Sunday, May 12, 2013

Simple acts go much further than money

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

Simple acts of affection or just brotherly or church love goes a long way.

Sometimes though the need is not seen so it goes by and nothing happens but tasks performed can mean nearly as much.

Example, today was Mothers Day, all day I have been in grief over the fact Mom is not here. Aside from the small things mom did like laundry, fixing meals and such, the simple act of a hug at just the right time, goes a long way to comforting someone in the same boat.

I was sitting, in church this evening, hearing about all the gifts we have that we can offer the congregation. Its not just the church, since the church is a building with chairs. The congregation, is the earthly body, and needs feeding and nurturing rather than neutering, just as much as anything. For the few that truly have surrendered their lives to Christ and all, it’s the learning of how to enhance our knowledge that’s important. However faith without works is meaningless.

This gift I have of gab, that I use everyday on air on radio, the organizational skills I have learned as well as been given, by God, for the Knytes and AyreWolvez, but more importantly the gift of opening up my heart more than once and constantly and at times it gets stepped on. It hurts, more from pride, than anything, God mends hearts. But at least I held out and gave a hand up to someone that needed it.

Some take helping out as a sign of something sinister. Example, when I went to Glenn’s Ferry , in 2008, little gal next door, needed money for school supplies. I offer the simple task of posing with an aircraft, in a pic we were going to tag, as, “ Been flying long” kinda like that one of the two little boys dressed as young farmers who says, “ Been farming long?” Of course some dillweed of a city council member there thought I had devious plans. So the one task the AyreWolvez was trying to do went down in flames. But at least I can say I was being kind. Some people can be lead to knowledge, but at times you can’t make them think.

But then there’s this dear gal from church and although a task to be compensated for, still took my was, some that hadn’t seen the inside of a washer since August, and I have fresh threads. Yes I’d have been tickled for a hug, but hey the spirit hadn’t moved her, but still she’s as kind as could be. Why is it more can’t be that way.

Then there’s two that live with her. One seems to be going through some heavy duty, stuff. While I don’t like to pry, I am there for a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.

Any way, decided to let the on air bit go to DXB tonight, I’m pooped. The spirit of God will place the on air people we need to us when he sees fit. Since he hasn’t I take it as , in his power in ain’t time for that for our own good, its in Gods tender loving hands, so I do the best with what we have right now.

See ya’ll Monday afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher
Proverbs 31:30“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

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Mothers Day 2013

aryders blues

Thank goodness there’s an evening service.

At 04:00 hours call came into Dixie central, overturned rig, I-84 between Tremonton Utah and Snowville Utah. Since we have toew rights in Utah and few others here do we responded with two trucks, skip loader and another open boxed trailer and tractor.

With most things cleaned up by 09:00 I decided to honor My mom, by going home via Grace Idaho and at least kneeling beside my Mom’s grave, as that’s all I can do now.

My mom was truly a master of all things, and a comforter to the degree I have not seen in any other woman anywhere.

I suppose I’m not unlike any other guy on earth, there is no other woman like Mom. But my Mom was truly special, and whose accomplishments are to be honored by many.

Many , all too many to put down on a blog, and a Mom who made possible dreams not just for me but all too many others. Many who fail and all too many forget. Guess its better for them that way.

The Christmas’ , work ethic, and oh yes that special spaghetti sauce, the hotcakes, cookies, and cinnamon buns mom made I can remember.

Of course there’s the ability to make water run uphill, the irrigating mom did on a 300 acre ranch only with a shovel, plastic dam, and siphon tubes. We didn’t have anything like a pivot or sprinkler pipe on our place.

Mom would milk 100 head of dairy cows, feed chickens, collect eggs, nurse little pigs from a bottle, and still made my life possible.

Mom taught Sunday school, contributed heavily to many causes financially, and still and maybe this is the most tragic, none of those people remember those financial and time consuming efforts. At least not to me .

Of course there’s the $15k she put into the coffers of the start up of the REAL , Hazzard-County-Garage, that is now Hazzard-County-Choppers/Dixie-Toewing. The real gift to me was the $1,500.00 out of her own savings, that bought LexiBelle,>>Lexi in green and yes even my General Lee. AREBEL GENERAL.

I got home at noon, and with all the driving and thinking, I think, I’m taking a nap so I can go to church tonight.

For all of you, who have moms at home, or are still in contact with your moms, honor and love them, they all are not here forever.

When they’re gone, they’re gone, and unless we do what we are supposed to under the eyes of God, we’ll never see them again.

I’m reminded of a song by CW McCall, “Roses for Mama” If ya’ll get a chance look it up on YouTube.

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sigDXETOEW BANNER AD1

Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
Proverbs 31:10, 27-28“[Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character] A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:”

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Don’t ya’ll love it when you can stump Google?

knytecyde hedder

Now understand I wasn’t trying to stump the giant search engine, but I must have.

See I was looking for this hymn or song we sing at church.

It has in the lyrics ,” He does everything for my Good”, “You Make everything for my good” thinking maybe I could find the full song.

