Once upon a time climbing on the cyber highway was groovy. One could chat, write and so on, with more people than you ever met in rural Idaho.
I can remember as a kountry bumpkin , the first time I went online. This was during the time when ISDN was the tcp protocol, and Yahoo was a toddler. There was no Google, or FaceBook , MSN or Microsoft had the majority of web-sters and I thought I was going to snag a funny, from some gal in California that I chatted with on Yahoo. Come to find out she was a 30 dollar Sherry, just teasing me. But what the hell did I know.
It was about this time I knew if HCC, and the Knytes were to ever be the grand club we are to continue the need for at least an address if not a major stopping point on that Cyber highway was a must. But what the hell do I know? Computers to me are a tool, and in most cases unless something burns gas , av fuel, or diesel and has pistons attached on rubber at least, I have no idea how to fix it, if it jumps the curb.
Let alone how to build a website. At first it was just that a website, then came the idea of a streaming webcast, Internet Radio station. Few and its not that big now , but back then NOBODY in our area knew how to build such a thing, much less tell me how to build it, or what I would need to really do it. Yes I needed and still need someone to hold my hand to build it. The best gall darn Internet Radio station that darn near mirrored what I wanted to was Wolf-FM. (www.wolffm.com) I thought this is a way to get it out there pending FCC okay on our CP and OTA License. But problem is NOBODY knows how to build it. At least here. The tragic thing is and I have thought on it allot is to take a trip to the place where the thing will pour from. The next site that is kin to the clubs website is Warbird Radio. Both do what we want to do, but alas nobody knows how to build it. If they do, its upwards of several thousands of dollars. Which trying to do that and build an OTA station is just not financially able for us to do. But stepping aside of that.
When the Web was new, I enjoyed getting online. Back then the only method was dial-up. Followed by something near to what is called high speed, DSL. Of course came cable internet and all but one service based out of Kamas Utah is even close to both the bandwidth and speed that I need to effectively make HazzardAyre and AyreWolf FM work, to the Xtreme Xcellence that both deserve. So what do you do?
There is the belief that speed is the ultimate in Internet, in reality, its not just speed , but bandwidth. Its like pouring water into a pipe. If the pipe is just so big in diameter then just so much water can flow through it. Speedy Internet is , like putting a funnel into a smaller pipe. At first more can flow but still the pipe is just so big. Unless you make the pipe bigger, your only going to get just so much through that pipe. Now if your in a condition situation like I am now and you share that Internet Connection with other people especially going wifi, its like taking a water hose and poking holes in it. Sure you’ll get a trickle to the other end, but unless you plug the rest of those holes, again only a trickle flows. And a trickle is all I get.
Now I have used wifi b4. The first was the kindness of a gal named Miranda, who let me pirate the Internet from her house. The distance was only about 500 feet, but only her and her family used that connection except me. So nights were out until early morning and days up to afternoon were a gamble but still usable. The other was a tap I siphoned from in Bliss from the truck stop there, but streaming from YouTube was a crap shoot at best.
Of course there is the option of your own pipeline.
My experience with internet providers is not the best. For some damn ass’d reason, no matter how I try to explain to them what I need , the ignore button is all I get. Although , I’m going to try once again to work with Cable One, but that will happen, once I determine if its Burley or American Falls as to where that first seed of HazzardAyre Radio is planted. I’d rather hold off another year, than start something up that’s half ass’d. Of course there is the social networks, Google, FaceBook, Tumblr. On Tumblr, never heard of them b4 earlier Thursday night. But caught it on a segment of Charlie Sheen’ new show Anger Management. So I looked it up. tried Tumblr, guess what? Not going back.
FaceBook always makes me do those captchas to post anything. Sure I know the idea is to keep the spammers, and hackers out but trust me there’s more drive by malware flowing over FaceBook, than anything I’ll ever post, and the malware folks pay FaceBook for ad space to put it there.
Then there is the case of digital , versus old skool. Old skool, was music on a album via vinyl or cassette. Of the two, the cassette is still my choice. Why? Simple, once you get done grooving on a cassette album, you can put sticky tape over the two holes on top and put something new on to cruise on. With a CD, once its been burned, that’s it. And home burning is sort of still in its toddler stage.
As I close I must restate this. My favorite choice for music and all is still the radio. OTA radio. Why? Its free, its portable and its simple.
I like the Internet, but I’m getting cybered out.
L8R Ya’ll

Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”
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