Okay I awoke from a days rest that I really needed, since there is no meds here and trying to deal with some very real simpletons when I see our webmaster in San Francisco, a bit put out. So I’m going to try one more time to get this thing across.
First the club , is very real, I’m sorry there’s no group pic, but to get a full group pic now would take a lot of Department of Defense wrangling , because 80% of the club is deployed. Second the club is only about 10% MC, and 90% split between three interest's, Dukes-of-Hazzard/Southern Culture and history, Over the road trucks and the old skool trucking lifestyle as well as us in towing. And finally and it is the thing that pushes much of the club, we are a VINTAGE WARBIRD including HELICOPTER group. The MC thing is simply inferred. What took place in 2008 in a tiny house in Glenn’s Ferry, was one of those things we were grabbling for survival as far as the club, SOA was on TV, we decided with permission from Kurt Sutter to use the images if modified, and the last of it as Anarchy. Provided we’d give credit. While many of our members do ride bikes, and we as a group have always been welcome into the biker community, we are A TRUCK group, we believe in two full tanks of diesel, open road, a full paying load, good home down food, no cops, its 18 wheels and 80,000 pounds of steel. Beyond that the Knytes stay in the mix of the name since the club, is what we started at the Snake River Grill then called the Polish Palace when myself, Jimmy MacDonald, Lester Culbertson Junior, Steve Lawarson, Ron Adams, amongst 15 others sat down, and thought that now that we have a country hot rod shop, and since the General Lee , our General Lee was always at the shop, the Hazzard County Knytes was organized, officially in 1982. Our outlaw radio station went fully on air in April of 1983, and any body who doubts my General lee only need to call the Gooding County Sheriffs Office and speak with the Sheriff. More over if they want confirmation on the club, that too is a direction since the Sheriff is a Knyte.
So then our webmaster gets jittery, does not want to be bothered etc, so the thing goes, now what do we do? I’m not a techy, I turn a wrench and run a tow truck when I’m not behind the mic doing HazzardAyre Radio.
But if our webmaster has a problem, a phone call is much better than an email.
Now then his big gripe is with us doing the Anarchy thing. I thought we had, but I have also been saying that for as many years as that is or has been, there’s a bunch of pics, graphics with that on it, it’s going to take time to weed through and or modify this>into this>
takes time, I only have so many hours in a day and as I said in three previous entries, HazzardAyre is great and all, my main focus is putting the pieces back together of Hazzard County Choppers, Cooter’s A1 Toewing, and AyreWolf Aviation from the move from Idaho here to Utah. That in many ways I’m beginning to regret. The fact that I thought our webmaster was cool with us, in building not only our radio project, which I discharged someone else so he could build the site, I moved to get a better pipeline here in Utah for a better stream. But then this today. I’ll say I’m very upset.
Now then Monday I go to Talent Management Group, pretty much as a last ditch effort to create images to put in the video side of the website. Thinking all is great, I come home, talk online with our photographer, but then we get a billion questions, such as what will the images be used for, I thought that was clear, how long would they be online, that is pretty clear, as long as we have the site, am I not making this very clear, or do I have to yell?
The fact that three of my personal rides are suffering from the move, lack of upkeep, one that sits in Idaho still and fortunately its at a club member and friends place is one thing, but I spent money that could have bailed her out of bondage(LexiBelle>) instead of a trip to SLC , for an audition that had in amongst 20 some odd candidates 4 that I could really use, this is getting to me. Now I sat in a old cabin on Fish creek Summit, with our founding 10 members 5 of which are our high council, I bled into a dish with a single candle and swore my loyalty and dedication to duty, strength,honor, and sacrifice to The Hazzard County Knytes. That was in 1982. I have spent countless amounts of funds doing that duty to and for the club. And while I’m not twerked at the club, all these outsiders are getting to me. I remember our one of 3 female voting members in Gooding sat with me on a cement step we talked, even she thought that doing KOA rather than HCK, was a big error, she has remained with us. I do not know how this could be put forth any clearer. I’m fully apprized of the situation of the Anarchy thing, and I am doing the best I can to scrub that and redoux much of it with HCK-{Hazzard County Knytes} but it takes time.
So if our stream goes foul, for a time the rest of you need to know we are looking for a new webmaster to take things over, and get this more in control of the club, not some outside entity.
Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard
Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |