I'm sorry Twin Falls IHOP, but I don't like to freeze while I eat.

Did a drive about this morning, and even overspending, decided to cruise into our local IHOP. Nothing big there. After 20 minutes of getting seated, in a corner under an AC vent, finally got my order. Shoveled that 2+2+2 breakfast. Normally I'd sit still and observe the locals, and do a depth finder of people verbalizing the local jibber-jabber, I finally just got up. They must have had that AC on the lowest setting in the place. Shit, I was freezing, although it wasn't yet warming up very much it was warm enough to finally I did warmup. Of course, I'm hip to the grip that many companies even sit down food eateries are having troubles getting GOOD help. Face it, people would rather sit at home, get fat, collect from the Government, and just be lazy. Now there's those that will point the finger and say well that's what you do. Correction friends, I collect a Military pension, not a big handout. Number 2; pandemic or no pandemic, myself, the radio group, of the WolfPack, The engineering staff for HazzardAyre Media, and the Knytes, have not just parked our ass and not been doing our work.

We as a network are growing faster than musturd seed in a pyle of manure. We are looking at three new facilities to house all 5 flagship radio stations, as well as HazzardAyre TV coming in April of 2022. As such when I see a budding news delivery person, I feel the need to give them a bit of an encouragement boost. One of those, is Emerald Robinson, of NewsMax TV, her delivery and professional mannerisms on-air are top shelf all the way. As such, I launched a fan page and group for and of Emerald. No, I do not, let me repeat, do NOT have a stiffy on her, but I do admire her. My question is always why can't we attract such pro-media talent? Many have applied, but few have the needed skills. KNYT FM, KTOW, KSOA, AM 1240, and of course, KKOA AM are as solid a media firm, again growing fast. Some may bark, about the fiascos in hiring we had last year this time. If any of them, had truly had the skills in broadcasting, likewise did ANY real WORK, they'd have gotten paid. They didn't so we didn't pay. It's not just me having a craving of hotties in stockings. That is just not the case. I want someone to walk into the studio, get familiar with the system, and do radio. Even though 80% of that is online.
Been off my game lately. My diabetes gets way off-kilter and I get no energy. Can't hardly drive let alone fly. The Doctor and the FAA, suspended my GAC, until my therapist, says my A1C is stable enough. So I'm grounded for a few weeks. So been catching up on office and paperwork. Figuring out who we can pay, and those that need to put off for a spell. Not, that there is not money, but a severe downside of our sponsors being still on pandemic freeze that can't pay us so we're stuck.
Any myle, HazzardAyre Ayre Wyng Radio, on tonight overnight on: ayrewolffm.com