Guess what? No can do, none of the search engines. Now true I don’t know its title and I will by end of today, as I’m going to sniff it out today at church, but I wonder at times, have we started to see the end of the mighty web? At least from a search point of view, and especially on things relating to gospel hymns and church songs?

I’ll have more on this, this afternoon on air.

Thanks to my lady friend from church, she did my laundry, even my poopy underwear, one does not know what a joy it is, to be in clean shorts.

Fell in love over at her house Saturday night, there’s this little poodle dog, that was shining up to me purtty good. Just wondering how if I end up with him, that he’ll get along with my wolf pup. This ought to be interesting.

Then I came home switched on NRB on TV, and my what a bunch of posers.

I am one who believes in the ideals of Jesus, and the enrichment of Gods love for me every second, but some folks I think especially preachers are a bit out there. In the words of Charley Daniels, “ Was watching the preacher man on TV, says Jesus walked on the water, and I know its true, but sometimes I think that preacher man would like to do a little walkin too”

True God does work in odd ways, but some of these young preachers are a bit too odd. Especially at the end of most of these shows , somebody says, “How about partnering with us to keep this ministry going?” If somebody is going to partner with anybody, how about partnering with the Knytes to keep HazzardAyre going?

No I’m not asking for money the Knytes and HazzardAyre is doing fine, its just the idea. Then you go to their websites, to see their conferences and concert dates, NONE OF THEM ARE IN IDAHO.

To Acquire The Fire, I have an idea, bring your singers, and all to Idaho, then I’ll partner with you.

Why I fight for a place I dislike, that in my next entry.

Church is at 10:00AM and I need to be there at 09:45, so see ya’ll this afternoon.

Keep It Tween the Ditches,

my dixie sighcc billboard

Quote of the Day:
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
--John Kenneth Galbraith
Proverbs 31:10, 27-28“[Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character] A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:”

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

This is exactly why there needs to be two


The sentiments are all the same or are based upon pure economics.

There’s a big dukes gig in June, on the 8th I believe.

The responses from most Dukes fans is, like to go, but can’t afford to.

This is why the Knytes are still busting hump to stage DukesFest West/Hazzard Nationals here in Idaho.

Less admission fees, more to offer, and a Charity to give the money to.

The thing is, although only slightly better, even our Canadian brothers and sisters, just do not have the money to get

all the kids together, load em in the SUV or Minivan, travel 3 or 4 days, having to do motels, eats and all.

Many people are just holding on. Added to that a lower farm income this year due to delays in getting in the fields, due to weather,

the fact is the pockets are a bit shallow.

So what to do?

Travel west, where lodging, food, and all is less and for those west of the Mississippi , easier to get to.

Its not to cause any bitterness towards Ben or Alma or any of that, infact part of what we make we will send to them, but the fact is,

For those of us in the Mountain West , going to Nashville is a big expense, coming to Twin Falls Idaho isn’t.

So if you can’t trek east to Nashville in June, this year, plan on coming west here to Twin Falls next year, for:

DukesFest West/Hazzard Nationals.

Watch here for further details and the even web addy.

Oh and the charity? Whom else? The River Fellowship.

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sighcc billboard

Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Ephesians 4:32“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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HAZZARDAYRE TAG2 BIGarebel coffee break

So while the nightly sermon from DXB was going on, I decided a well deserved break was required.

So I hobbled off to the kitchen, made a sandwich, flipped on the TV and found RFDTV off air. Really, the churches main analog station off air? Can’t be. So flipped over to the alternate, same thing.

Now I knew this was going to happen sort of when doing the nightly newscast, the entire newscast was extremely short, because all the news feeds from the networks were fouled up. It’s still is. The question comes, if they can’t do this right why not sell the flipping thing to someone who can?

Who would buy it? HazzardAyre and Confederate Steele Media that’s who. Considering Confederate Steele has bought just a tad over $75,million dollars worth of broadcast facilities and stations over a five year period is not an outfit to shake a fist at. And Confederate Steele isn’t done yet. Two stations in eastern Idaho, one out of Wyoming, two out of Utah and one out of western Colorado is in the cross hairs of Confederate Steele.

Now then one could counter that KCTF-45 has a great engineering staff, of two yes, but the head one, who claims KMVT as a threshold starter and success, is not such a great reference. As we all know how messed up KMVT is.

It’s not the fault of the stations themselves. Not too many full time expert engineers are in a big rush to move to Idaho to further their careers. Added to that even if they might have been looking at Idaho once and especially the Tragic Valley here, the news out of Washington DC by a major financial publication saying Idaho has the lowest wages of any state in the Yankee Union, or any state for that matter. Only Pocatello increased wages and not by much. Which is going to injure Idaho in attracting any real professionals in any fields. Medical people are leaving like flys off dried manure, but that’s a story for a different time, except that only one mediocre company in media, owned by a MC combined with a warbird organization, is paying wages 4 times higher than most firms and even we have trouble attracting good people.

