Sunday, January 5, 2014

Who called it a Fish Taco the first time?


Calling a she wolf’s coochie a Fish Taco, is like calling a modern youths speech Pig Latin. First I do not think a pig from Mexico is going to squeal any different than that of a pig in Montana. More over a woman's crotch is not going to look or smell like a fish taco. The odor if it is indeed odor is stale urine smells, or one damn unclean coochie. But the question on the table is who called it a fish taco first? More over why? First if it looks like any kind of food it most looks like a dried up peach pit. or at least a discolored prune. Closed most looks like two buns waiting for the hot dog(I know it is) . But that’s the food images, so why call it and who called it a fish taco?

With that in mind I went patrolling the cyber highway looking at a few ratchet jaw sites like Google and Bing and all I got was a few images and what amounts to, as distant stares, from any other cyber highway exit that may contain a true origin point.

As with so things no Cyber road spot, gave any intel on the subject. While it may be connected to the concept that the slang term for the same region of the female anatomy, is pussy, and cats and cats love fish, that may account for the terms origin, outside of that why? I even asked Britt, why, she said it smelled like rotten fish. Okay rotten fish, but where did taco come from? A taco has lettuce and tomato in it. Now on the food side, Fish Taco’s are pretty tasty. With the right dressing, and extras they are down right delicious. I know guys so are the bad smelling ones, but we digress. Where and who said the slang term Fish Taco first?

In closing , want to just say thanks to Britt, who in fact has agreed to be my finance officer/Payee, so off to a good start. On that and we’ll leave it there, if certain other conflicting situations were not in the mix, it would be so easy for me to just tell Britt, I’m hers and be done with it. but she has her guy, and her little one is purtty cool. So I at least have someone outside of Charlie with a clean record, to take of the Government funds, for me any way. If you don’t think this will be a shot heard around the town and region I got news for you.

Big day yesterday, got church this morning then church tonight, going to see if I can take Britt and her little one to Sunday night services. Might could open an eye or two, don’t ya’ll think?

More L8R

aHazzardAyre Short hedderCLUB M,E


Quote of the Day:
A court is a place where what was confused before becomes more unsettled than ever.
--Henry Waldorf Francis
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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