As I get ready to turn things off and gather more shut eye, to be able to awaken ya’ll at 07:00 hours, a rant about things stinky toews would not be complete unless I related this tale, because so few women that I have ever worked with in my radio career of some 43 years, has ever been as sweet and accommodating and truly helpful as she was. BTW we still keep in touch, and Stinky truth be known had I received the signals right that could have been much more personal than it was. But any mile. Thing is when she first enquired for the opening of the Gooding Idaho station that eventually moved to Buhl, when I said her toes and feet would be a focal point of the first rip and read interview, her only question was pantyhose or stockings, like I knew there was a difference. There were no 80 questions of why and what for, just my flavor and she was there in about two hours. Now I had worked with many on this point, one was a gal named Robin Whittaker from Minidoka Idaho. She did good work in a very closed in just bigger than a broom closet studio in the back of the original Dixie Diesel Shop of Rupert Idaho. Yes her feet and toes became a very focal point, again signals were there , just being an old confederate kountry rebel male corpuscle I did not know these signals. So any whoo Erin shows up in some very leather knee high boots. My mind was saying my are these going to smell bad, I’ve ran into that on a few shoots since and before then, where hygiene was not a factor to them, I’ll tell you more about that on the AM side of HazzardAyre in the morning. So Erin comes, in, takes off the boots and allows me to get comfortable with her feet and toes. Nothing kissy yet just getting comfortable. Now Erin who we called Miss Nurse GoodBody, as she was a LPN at the time, studying to be a mental health worker now she does PSR duties for Alliance Inc. Out of Twin Falls Idaho. So she comes in and we melded together better than a Vulcan Mind meld. I mean she’d finish my sentences, she’d do a lot of home work before the shows that we did overnight, in snow blinding weather she’d drive nearly 28 miles one way just to be there. She made it where the desire was more subdued, as after a few months of kissing feet and toes, I wasn’t in need so much. Even her Aussie hubby a local preacher no less liked me, her kids liked me, there was something other than my nose on her toes in hose afoot. But I was too damn stupid, to notice, should have hung in there closer. Then there was that one night which made Erin so much of an important person in my life. As you know the club pays the pay check of none member employees, I don’t, but one night after LexiBelle got serviced was a bill for some $800.00 . Erin saw that I was really up against the wall on it, and out of her personal savings, wrote me a check for $800.00 to bail LexiBelle
out of bondage. Some day I’ll relate to you how important and why that truck is so dear. Any flyte, she bailed out LexiBelle. The net result is this, no woman co anchor/producer of the radio media gig, no other woman has meant or means more to me than Erin does. That’s one of many but the main reason I live in Wyoming and not Idaho, so to stay out of her new marriage, and all. That’s going to change in a few months as I’m looking very hard at going back to the Mini Cassia area of Idaho. Why bring LexiBelle here to Wyoming when I can just move back where LexiBelle is, and increase my monthly income, not the clubs , mine. But the radio station project needs to be completed here in Evanston, as well as the project in Tooele Utah. But Subaru or what ever I find, and a spot of go fluid, and I can commute, from Burley to anywhere Utah, as well as here in Evanston, and just hire station managers for both here in Evanston as well as Tooele Utah. Want to sniff
that out, log onto and look under jobs. There’s been others that I have worked with on the concept of I LUV TOEWS , and all but fewer still that if any that can match Erin, our Miss Nurse GoodBody, and if you want to know the origin of that, remember Miss Nurse Goodbody from HeeHaw?
now gander again at Erin,
see the familiarity?
More on the air starting at 07:00 you can catch the archived version at .
Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |