So the other day go out to go snag food, go to fyre up Wolf-Pup, and find the whiyne of a damn cat, who had made its home under my hood. Talk about one burned pussy no not that this kind of pussy>
damn thing took off faster than greased thunder. So rethreaded the belt back on, thank goodness it didn’t snap it in two like when I resided in Bliss few years ago. So that being what it is, the other eve, some roudies came doing prank knocking, neighbors came over and chased em away, but I’m starting to think the days on Sullivan and me in Ogden are numbered until some thing gives, either Greg moves in or I just get tired of it. Dave next door don’t come over as much, damn hot water is off, cable unplugged. But I have the chance of the same place in North Salt Lake that I had last month this time. The decision maker cash in hand on 2nd all of the $300.00 in September’s rent that’d be the $150.00 for August for holding it , and the other half of September’s rent. If not come the afternoon of the second Elissa has my money and I’m in move mode, let Greg work something out with Dave my landlord, I’m tired of it.
Now as far as Comcast is concerned, talked to em today, but they still push. First I get a green of holding onto my telephone modem, until the bill is paid for then resume service, then they have someone call saying they want it back. As far as the AyreWolvez/Knytes, still going to be Comcast customers. Me personally, its Digis, cell phone, and one good analog converter. Most of anything I watch on TV is network broadcast anyway. All the club is retaining Comcast for as far as TV is that Son’s of Anarchy rolls out in two weeks on its final season run. After that, in my opinion, all of Salt Lake City’s broadcast stations have good TV the broadcast networks have stepped up their game, plus digitally I can watch METV over antenna, the news over antenna, so who cares about Comcast. As far as Internet we’re just barely hitting 95mbps down and hardly 25mbps going up that’s not what I’m paying $250.00 a month for. I think its time for a review of providers.
But that’s both clubs decision, not mine.
I used to and did complaign about Cable-One and all and true they are slow as a mule in the snow, but I was paying half of what I am now for the same thing.
Quote of the Day:
There should be no yelling in the home unless there is a fire.
--David Oman McKay
Psalm 119:165“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |