Friday, July 20, 2012


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Great horney toads, and dog my cat, what ya’ll look so hard for may be under your feet, ya’ll just gotta look. More over network.

Not always the most credible still there are people out there , even some Yankees that you can glean product, service or resources, from that you might not have thought was around yet can be found.

Just like yesterday, had my two new hangarounds start prowling for tush and bush for poster girl candidates. Hey Knytes never give up. So they bring this one over who has at surface the right attitude, but does she have the moxy? Who knows , but we are looking further. Any mile, so she has friends. Which rolls into the realm of the condition of the mission, that no matter how much a gal tells you she don’t have friends, she does.

So says Lindsey that indeed she has friends several that are models. Okay, so we gather by the river see what leaves fall from the trees.

Going back to pink yellow and black.

The old memories of that paint scheme I saw once on this movie called Moving Violations had such a paint scheme. It was hot , looked groovy and did the trick. More over something that can be seen at night when working roadside runs. So worked this up,

pink lady It ain’t the most different, but she’ll get attention.

Saw a condition of a mission, yesterday online from TR FootNotes. On their FaceFart page was a banner that deserves all of us in toewing’ attention. The next guy or toew gal COULD BE YOU or one of your crew.

561163_10151041297709655_1966807320_nOften we are called upon to work toew scenes that are on the edge of traffic. Yet many motorists do not slow down, or move over to allow us to do our jobs more safely. And with the ability that we can go home at night. 

Currently Idaho does not have this law as something that’s enforced or mandated. Yet should be, Just about every state around us does. Utah, Wyoming and Nevada have move over emergency zones or recognition of said law that is citable. In Idaho no. As a pro toew organization we intend to get such a law rolling in Idaho’s legislature next session.

If you approach a toew scene, give us the room to work in safety.

The number of those of our Toew Bro’s and Sisters, who have lost their lives in the line of duty is staggering. Its really shocking that the motoring public, have no idea of what can happen.

I had a very good friend loose his life a few years ago in Utah. Just b4 they passed their move over law of which both the Utah State Towing Association as well as the Knytes helped to get enacted.

Have no data for Idaho, but this could happen in Idaho here , if it hasn’t happened yet.

This is something we all should get behind.

Remember this poster>>>> 561163_10151041297709655_1966807320_n Like I said the one dying could be you.

Stay Tuned.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Every successful enterprise requires three men - a dreamer, a businessman, and a son of a bitch.
--Peter McArthur
1 John 1:7“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

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