If you wondered why more folks are leaving Facebook, could it be when they reworked their own platform?

When you get a greeting card from Google, you know that folks are reading and visiting your site. I got one yesterday, for KNYT FM, and it was cool, they even gave me a door sticker. Okay then. Went to Facebook to swap out the name for our honey group, for Jillian Mele. Wanted to include Emerald Robinson, from NewsMax, who I'm really impressed with as one hot looking lady journalist. There ain't many. Know what? I'm still trying to finger out how to change the name. Pages yes that's simple, but not groups. Guess I'm two decades too late for all this high-tech, but how many geeks can set a set of points and replace a condenser on a older pre-HEI ignition? We all have our strengths. One thing, beyond being transparent, I try very hard to make commenting and navigation of our site as simple as can be. Even to the degree that even a 4-year-old toddler can do it. I commented once not too long ago, to a Amazon employee, trying to fix my Amazon, account, that even a toddler could understand what I needed to do. Guess what its still fuggled up. Now they are saying that Amazon, is no longer going to drug test employees. Oh great, just we all needed is stoned Amazon Customer helpers. Really? Maybe it might help? Only in California can you have a small aircraft land on the super slab. Sorry for getting off subject. Something of note in a few laps here. Getting back on course here. It is well known, that the more simple that you make a website and the easier it is to use, the more people will come back to use it. Something both Facebook and Google haven't messed it up. Course both of those will be in court soon, defending their actions with the new Florida law that says that if either platform, pulls you off your account, and Twitter is in that mix, that you can sue those tech giants. Groovy. There's no test case yet, but you can bet one or two are in the works. So if you wondered why so many other apps are gaining speed, now you know.

We don't always ratchetjaw on our parent organization, but heat is increasing to do so. The Iron Knytes was created in 2018, after a Mayhem vote to rework our parental unit. It was on a early morning with me sitting on the thinking stinking throne, reading a magazine. When I saw it, The Iron Knight, a modified Volvo rig, that is currently the fastest class 8 truck on the planet. So I did some more thinking as I was stinking and the name Iron Knytes Association was born. However, the IKA is a reworked version of our original United American Independent Truckers Association. Which was a rebirth of the Long Haul Owner/operator truckers organization, created by Mike Parkhurst. Who also created the original version, of the publication Overdrive.
notice the decal on the bumper.
We as a reformation wanted to reach beyond its own creation, and this as reported, the UAITA became simply, The IKA, nuff said. As I bring this in for a final, I still think that NewsMax is missing out on giving Emerald, more air time. She's too good to just be an area reporter. Hell, we'd hire her in a Hazzard County second.