Monday, June 28, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021
How damn dumb do you need to be? Do you need a brick outhouse to fall on you? Shysh,
How damn dumb must you be? Try to explain to Tech companies like Google or Microsoft, that you reside and work in IDAHO, not UTAH? You simply can't. Their GPS, territory detects you Internet service, and your seen by TECH as being somewhere miles away from where you really are. Why can't they get it down to an exact science? Even GPS guiding systems, have no clue to where you want to go, and how to get there. This is Teck progress? Can't prove it by me. The Corps, and my parents mainly my Dad always said, Do it right or don't do it at all. Simply Tech is not progressing it's more like regressing. Saw on Facefart that Maximum Overdrive's FB page is catching some attention. It's not bad of course, but why. I often wonder why people who are haulers of any kind, that are over 50 years old, don't know or remember the truckers publication Overdrive, or Mike Parkhurst, creator of both The Independent Truckers Association, of which we absorbed as the Iron Knytes, or the honeys that adorned the publication Overdrive each month. Mike took Overdrive to a pride supported, by us who own and operate our trucks as both as a addiction, as well as a vocation. Featuring smartly sweetened models, posing with those trucks, Which is where this old High Octane Canine of the Interstate, started in this world of talent acquisition. I grew up with grease under my fingernails, not a girly guy sitch, that seems to be rampant. But Mike did it, and we followed suit, but rather than just heavy haulers, we wanted to include specialty rigs like tow trucks,
Why not? In 1998-1/2, We started doing something called Klassik Hookers(tow-trucks) and Haulers, with extra cheesecake posing with those trucks. True we have went a bit overboard with the stocking toew smooch thing, but still, the project was created, and is a video gig we do each year. On Maximum Overdrive, it was not a movement to step on the movie by the same name. In 1999, we as a the ONLY western, Mountain Western Truckers radio network/station, took on a few syndicated programs being sent to stations, to air, produced by Overdrive Magazine. Great, so it was right at the point of relocation to our still our studios in Buhl, Idaho. So we took out of our toolbox, Dixie Diesel/Maximum Overdrive Radio. Over the years Dixie Diesel was dropped from the title of the show. to just Maximum Overdrive. That still is aired weekly from Saturday into very Early Sunday. Now with that, I have been asked about the thing of the go-go boots. Before I found things Hazzard County, Bro(aka Ace of Spades-Bro) and I was building a mini semi truck. to follow in suit, we wanted a manikin, dressed like the car hops on the movie the Hollwood Knights,
we had the shorts and halter T, but not the boots. So what did we do? found some in Paul Idaho, at East Minico Junior High. Across the street, was a member Tracy Tollman, who was going on an LDS Mission, needed to unload a car, not just any car, but the Gen. Lee, the rest is all history. So in honor of that, we collect old pairs of go-go, boots to include in our club HQ as a tribute from which and what we started as and with.
As I close and this applies here. The system is working a bit better, but not anywhere near what it ought to be or what we ordered. I met with our attorneys yesterday and documents are being prepped to be served on Lumen/Century-Link) within the next month or so. But did they need to have a brick outhouse fall on them to realize, that all the stuff that was installed in our equipment room, But as Jesus said, and we always feel, Forgive them, Father, for they Know what They do.
Headed for bed, see ya'll overnight on
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Can I just kick some Butt, or do I need to Wait. As I say, Confederates and Jesus have one thing in common, we ask God to be merciful, for Yankees Know not what they do.
Wanted to be in your ears overnight but dear sweet Lumen/CenturyLink, is slower than molasses. Can't run more than one computer at a time, this sitch has been ongoing since it started. How can one big ass'd company have its ass up its head so far as they seem to be scraping the backs of their teeth from inside out. What do I see here? A company that had troubles to begin with, that seems to not gives a mules rear end, especially commercial accounts. Now they know that there is a sitch that, they messed up the account. A connection that should have long ago been 1g that someone screwed the pooch, and limited us a 50/50. A 50/50, does not need all of this, to function, the system was built on the concept of 1G. How can they get this wrong? Two small Armies of techs, and all marched through here all last fall, into mid-January. They wondered why I did not pay the bill and why the WolfPack is a bit skittish even now to do so. Why? Simple Lumen/CenturyLink, did not do what they promised. So I'm looking into other providers and options. Plus filing a lawsuit, way above their normal arbitration procedure. So we may end up being off the air for a time. Basic business, a very serious breach of contract. Hey if I can't make money consistently, then they don't money from us. Should have just held off, paid SparkLight/Cable-One, and been done with it. Like
Dear Father in Heaven, looking down on Yankees, Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Yellowstone Theme Song by Brian Tyler 🎵Beautiful Montana Landscape (HD) ...
If you haven't seen this series, your missing something. The series is called Yellowstone, it's about a land war in Montana, although 80% of it is filmed in Utah viva Utah's Film Commission. I did a marathon, binge watch of this series' 3 first episodes/seasons, it took my breath away in a good way. It's perfectly cast, and for the most part accurate. There was a few scenes during the first episode, like a new born calf, that had to be pulled, and yet no afterbirth. Really? Guess some city-bred writer, had never seen that. Oh well, hooray for Hollywood. Kevin Costner stars as the main character. With that said, maybe Hollywood will revisit some classic migration policies and area fights for land that is not Native American's or White people's the land is its own. And it alone will determine who uses it for its benefit, not man, Only God himself will see to that. Such movies and such that I think of here, is Big Sky, by A.B. Guthrie. Such a treasure of a novel, that takes the reader into the world of the ancient Mountain Men, Who made friends with the western frontier, to survive. There was a film made on this book
and yet no film company or network has seen fit, to reboot that film. It ought to be. I bought all three of the books to this saga, and curl up on Sundays after my radio show and read, sometimes re-read them. Take a gander of Yellowstone on NBC. You'll shoot yourself if ya'll don't as it is that good. See ya'll this evening after church.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Just because the Full moon is out, and the dark replaces Light, Don't mean everyone is sleeping, some folks are working.
Had a great day off the toils of commerce for a day, all day. Did a heap amount of sleeping and thinking. Now in that heap amount of sleeping did an even more amount of dreamin, a heap amount. I always wonder if anything we as humans dream has any significance. Or for that matter of meaning at all. Sometimes, nah hell, most of the time it's more like a cosmic flight through chemistry transferring electro waves throughout our cranium. During several Christmas stories, one says that the three, fellers visiting old Scrooge in Scrooge's thinking was a bit of none processed food, causing visions. Now I used to wonder when I'd listen to the many stories my Uncle Dell, used to tell me when I was a very lonely solo wolf-pup, one was when he'd see Grandma Sant, walking in his room, when he was a sleeping. I thought Uncle Dell had a few too many barley pops after milking chores were over. Bout, that time when I had a seriously mean fever of near 110, in convulsions, and all, that I asked out of my lips, that if God was real, please make yourself known to me as he did with Smith. Well, I did see the light and felt God's presence, yet I chaulked it off to the fever. See as a Wolf-Pup, I had a sitch anatomically, that my red corpuscles, fought my white corpuscles, thus just about every virus or sickness one could get as a kid, I got. I got to the point that seeing a needle was grounds for combat. Wasn't until, Ms. Hatch of the daycare I went to, whose daughter, of, and niece, of Senator Hatch of Utah, had the same shit. So over to an old country doc in Farmington Utah, and got a fun shot. (it wasn't all that funny). Gamma Goblin, was the medicine, and by age 7 maybe 8 everything started turning around, and I was at least body wise for the most part cured. Fast forward, to age 16, just got my DL, was okay, but the seriousness, of my craving for synthetic leggings, was grounds for a heap amount of Doctors to send me to a place up in Lewiston Idaho, where I rediscovered my love for broadcasting at Lewiston High School, where(don't know why there aren't more of these in schools throughout the state)They had a high school, radio station. I spent every day every 3rd hour on the air. I was at the time the only licensed jock on that station. Yes back then you had to get a license. FCC 3 Permit, Broadcast endorsement 9. Which when I took the test spent maybe 45 minutes, past 100%, and in 3 weeks had that license.; (still do). But there was a few mongrel mutts of druggies who did not like me well and had to drive me off the highway near Horshoe Bend Idaho at what was Bread Loaf Curve, Idaho Highway 55. I saw a cop behind me, next I saw 3.5 weeks later at St. Al's in Boise, was three Missionaries. Now, this relates as since then although I can't recall all of it, but I see things that will happen. I saw the place I resided in, in Glenn's Ferry Idaho(hope I never have to reside there again.) Bastards, go there, try to refyre the local airport there, got kicked in the groin for doing so. Any mile, I see many things, in the future. Mostly personal things, but things of people I know. I see places that should be, places to be resurrected, like Strevelle Idaho, nothing there now, but was, and could be again(yes planning on it, it'll be called Hazzard Idaho). But I think we have seen and saw much of what was, and what I've seen coming in the not too distant future. Like our Native American's who were drove off their land, by some and I say this with remorse and all my northern ancestors. We need to preserve this land as it was, not as we think it should be. As such I'm here tonight, proclaiming, a run for public office as Governor of the State of Idaho, on the Confederate National Party platform. Not bragging, but there is not one single person living in our state, that has walked, driven, flown, horse rode, the State of Idaho, All the state of Idaho, more than I have. I have seen metro Idaho, I have seen rural Idaho, and I have seen, felt, ate, and slept, under these Idaho skies more than I have. Again I'm not bragging just stating a fact. When Idaho herself cries I feel, it. And between Californian's, Mormons, and a heap amount of others that invaded our state, except for the rare imports from dixie, that created the townships of Dixie, Idaho
Add to that Atlanta Idaho, as well as the Confederate Star Silver Mine, 40 miles from Mountain Home Idaho in what was the Rocky Bar Mining Complex, 1870's or so.
