Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Under Capitalized and completely unknowing


So went to look at this used Ford Contour downtown, looked good, and dig this the dude sells two way radios, so far so good.

Then looked up on Yahoo, to see if there was a price break there. According to Yahoo, no 97 Contour exists, here. Guess what Yahoo, there’s one here down 13 blocks from me with 150k on the clock, shows how much you can’t find online. I’m beginning to think we are at the near end of the road as far as the cyber highway. Of course the dungheads in Simi Valley California and near Gay bay San Francisco is where both our grand Google as well as FaceFart is hq’d, but even so they do not have interns let alone , people watching newspapers etc for car listings.

Okay then it’s just like news coverage, in Mini Cassia. Whether it be print, or TV if it isn’t a major get down funky story your not going to see it on KTVB or KMVT, and the Voice and or Weekly Journal here has no real clue as to what is going on. The only real information source with dependability is, HazzardAyre. No less, no more. Its like I overheard some news feller the other day while I was chowing down two booths over, wouldn’t have perked up my ears but there was talk of good ole HazzardAyre, here. Okay the conversation went something to the effect that we here at HazzardAyre were a radical force to be reckoned with, that we didn’t care about who we stepped on and so on, the conclusion here, these two guys were absolutely right.

HazzardAyre has been kicking the ass, out of and directly to every damn other media source in Idaho and Utah for nearly 30 years now. We look on and report news, and happenings nobody else is going to, usually because it has the story or article has none LDS undertones to it. We DON”T FRACKING care about the DAMN MORMON CHURCH, that whole damn thing is nothing more than that Scientology thing tuned bassackwards. Both are a bitch to get into and an even worse headache to get out of, and both coddle the rich and famous. The LDS Church does the Osmonds, Scientology does Tom Cruise. We accept ads from the smoke shops, tattoo shops, even the brothels in Wells and Elko Nevada. We welcome those ads, because 80% of our readers and listeners to our radio network frequent those type of places so why not? Their money is just as good and green as anybody else’ so again why not? Oh by the way, to those keeping score, I have tried every way I can, and that damn Church still will not excommunicate me. What do I need to do, go to church and spank my monkey in the main chapel? That’s a story for another time.

Any mile HazzardAyre went into operation fully capitalized, fully aware and ready to do battle in 2005. In a remote studio in Bountiful Utah. At the time we ran three LIVE shows, with two tv audio to radio pre recorded programs, AG/DAY and American Thunder. In mid 2006 I moved to Wyoming(Wished I’dve stayed there) opened a studio in the same place where a podiatrist practiced.(Seems no where can I go that I’m not involved with feet somehow) so we opened the studio, and was really busting balls, but there is only so much on air talent in a population of 13,000 people, so I did a search found BSU’s broadcast program, but in reality was only a none deleted website of BSU’ that had not been unplugged. So my exec officer and I set off to come to Boise for a look see. She had other intentions but here we came. Perhaps things might have been better if we’d have went straight to Boise, not stopped here in the Tragic Valley due to my need to attempt to relive the good old days in Hazzard . So we got here but we all never gave up on HazzardAyre.

Yes twice nearly lost the farm , and LexiBelle over it, and thanks to Nurse GoodBody we never lost LexiBelle, but the rest well I blame that on a stuffed swine sized female that decided to throw a wrench in the works. Should’ve thrown her out the same day she interviewed.

Still HazzardAyre has survived storm after storm. And now looks like HazzardAyre will become more than the EasyRiders style publication of everything confederate and Dukes-of-Hazzard, but a bigger radio gig than ever. Why? Because I got a email today from Sirius/XM inquiring would I like to establish a HazzardAyre XM Satellite radio channel? Does a bear shit?

If we kicked the Mountain American medias ass b4 imagine what we’ll do now.

Simply put the Giant is awake.

Hitting the rack fire fighting is tiring , so need my 12 hours. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get it without twelve phone calls for things other than towing, and two knocks at the door for something else except to get toewed.

L8R Ya’ll

my sig[2] SHOW HEADER

Quote of the Day:
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
--Lyman Beecher
Romans 1:16“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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