As I sit here this morning while this house is silent and I slave away at the keyboard, holding my head with one hand, too much of a warriors departure to Stovacore, at Warren’s Burgers in Roy Utah last night and way too much at the Sheep’s Pen last night, the yearly Knytes-of-Anarchy Officers Summit for the Mountain West Charter, took place and I’m excited of some of the changes, although its going to compound my work load. I really need office help. Any mile, the one thing that we all agreed on was that its time to push out of the shadows of a soon to be exhausted TV show, and its imagery.
In a year, Sons of Anarchy will be done. About a year or so after for many it will be forgotten. While the image of the Reaper is and has been center focus of much of our clubs graphics its time to shed that.
The real organization is more aligned with the philosophy of Quonos or for the unknowing Klingon thread. Our rights of passage or escalation of members to points of power in the club, our blood ceremony, all of that is of Qunos teachings and folklore. So we are recreating our center image from this> to this>
. Beyond the symbolic changes coming to the club, is it has been tried before without much success but again we will grind away, to make it happen this year. The club even as the Hazzard Knytes, never has had a set of bylaws, or constitution carved out nor a written code of ethics or even club history. To whit we shall begin that process. Much of this is to obtain a real to life 501-3-c none profit tax structure. Reason being the club in all its aspects and aspirations and subsidiaries, is aiming to get away from the so much outlaw ways and more in tune with legitimacy. While some protectional and honor guard procedures will remain , there are some things we as a whole organization of 50,000 want to begin to distance ourselves from. Additionally re-establish our young Knytes group aka, TeenAge Truckers Association, to begin bringing in a new crop of young Knytes from off spring of current club members.
I will say that after 8 baskets of those luscious beer battered onion rings at Warren’s my inner stomach wants to put much of my insides into the bog.
Before I go, this morning to get some sleep for the run back to Idaho. First as I have been reporting the club’s radio media werx is still poised to move to Ogden next month. However due to my commitments here and some mechanical vehicle restrictions for a few months I wont be. I’ll just commute betwixed Tweaker Flatts and Ogden.
Last, yesterday while I waited for Wolf-Pup to get back to Tweaker Flatts from Buhl so I could come here to Layton to help arrange things for Tim’s burial , I took the General over to Charlies, mainly looking for an empty gas can to get some go juice to fire LexiBelle up with. Once I got to the yard, Charlie needed a cb R&R’d to a truck along with antenna and all. The wiring was simple, but the getting up and down in trucks with all to narrow steps, and contorting to get hands into places for wiring, I used body parts and muscles I haven’t used in months. To whit body is sore.
Any mile need to catch some z’s , see you in the eve, Oh and to Eli; need to do our test fire Monday, as I need to catch some $’s from Charlie to buy that wire we need.
So lets do our HazzardAyre test fire Monday evening.
Quote of the Day:
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
--Herman Melville
Matthew 7:12“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |