business department call up and say, look you had a mess with the government money you got behind due to no fault on your own, lets work out a payment schedule, to resolve the matter. No they wanted it all upfront now. Which both as a company and the AyreWolvez we just couldn’t do. We had our payments on supplies and aircraft to pay first. We’re still paying that off which is why I’m short money wise.
The liftoff of the tarmac for us now is simple, move to Utah where through both Comcast, and our facilities there will be reduced, which means more in the cash stash. More over with HazzardAyre on air full time means much money flowing in from ad revenue and subscription revenue. As for AyreWolf Aviation, the reduction of hangar space rentals from just over $2,500.00 a month, to just at $600.00 a month, plus the reduced logistics challenges will increase our(MY) revenue.
Having human resources through 14 that I can count on one hand for our need for lady eye candy for the magazine, the video’s and TV show, with no more CraigsList people, but real gals with real brains that are trained , more over to where we pay the agency, sign the paperwork, and the gal shows up, boom its done, and out the door. This has been one of those things that has cost us over the last year. Gal gets on CraigsList, calls and emails, says she's interested, I take time out of my day to meet with her. Every hour I’m not towing or flying is $75.00 wasted. Except being on air on HazzardAyre, but even then we are billing $50.00 an hour there. Sometimes more but on average $50.00 an hour. If I’m not on air, in the air or on the road, I starve, and delays are created.
With a one call that’s all source for the talent from Urban Talent, and others its done and done. No more CraigsList searches.
Then it’s the same for on air personalities. Both genders. I have yet seen one gal, walk in the home bilt studio, slide in the rocking chair and go on air. Even with a bit of instruction. Sure years ago, our Robin in 1993 did it in 2 weeks working in a broom closet sized studio, but you need to know, Robin’s elevator really got off the ground. The right chemistry was there we melded. Have never found anyone like her since.
While Utah doesn’t have any radio schools persay,all 4 of Utah’s higher education institutions have communications and media degree programs, not to mention many college radio stations. Take them bring em in as interns, weed out the good from the bad in 6 months or less we’ll have on air honey. Add to that the plan of creating a radio/tv broadcast basics program/school, should make a difference.
In closing, for this year the entire organization moves to Utah in new HQ, reduce output, increase income and work with great people like Laura at Comcast and build a media empire.
What’s left for Idaho? That in my next entry.

Quote of the Day:
Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
--Napoleon Hill
John 4:24“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.””
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