So there was scanning my Facebook page and this thing about women wearing pants instead of skirts on Sunday comes up.
So I looked the page over and just asked the question , will these gals wear nylons under the pants as they do skirts? So then of course I’m entered in as a participant.
The clubs email account on yahoo got filled to nearly 300 on this topic , trouble is I wasn’t all that interested.
I tried like hell to get out of this event page, but couldn’t. Facebook, ought to have a button or link with the label get me the hell off of this event and tell these people to leave alone.
Then the bunk heads at Facebook, tell me that I can’t send friend requests, for 15 days. Who cares. But wasn’t that Zuckerburg’s idea with Facebook to INVITE friends? I got all the friends on Facebook I can stand, don’t want no more, so no problem. But hey Facebook, how about removing all the posts by advertisers that are for misleading dating services, that have no business pitching anything on anything including Facebook. But hey THOSE people PAID you to put that crap on MY Facebook page.
I say you clean up Facebook, and so will I.
L8R Ya’ll and God Bless Dixie