Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crack of Dawn


The Crack of Dawn, easy truckin down to the studio. Except when ye old light switch is having troubles, then it’s a ticket unless Smokey is going to bed. I hit it right this morning. No super troopers . Nothing insurmountable as the switch is only what $30.00 at the most , but it means cracks of dawn are going to be few as are going home at dusk. But its fixable.

Woke up with the taste of Vodka to take my meds, why the heck not? Although one of my meds the Metformin I take is more like the size of a horse pill. Got it stuck in my wind pipe , it’s amazing that at such times we are gagging about to turn off the mortal lights that you do not care if you foam at the jowl and slobber on the carpet.

Decided to stay put at the RoadHouse for a time. This rests on the concept of my new roomy and the fact that I can get through my month, just does not give much in the way of wiggle room, only will have $22.00 after rent on the RoadHouse, rent on the Wolf’s Lair(radio-studio) and sending money to Dan up at Magic Valley Transmission for holding on LexiBelle. Plan on full recovery October 1st, and going to fetch, be nice to have my baby home.

Want to send Birthday greetings to Ben(Cooter) Jones , what he’s now what? 30 years old? Ben is the President of the Knytes-of-Anarchy and executive President of Cooter’s A1 Toewing.

Any mile time to get this day started.

Good morning ya’ll.

wynged sigwynged bye

Quote of the Day:
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

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