Wanted to be in your ears overnight but dear sweet Lumen/CenturyLink, is slower than molasses. Can't run more than one computer at a time, this sitch has been ongoing since it started. How can one big ass'd company have its ass up its head so far as they seem to be scraping the backs of their teeth from inside out. What do I see here? A company that had troubles to begin with, that seems to not gives a mules rear end, especially commercial accounts. Now they know that there is a sitch that, they messed up the account. A connection that should have long ago been 1g that someone screwed the pooch, and limited us a 50/50. A 50/50, does not need all of this, to function, the system was built on the concept of 1G. How can they get this wrong? Two small Armies of techs, and all marched through here all last fall, into mid-January. They wondered why I did not pay the bill and why the WolfPack is a bit skittish even now to do so. Why? Simple Lumen/CenturyLink, did not do what they promised. So I'm looking into other providers and options. Plus filing a lawsuit, way above their normal arbitration procedure. So we may end up being off the air for a time. Basic business, a very serious breach of contract. Hey if I can't make money consistently, then they don't money from us. Should have just held off, paid SparkLight/Cable-One, and been done with it. Like

Dear Father in Heaven, looking down on Yankees, Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.