Here it is a freaky Friday in our Hazzard County. Charley is off doing a clean up, left town without giving somebody the key to the yard or gas can, so I sit dry on gas, and only by luck picked a ride with one of the club members to go snag the prescrips.
Jenn is off doing what she’s doing what ever that is, another is dealing with a domestic crisis and so I do as I always do prep AyreWolf FM/ HazzardAyre radio myself.
Yesterday was a real bitch, the Interstate from mile stick 190, to 208 I-84 eastbound was plugged tighter than the toilet after LuLu Hogg’s dinner party. I mean rigs and rides scattered ever which way.
Pulled most of our ads from CraigsList, seems as though hunting for onair talent does not meet with the TOS standards, so I said piss on em. Although could not find a clear path to remove my CraigsList account all together. Not saying I didn’t gather some good new hires, but does CraigsList need to be so damn picky? Especially when I can furnish a tax number that verifies us?
What do they think, this is recruitment to start a brothel in Idaho? Not that, I haven’t thought of it.
Jenn, one of my new hire interns who still needs to come over to do paper work, said yesterday in the car, what we need in the new Reaper Club is poles for strippers. I told her I have enough trouble finding models to dress properly and on air let alone strippers for an aviators/bikers bar/café.
Am waiting for one who was supposed to surface yesterday at 18:00 (6:00PM) but didn’t. We see.
As it sits, those who sit on the can only shyt , as like my mom used to say, the best way to get on your feet is to get off your butt.
I again fully understand, that there are the crazy guys out there doing serious atrocities to women under the disguise of a model job. I fully understand CraigsList is most likely does not have the best reputation, considering some not too distant things of prostitutes, and so on. I understand that, but I caught this line of an outfit in Idaho Falls about a place called BareNessessities okay great, does that mean if we set this up in Idaho Falls we’d have better luck? I mean the LDS thing exists up there as bad as here. I remember in Rigby, it was like pulling hens teeth, so that’s no excuse.
The quarters there in Rigby were not as good as they are here. The only difference was I resided in a shop there that served as a great front. Problem is the place was ridden with mice. Plus the landlord moved someone in that did the same thing we did and why try to compete with someone in the same complex? Then of course there was finding out the homestead just outside of Hazzard was again available, so moved over here. Got tired of trying to gain traction here then moved to Utah, and the rest most of ya’ll know.
The bottom line, the crew is coming together now, I have three that I most of the time can count on. Jenn, Helen and her sister. Any body else had better get in gear if they want to even be part of HazzardAyre.
Plus from those who put it off, I don’t want to hear four or five months from now, I wish I had came over and applied, and be pissed at me, because now thinking that their safety or virtue, which would be difficult to find still intact any way, was in danger, or threatened. My three gals now will tell anyone that asks, the only squirrely thing to an interview is looking at toes in hose, details are obvious for those who read the blogs here.
Oh sure I hug Helen as she’s my honey, and I’m proud of that, but she’s friend first employee second , honey when needed.
Wasn’t intended , just how it happened and , all her things on this domestic gig? No other boss or employer would engage that, but I do because I care.
Danger no.
Any way, taking it easy, could use a massage girls, body aches from yesterday, out on the big road.
For your entertainment>>>>>>
and ya’ll thought you had a busy day yesterday.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
You can tell the character of every man when you see how he receives praise.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Matthew 11:28““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |