Thursday, October 9, 2014

Do you just want to do the usual or do you want to excel?

hazzardayre poster boardHIGHWAY HOOKER JOURNAL HEADER

In the not so long ago past there was an inquiry to an ad or two we as a club and our radio op has on CraigsList.

A young gal, inquired, was to be here for an interview, and a full audition , but the idea of the toew smooch and timing just did not mesh.

However, I wonder too, how many jobs has this gal had? Certainly and fast food comes to mind here, if you inquire about any job and the boss just had other things to do, if you really want the job do you keep going back?

Every year I watch all so many hopefuls get auditions and call backs to such shows as America’s Got Talent, American Idol, etc, but these even are a BIG maybe . Yet I will say, its how bad do you really want to be a performer, model, media star? Or are you just fine with doing basic make-up and/or working at fast food? If you’re the latter do you give up on your dream?

Many watch such shows as America’s Next Top Model, etc, and yearn for an audition much yet even a run to the art. Many younger hopeful gals will stand even sleep in the cold at try out lines. These are people that truly want that dream to become reality, not just a fart in a windstorm happy thought.

Why do I say this? Simple, The gal from Farmington, the folks that were supposed to come by this evening after I take time away, knows that from 6:00PM to 7:00AM the next morning, on Monday’s, Wednesday’s Thursday’s and Saturday’s , I’m here at the studio. As the hopeful talent cruises around from one place another, if they truly want that $300K a year contract, that we ultimately pay out, you could get that talent to drop by. Even if they didn’t make an appointment to drop by , after reading the blog here, or tuning into the show, online. Yet few rarely do. The ones that have one that is currently making $200,million a year doing voiceovers, and major commercials. Likewise two, one that is now part of the team of the Bob & Tom Show, started out as an intern at what is now HazzardAyre Radio.

One is doing a nurse/mental health PSR gig, making great money and field producing for HazzardAyre/SAMCRO MC Radio, I have many who are doing extra work on many TV shows from SOA to Law And Order, but the difference in them, versus say the little sugar cake in Farmington, or the one that never showed this evening is; they WANTED IT, for them being in front of the lens was not just a fly by night , goofy thought , it was and is a career move, yet the locals, just brush it off.

I was reading a blip from an industry publication on how hard it is to get on with an agency or get booked, if they’re not the size 4 Twiggy type. I say this; there is work out there. Currently Confederate Steele Media one of our parent firms is looking to creating a talent agency, not a school, but an agency that dares to further train and place talent in productions and such that are not of the mainstream. The gals that are 5’5” the women who are 127 pounds rather than the 101 pounds. The ones who are not of the generic guidelines, but want constant, consistent on air, movie, TV ad, print ad gigs.

But only for the gals that want to grab that gold ring, and not just settle for the brass one.

When I go into such things as bikini bars, and see ultimate great looking gals dancing on stage in front of a bunch of drunk or getting that way males just putting dollar bills in their garter belts, I think sure these gals walk out of there with several thousand bucks in their tip wallets. So too could they if those same gals were working for HazzardAyre/Confederate-Steele.

I was equally amazed years ago in 2008 just before the Hazzard Knytes adopted the Knytes-of-Anarchy handle in 2008. I had went up to Boise and saw these sweet honeys in short shorts, boots and all called Ring Girls at an MMA thing that was held at Shorty’s Saloon. Thinking, do these gals know how dangerous it is for them to be prancing around that way in a Kountry/Bikers Bar?

There is talent out there, they want to be part of something, yet when they get thrown a lifeline they just do not grab it. I say come into the studio, anytime from 6:00PM to 7:00AM on the days I’m here, wear your nylons, skirts and heels , kick off your shoes and lets visit. You can’t learn to swim by just dangling your feet in the water pool side, you got to jump in.

Now granted there are nights that I’m in and out, especially on holiday or foul weather days, such is the nature of driving and owning a toew truck, but if you are patient and want a real media career, just get here.

Which again begs the question; do you just want to exist or do the mundane or do you want to excel and gain a career?

If so, do it here for HazzardAyre, and be a Confederate Steele Media talent.


hh toew tymez hedderwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
Sincerity is the highest compliment you can pay.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Deuteronomy 13:4“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”

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