It might seem that I’m giving up here, but its not. Got word today, that installment payments to I4 in Woods Cross Utah was not to their liking. So it means taking a different tactic and going to see an attorney and sue them, for breach of contract. Their claim was that I abandoned the space. Really? And leave all my equipment? No way, so I’m suing for breach of contract, interruption of mail, undue process and a few others, so with the radio works on hold, need to go do what I do and why the radio station was first constructed for, us , trying to make a few bucks driving a toew truck. If I’m not toewing, I should not be on the radio. All too many try doing that, put on a front, or be a poser, but have no idea what its really like digging out a disabled big rig in 3 foot or better snow banks. I remember all too many radio jocks, who did radio for over the road long haul truckers. They’d get on there doing an act, yet had no real idea what its like to have to chain up to get over Lost Trail Pass in Idaho, or repairing an inside dual tire on a cold Wyoming night with 89 head of bauling bulls in a 52 trailer rockin and rollin. Dave Nemo, and others worked inside a climate controlled studio in Nashville, not ever really driving 18 wheels.
I made a promise, if I quit driving toew truck, I’d get off the radio. But it goes much deeper. I’m tired of my life just rolling by. My vehicles including my toew truck going to pieces , sacrificing so much for an extended reach, a big gamble at best. I’m tire of moving, doing without, leaving people and things behind just to satisfy the dream. Sometimes we need and I’m finding this out even more these days, you have to put the thing in Heavenly Fathers hands. If Heavenly Father wants this radio gig done, by me, he’ll make it happen, he’ll inspire the Bishop of my Ward to ask Priesthood members to maybe give me a loan to rescue the equipment and all needed to make this radio gig happen. As for me, I’m stripping away just about everything, going up on April 1st, fetching LexiBelle>
bringing her back to Evanston here and just going toewing. In essence live a simple, humble life, and after all isn’t that what Heavenly Father wants us to do?
I sent $300.00 over to Dan at Magic Valley Transmission in Twin Falls today, sent off for new tow chains and tag lights, and come April 1st weather permitting, I’m on my way to get my baby.
I’m taking the rest of the year off from club duty, and focusing on 4 things, the first reaching the next level of my Priesthood, increasing my involvement with the church, even to the point of doing Temple assignments, 3rd building up my toewing company with the same handle that I started with in 1978, Highway Hooker Toewing. Even paid for an ad on Facebook, ya’ll go and like us there will ya?
Any mile, I’m very tired and weak, my insides have been twisted and squeezed all day. The stress of the club, radio station and all, just brought me to the point that I said, I’ll keep working at that, but I’m also taking a year off from all of that to get my own house in order. Do you realize, that next month I turn 56 years old, my time on earth is nearly gone, pretty soon , I’ll be towing in the Celestial Kingdom. Before I go, I want to tow here on earth, before I get all too old.