Wouldn't it be nice if Edge would play videos where it wasn't bassackwards?

So started watching Ice Pilots, again, online. That part is cool. What isn't cool, is anytime there are graphics or writing to read, its all bassackwards, why? Did someone get out a cheap video camera, record the episodes, and then re-air them? Dang it, do it right. Makes ya'll wonder, don't it? Even the steering wheels on the vans are all on the right side. I never knew that drivers in Canada, drove on the right side, always thought that Canadians drove on the left like we do in America. At least that is what I see on HWR 401? Oh well. Hey, I'm in seventh Heaven here with being able to rewatch what I like, but can't they adjust the intake options? Oh well. Makes one wonder about Win 11. Really? Do we need a Win 11? Hell we just got over the pains of switching from Win 7 which was a better OS than Win 10, Win 7 was more stable than Win 10 is, Win 7 had more toys. Oh well. What will we get in 11, that is not already on Win 10? My impressions, and my opinion, how about, bringing, back LiveWriter as standard fare, as well as Sound Recorder. Not Mic recorder. Sound Recorder allowed you to record anything and everything audio, going through your sound card. And last but not, least? I want Clippy back in Office 365. Then I'll be all the more ambitious than I am now.

So was in my lone study room, the Outhouse, and saw where Xperi, is working with the NAB, on a thing called PILOT, to get more OTA Radio into the dash of cars. But nowhere is any noise being are words saying anything about, getting better and all radio into new TRUCK, Heavy truck dashboards. Or enhancing the sound systems of those new sound systems. The environment of a heavy rigs interior is much different than that of a fancy Benz, yet who can deny, that of all commuters, that a man(or woman) in a rig, for 24 hours, rolling a 1,000 plus miles is a good target of OTA radio? When most if not all the trucking radio overnight shows, beit, Bozo, Dave Nimo, Me any of us. When most(except us) shut down from OTA radio and went XM/Sirius most considered in truck builders that the sound systems were no longer important. Ever think of what it would be like not to have us, George Noray, and Coast-to-Coast on, a standard radio? Something we never quit working on. Now we're talking in the industry about digital radio. AM Digital. Stereo AM. Nothing new there, we had Stereo, AM in the late '80s to mid-'90s. It was called C-Quam. The commitment I made both the nations Truckers and us tow op's, has never changed, it is my second calling. I got tired of the fact that there was all these shows and programs overnight for truckers, yet few were aimed at us in the west. The shows had called in, options, but by the time you found a phone, paid the $3.00 to make that call,(this was before cell phones) the truckers show was no longer LIVE, they were all home, and you heard the first 3 hours as a rerun. Not good. I remember and the images are very poignant. I was just rolling out from hauling fat bulls from Wisdom Montana back here for winter, in Twin Falls. After an all-night ballet of bad luck, Mel says, "Let's sleep". He took the bunk, I slept on the front seat, with a foot on the throttle pedal, keeping some form of heat flowing. So, Bill Mack's show was fading out and caught the final redux of LDS Conference that night. Right there, in Spencer, just outside of Dubois Idaho, I thought, why doesn't someone who is in the transportation business, driving, do radio for other heavy haulers? Like My Dad taught me, When you're pointing your finger at someone else, remember there are 3 fingers of your hand pointing back at you. Why not be that someone? The rest is history. Over the years Long Haul Radio as it was called then, evolving into Dixie-Diesel Radio, to HazzardAyre/Maximum Overdrive, that promise has never been completely off-air. In years back we found a way to deliver, both over the air to Truckers radio that is for you and I trying to make a living driving a truck, to you online. The market changed, the vision expanded. So we set up 18 sub-stations, near where the Knytes/WolfPack, had charters and aired over the air. Of course, the Confederate cause, and for us, Military aviators came along, but who is barking at the radio, industry about truck fidelity, in sound systems? Nobody. At this year's NAB, in Vegas, we will be. On the air at 18:00. See ya'll then.