Getting back on course here, if a business can’t do a job right or just fiddles with it and can’t generate the cash in the stash to maintain it, then by all means they should sell it.

River Fellowship, HazzardAyre is ready to buy.

L8R Ya’ll gotta get back on air.

my dixie sighcc billboard

Quote of the Day:
Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the bitter joy of responsibility.
--Charles de Gaulle
Ephesians 4:32“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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Friday, May 10, 2013

Beware of false downloads.


The bastards near got me, but this old rockabilly figured it out quick. Thank goodness I have a few byrd dogs installed on my computer to sniff these things out.

Here’s the deal, saw a ad on my Gmail crawl about a FREE POLICE SCANNER, really? So I started to download the critter. However all the byrd dawgs started barking and I quickly uninstalled the gremlin. Ain’t no free fuzz radio, it’s a front for a bunch of malware. And Google did not prescreen this? Shame on you Google.

But I fingered it out before damage could occur. But reason I thought I could trust the software was it had the C-Net logo on it.

After knowing how easy it is to copy logo’s now days, just look at those counterfeit T-shirts of HCC were out there. HCC and the Knytes are still fighting that from a legal point, that’ll be a  big payoff when done. The outfit is going to pay dearly for theft of intellectual property, name of the outfit Café-Press. But that’s a story for another time.

But a quick copy of familiar logos, some quick shuck and jive, and them bandit hackers are looking under your dress, up your butt and in your drawers.

Question is; does Google, or for that matter Facebook, look see on these offers, before they contract for ads? Are these big tech giants that hungry for money? Must be.

Okay then enuff of that, just remember if ya’ll didn’t buy something in a box from a trusted LOCAL vendor of software, don’t install it, or even download it.

On the subject of fancy fingernails and ooh those claws.

I think all too many women have these to be weapons rather than just fashion sense. I mean I saw this gal come out of a nail boutique earlier today, those nails I swear were at least 5 inches if not more long, so bad they curled under her fingers. Ya’ll gotta know these would be uncomfortable, and make ones hands not to functional, and yet if she got in a cat fight, whomever was on the other end would be scarred for life.

Are there regulations against this? If not they ought to be. Something like registering my shotgun, or having to get a license to pack my 45. These things are weapons.

Now sprinkles, nicely done nails I think are hot. Especially the ones with mini pictures. There are some nail techs that can really paint these small pics with a toothpick sized brush. First time I saw these mini pics on nails, I was producing ads for my outfit, and thought, wouldn’t be cool if when I did the toew smooch, that under the thin hose would be a mini pic of a toew truck?

But these nails that are a mile long are nothing but self contained weapons disguised as fashion.

My opinion I could be wrong.

Gotta get back on air, but give me your undivided attention, if you get a notice for software from any outfit with the Cnet logo on it, don’t download it and do not, REPEAT, DON’T INSTALL IT!!!,

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sighcc billboard

Quote of the Day:
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ephesians 4:32“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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When a lady in the studio would help?

HAZZARD AYRE WINGShazzardayre phootenotes

I got both a call and a email from some of ya’ll on the increasing the wearing of nylon hose.

The comments went from, they are uncomfortable to they’re scratchy to it’s a rebellion of sorts to their mothers fashions.

The thing I’m getting at here is this. While I love comments and replies to our topics on air as well as in here in HazzardAyre, having a gal in studio, on air to give the lady point of view would be a Godsend.

How am I to know that such a thing as hose on legs looks better to just us guys, and they’re uncomfortable to women? Hey I’m an Alpha(Ayre)Wolf, not a beta SheWolf.

There are so many other examples from just simple relationship questions and thoughts that many of you have to even philosophical questions and topics.

Example of one: If one pitches the idea of modeling with a bike or truck to a gal, the instant thought is a G-string bikini, porn heels, fast assor worse. I’d like to change that. How about the same idea done classy>>classy petebut try to get that concept to someone of the feminitile gender and you’d do as good as putting socks on a rooster. The old stereotypes creep in and your no better off.

The question is too, and ya’ll know I’m right on here, if the photo op, was by a major magazine or TV show, the entire female population, Christian and none Christian , would be lined up around the block.

So why not give an independent a chance to shoot a good photo essay, and make a statement that babes and rydes don’t have to be trashywash methey can be classy,sw6c2179. So how does one convey this to other women? Can a guy pitch this, or is it better sold by another gal?

Questions like this can only be answered by another gal. Not by me.

So when I pitch the idea of being on air here to a gal I’m getting to know from Church, the resistance is why not? After all you asked me to teach you, now your backing up, is it something I said, or just that my wash ain’t been done for three months? Or both?

There’s another from church, we’ll call hot fingernails. She Could be a great cover girl, she has the looks and the ability, yet chooses to just be a housewife. Nothing wrong with being a housewife, but if your looking to do better why not think outside the box, outside the normal?

Again these kinds of discussions would greatly be enhanced by having a gal on air here at HazzardAyre, any takers?

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sighcc billboard

Quote of the Day:
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt

Next entry; women with claws.