Tuesday, June 7, 2011

KnyteRyder Journal


If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Sounds like something rather obvious , don’t it? Yet way too many have found themselves in that spot. Beit from houses that such outfits as Fanny Mae , loaned money for, to people that should not have tried to buy a home. Our Government has been upping the anti for quite some time, barrowing money when it has rather shallow pockets. It’s called raising the debt ceiling, in reality its called spending more than it makes. While such social programs like psychosocial services are being curtailed by cuts to Medicaid, oops there goes my PSR Todd. On my own again , which as many who know, I’m not all that impressed with. With that, if your not happy or satisfied with a program and or service provided by Medicaid, can you get the money back?

By the highway, this PSR thing should not even be part of my vocabulary. As those that decided for me to get me involved in it, would have been better off, just finishing the project I started with them. Looking back on it now, if I had acted on my belief that things were going to go sour, and acting on their wishes to try to move my gig to Twinky Flatts just to satisfy them, chute, they should all pool resources and give me the value of my loss. I know that Ellie May, Emme, and so on wont do that, but if they had proper ethics, they’d put together say a grand($1,000.00) and call it good. They wont of course, but it would be proper. After all I could, have moved everything to Bliss and been content and had all my gear. No I do not fault Ellie May our Miss Nurse GoodBody but she was led astray by two others that were trying and succeeded in torpedoing AyreWolf FM. In fact one of them by the name of Seared , is the one that crapped in the oatmeal. Lets face it Seared did not have the eye candy nor industry knowledge for the job, and should have been sent packing in the first place. Three others in the mix, led by one named Nichole had the right idea , could have raised the capitol we needed to resume operations. But hey the ones that helped snuff things out should put money back in the till. Oh well so life goes on, but its a lesson of not buying what you can’t afford , praying that the seed sown would render a harvest. One cain’t render a harvest from a seed , if the soil is not able or fertile enough to let the seed take root. Likewise even if the seed does take root, one needs to fertilize the field well to let the seed sprout and grow. But that said, if someone roots out the seed before it has a chance, that person should help pay back that, which they helped kill.

While farmers truly bank, on a planted crop, others cain’t base decisions on mere speculation. It’s only after the crop has came in and money in hand, is when one can spend, not before.

But our Yankee controlled U.S.-of-A Government has been doing just that betting our economy on speculation, not obvious facts. Are there ways to cut Government waste without cutting programs? Yes. Such simple things although small would do it. Case-n-Point, Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo, has two offices in Twin Falls. Both are seldom open, and even if you do inquire about a matter, your handed off to some aid in who knows where to be helped. The only time a politician gets involved is if your some big aristocrat that contributed heavily to the last campaign, or you get to talk up front with that politician. But the costs of those two offices is right at $3,000.00 a month. Why have em if nobody is there to staff them? Same thing goes for the IRS(Infernal Revenuers Service) they have two offices in Twin, why have them? Nobody is there. To get anything substantial done, you gotta haul all the way to Pocatello, Boise, or Salt Lake City. But why keep these offices if nobody is there?My mom & Dad practiced frugality, religiously. If they needed something they paid cash. Sure things like pivot irrigation had yet not arrived in the area, but wheel lines had. Not that Mom would have used them as she had the uncanny knack of making water run up hill. But no matter what it was Mom nor Dad or both would not use credit to run the farm, etc. If they didn’t have the cash to get what they needed, they waited until they did.

Any way sleep is needed.


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