But that's just historical fact. Everything else outside influence that has entered this state, has caused major catsasstrophies. My way, kick 'em out, leave it alone. Idaho is too damn beautiful to be messing with. Few can argue with the beauty of both an Idaho sunrise or sunset, especially flying. 2,000 feet, 200mph, and those sweet burning scenes. Or camping out at Red Fish Lake, where the White rock of the beaches and abundant big mouth bass fist, Catfish, and delicious Crawdad's are found, yummy. Most people hear about Idaho, because of some damn big calamity. In real life, the real breathtaking scenes here are never seen. Why? Simple, and the same goes for Montana. BTW, Did you know that the TV series Yellowstone, is really filmed in Utah? Park City, and surrounding areas? Yup, why because Utah, has what few other neighboring states including Idaho and Montana, and that is a serious Film Commission. Nobody is throwing out the welcome mat to Hollywood, to film in Idaho. Or Montana or Wyoming. The last big doins that way as far as Wyoming was Jackson Hole, and that was a dingy film, then came the one with Paul Walker, just before he started the Fast And Furious Franchise. If I'm elected Governor, the Idaho Film Commission will be one of my priorities. Those few weeks a serious or film is shot in a location is an economic boom, for the areas they are in, everything from the construction of sets requiring lumber and building materials, lodging, food employment for locals as walk-ons, and extras on those films, I have experienced that in Utah and there is no damn reason that can't happen here. I saw while back a switcheroo, between our Lt. Governor and current Governor(what an idiot), one says masks off, but Little says Masks on. Really? Damn it all to hell, its tourist season. Take the masks off. The lists of things that could and should be here in our real GEM state, is so long its too long for a blog post. So I howl about that
What I will say, is I love this state and territory. While I may be out of state starting in August going to Mountain Rescue Flying school, in Cedar City Utah, the thing is I'm always fighting for this state, and the natural beauty of it, and I'll be damn if I'm going to allow those not born in it, to tell ones of us who or what to do by converts to our Idaho homeland. Now to roll this in for a final.

Now onto the subject of the AyreWerx Radio Gig.
While I'd love to be inside your juke box radios every night thing is I fly during the day, maintain my ayrecraft in the Evenings, and if I can find the awake hours at least for me, I am pooped. While I'd love to have Squadron
Here to help 9 out of the 10 of our grouping is currently deployed in the lovable South Pacific. Thus, not here. The other cat that was in is in the hospital for terminal cancer screenings, but one helluva ayre-mechanic. That all said, this old war wolf, is in trying to maintain transmitter things on top Juniper Mountain, which is sweet to fly to, but that's the only way I can get up there. Additionally, there are duties that I have to split between the Iron Knytes, The Hazzard Knytes, and the WolfPack
that don't leave much time in my day to be on air. Likewise, with Lumen not keeping their part of our transmission system, namely NOT the FIBER 1 Gig, thing, that was put in over November to January this year. Added to that my health. Doc. House, tells me to hit the rack at early morning, (can't sleep at night, it's both squadron stuff plus inner workings of toewing for so long) I simply sleep. Medications kills my energy level. But I try very hard to get inside your entertainment box inside your cockpit or hot rod. That said. Show if I can get there at 06:00.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
If you wondered why more folks are leaving Facebook, could it be when they reworked their own platform?
