Saturday, October 4, 2014

Idaho may be limited, but Utah is just cliquish and clannish.

hazzardayre poster boardayrenotes

In the vast expanses of the Earthly universe, there are limitations and restrictions that right or wrongly, expected.

In Idaho at least my trucking/flying area of greater Twin Falls and all you should not expect that there’s going to be a bevy of beauties there that want to be on air or on TV or in print. There are a few , but damn few. The area is grounded seriously in growing that food we love to cram down our throats. so the best one is going to find there to put in front of a lens is a rodeo queen . Or a long ago, cheerleader. Not experienced models or actress. Its just not there.

While with some work that could be achieved the conditions are not right for trying to grow that kind of crop in those fields. However in Metro Utah with agencies, that are mere fronts for schools with a high dollar representation ability, one would expect to find modeling talent to put in front of a camera lenses as well as in a radio studio doing a daily gig on air. The fact is and situation is, if its something or a gig, that’s outside of the religious block, forget it. Never mind the thing might constitute kissing a gals toes in a symbolic Cinderella style thing, is playing on the words TOE and TOW as it is in our realm. Don’t expect that in Utah at least through the organized agencies. if your able to find someone, expect that person to be priced out north of $3k to $10k, for a days gig. While I would have no problem with paying that if I had worked with the talent or agency and found to be worth that I look more in the under $1,500.00 area. Well below that amount.

But you expect the restrictions , limitations. Years ago there was a meca here of both agencies and actress’s etc as Touched By A Angel was filmed here. Many feature films were filmed here, these were the days. Not only talent benefited , but area commerce was lifted up as well. From construction supply houses, for building of sets, and props. Catering firms, and more were enhanced. Sadly when the locals began to thumb their noses and gave the middle finger, to Hollywood, Hollywood said no more. Today if Hollywood comes to Utah as before, like to Park City, they bring their own talent, construction firms and food service people. The only gain in local firms is in the lodging firms.

As any one who has trucked through Utah especially south of Provo, north of Ogden , west of Salt Lake City, the beauty of the area and scenery is breathtaking. Especially early in the morning at sunrise or sunset. One flying over the Great Salt Lake at dusk, with the water below, its near like flying over the south Pacific. Riding a Harley over the Interstate through the Morgan/Weber Slot as its called, Mountains on one side green fields on the other is breathtaking, little of this has been caught on film. One trucker movie had the southern half of I-15 in it at sunrise, outside of that few films since Vanishing Point, have been shot here. Reason? No damn , decent walk on or extra casting agencies to get in the film.

This is something we here at Confederate Steele Media , Parent firm of HazzardAyre Radio/TV is trying to entice and grow here, both Utah as well as Idaho. But Idaho its expected to be limited, Utah not so much. You expect, but sadly , often disappointed. Maybe , perhaps, but not today.

Okay then, Had one filter into the studio the other night in some rather loud pink knit tights, with her guy pal. She seems eager, but I’m not going to hold my breath, since I might turn blue.

Just before I left Tweaker Flatts I had several applicants that appeared that said they had no problems with sticking a stinky toe in nylons in my mouth,. Thing was my partner in business there told me that there were some doing undercover probes of such production firms using this method, thus, I never ventured into the keep my hands to myself. Although there was two I so wanted to. One was a gal named Shar, who was hotter than a two dollar pistol. She had the energy and sass , trouble is I didn’t know if she was a plant by the fuzz or the real deal. Thing is I’d love to have a agency work with us to remove the legal hounds off our paws. Thing is all too many want to find flaws , rather than explore what could be.

There were several gals I met in late November last year that were of quality, but hubby’s and guy pals , are funny about having their gals peds being kissed or nuzzled by this old wolf. If this situation truly a path to something more than a bit for a TV ad for a tow service like ours, I could see it, but all too many there should know better and so should here in Metro Utah. But the sad thing is all too many of the agencies want to thing it’s a ploy to get kinky rather than just a tag bit for an ad, that hey nobody shows up.

Of course the old excuse in both Tweaker Flatts as well as here in Metro-Utah, was it was that the talent and the gig was in a private home. A home yes , private? Not so much. Any mile, here we have been in a professional office complex, for three months now and outside of two that were up for it and two that said they were too busy, few of the agency talent has even came by for an audition or read through.

So while you expect certain things not to be in one place and a gusher elsewhere, what looks to be tall cotton in a plush field, might just be filled with snakes.

In Utah, its of the clan, and a very cliquish attitude. If your not of KSL, or such , don’t expect anybody to show up at a talent call. In Idaho, you don’t expect it, but at least some WILL show up.

Was the move here worth it? Yes and No. Yes that the radio gig is where its going to be. Its secure, it has its home and will remain, on air talent or not. Yes, because I got the money problems turned around for me, but for the club still working on that, but KOA and the Wolf-Pack have our HQ.

No because , still no talent for the website except for one. One from Farmington showed up twice, but if one does not show up in the wee hours of the evening, I’m not here. I’m human, I need feed and sleep. If not for going towing or responding for an air rescue that AyreWolf Aviation provides.

So what to do? A radio/tv school? More on that next time.



Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
Proverbs 27:1“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

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