When you get a greeting card from Google, you know that folks are reading and visiting your site. I got one yesterday, for KNYT FM, and it was cool, they even gave me a door sticker. Okay then. Went to Facebook to swap out the name for our honey group, for Jillian Mele. Wanted to include Emerald Robinson, from NewsMax, who I'm really impressed with as one hot looking lady journalist. There ain't many. Know what? I'm still trying to finger out how to change the name. Pages yes that's simple, but not groups. Guess I'm two decades too late for all this high-tech, but how many geeks can set a set of points and replace a condenser on a older pre-HEI ignition? We all have our strengths. One thing, beyond being transparent, I try very hard to make commenting and navigation of our site as simple as can be. Even to the degree that even a 4-year-old toddler can do it. I commented once not too long ago, to a Amazon employee, trying to fix my Amazon, account, that even a toddler could understand what I needed to do. Guess what its still fuggled up. Now they are saying that Amazon, is no longer going to drug test employees. Oh great, just we all needed is stoned Amazon Customer helpers. Really? Maybe it might help? Only in California can you have a small aircraft land on the super slab. Sorry for getting off subject. Something of note in a few laps here. Getting back on course here. It is well known, that the more simple that you make a website and the easier it is to use, the more people will come back to use it. Something both Facebook and Google haven't messed it up. Course both of those will be in court soon, defending their actions with the new Florida law that says that if either platform, pulls you off your account, and Twitter is in that mix, that you can sue those tech giants. Groovy. There's no test case yet, but you can bet one or two are in the works. So if you wondered why so many other apps are gaining speed, now you know.
We don't always ratchetjaw on our parent organization, but heat is increasing to do so. The Iron Knytes was created in 2018, after a Mayhem vote to rework our parental unit. It was on a early morning with me sitting on the thinking stinking throne, reading a magazine. When I saw it, The Iron Knight, a modified Volvo rig, that is currently the fastest class 8 truck on the planet. So I did some more thinking as I was stinking and the name Iron Knytes Association was born. However, the IKA is a reworked version of our original United American Independent Truckers Association. Which was a rebirth of the Long Haul Owner/operator truckers organization, created by Mike Parkhurst. Who also created the original version, of the publication Overdrive.
notice the decal on the bumper.
We as a reformation wanted to reach beyond its own creation, and this as reported, the UAITA became simply, The IKA, nuff said. As I bring this in for a final, I still think that NewsMax is missing out on giving Emerald, more air time. She's too good to just be an area reporter. Hell, we'd hire her in a Hazzard County second.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
When is it, that we will have a Confederate Memorial Day? When will the WOKE Cancel Culture and others see the Confederacy?
Great Good Morning to ya'll from us here at the Wolf's Lair. Of course, we just hurdled through Memorial Day. Now I'm all for folks remembering and honoring our nation's Military, But with that said as now, being a Confederate saddens me when I see all Military being honored, except, the Military, volunteer military no less, Confederate Military. There is no history items, no acknoledgement, that Arlington Cemetary, is the back yard of in fact, of General Robert E, Lee. Moreover the graveyards and headstones and all of our Confederate brethren, that are buried there, What's wrong with folks', in media to completely ignore the Confederate Military, on Memorial Day? Then if not completely, a front of loyalties, NewsMax had on, that former Governor, now Ambassador for the USA, Niki Hailey, she started the destruction, of a complete genocide, of an entire generation multiple generations, of southern people, by destroying our monuments. Wuz up with that? I have always barked and howled, that I will not be at peace until these two flags, Can fly freely together, then I'll be a complete Patriot. Until then I remain a Confederate Patriot, the war is not over, it's just been sleeping. Nuff said.
On HazzardAyre Radio. We are looking realistically, at August 1st or so just after Sturgis, to reignite. Equipment bugs have been plaguing, the sitch, so we are slowly hitting the main systems. While we do have our local on-air live, we just as o yet, had the bandwidth, to go online LIVE, but we do record episodes as they call em, on If you get lost there, just go to our web page Click on the hyperlink that says Our Webcast.
Brining this in for a final, I recruited 3 new prospective (Prospect) Members, they are not yet WolfPack quality, but they could be good for HCK, Membership. Decided though that after a very long weekend, I need to shut eye tyme. Thus, no show at 08:00, however as I say, Don't fret none we'll be back this evening after chores are done at 19:00 hours, Until then keep it in the air, I mean keep it in the Ayre,
I still love this reporter. She has more skill than just about any newscaster that I have seen beyond Jillian.
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